Puppy (2) - Lando Norris

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The first week with a puppy was hard. It was hard to get up at night when you heard him begging to go to the garden but it was a team effort. Every night you and Lando switched up but more often he got up for you. You were a lucky girl and you knew it.

At six am one morning you heard how Lando and Vince came back upstairs. You yawned and stretched your hands over your head. "Oh look. Mama is awake" Lando whispered and placed Vince between the two of you. Instantly, he crawled to your side and you stroke his fur, smiling as he laid down. "He is doing so good" you said tiredly and Lando nodded. "Yeah. Just that one accident on the floor and that was it" he said and you smiled. "I thought we would be worse" you chuckled and Lando crawled closer. "Nah. I knew this would be good. We keep our plants alive too" he joked and you shook your head. "Yeah because that is the same" you laughed and laid your head against his shoulder.

"Can we bring him to some races?" Lando asked later that day as you played with Vince in the garden. "I think we can. Lewis is doing it too" you answered and kneeled down on the wet grass. "A little racing dog huh" you said with a high voice and threw the little ball. Vince barked and ran after it, shaking it in his mouth. "When he is potty trained perfectly though. He shouldn't pee in a plane" Lando said and you agreed. "Would be a bit awkward" you said and lifted the puppy up. "Oh! He has green paws!" Lando said and wiggled them around a bit. "Orange would suit you more" he continued and you laughed. "I think at some point he will be dressed in something orange" you told him and Lando grinned. "I have a plan" he said and wiggled his eyebrows.


A few days later and you were in your car, on your way to the McLaren Centre. You had your puppy in the back and he barked from time to time, enjoying the little car ride. As you parked your car, you took him out on the little leash and walked inside, walking along the famous boulevard. You greeted some people you saw on your way as you took the lift to the upper floor, walking towards an office at the end. You carefully looked inside and saw Lando sitting in a meeting. You turned around and waited on a couch in the hallway, putting Vince on your lap as you waited.

It took them another thirty minutes to be done but as the doors open, you saw Lando talking to Carlos and smiling as he saw you sitting there. "Aww. Who do we have here" Carlos asked and kneeled down, stroking Vince's belly. "Finally I get to see him" he continued and you smiled. "You should thank Lando for driving a screw into his tyre. Now I need to pick him up" you said and Lando rolled his eyes. "Yeah. Make fun of me" he mumbled and Carlos put his hand on his back. "This is not the first time" he joked and you had to laugh, getting a glare from Lando. "Sorry. Sorry!" you told him, still laughing.

The walk outside towards your car took you long. Everyone was fascinated and happy to have a little puppy around. "You should bring him with you when you are here" someone said and Lando grinned. "Actually I would" he answered and you nodded. "Why not. Could be a good training" you suggested and continued to walk towards your car. Even Zak Brown couldn't resist to pet your little puppy.

As you sat in your car, Lando put the little man in his lap and looked over to you, pressing a kiss to your mouth. "Thank you for picking me up" he said and you smiled. "Did I have a chance? You have the same eyes as him" you told him and pointed towards the little dog. "Well. Good to know that it actually works" he smiled and you rolled your eyes with a laugh as you drove off.


After another race weekend Lando was back home and had his eyes on the pup as you were working. You came home in the evening and smiled as you saw Lando cooking and Vince munching away on his food. "Hello hello" he said as you walked up behind him, putting your head against his arm. "Hi" you said and yawned, rubbing your eyes. "Long day?" he asked and you nodded. "Yeah I am ready for bed actually" you said and he chuckled. "First food. Then couch. Then sleep, okay?" he suggested and you grinned. "Yeah. I like that plan" you told him and waited for him to be finished.

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