Peanut (3) - Lando Norris

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You looked to your left when you heard the little bark and quickly got up when Peanut started spinning around in little circles. "Aww. You need to go outside?" you asked her and she barked again before you opened the door and watched how she was running around. You chuckled when he had her little zombie moment and stepped into your shoes to join her for a moment. Peanut sniffed along the grass and rubbed her back onto the grass once she was done. "Don't make yourself green!" you called out and quickly got her from the ground and got her back on her feet. "You are someone" you mumbled and tickled her back before she was off again and barked against the fence.

"What is it, missy?" you asked and he wiggled her butt while looking at you. When you heard a bark from the other side, you chuckled. "Aww. Is it your friend? Do you want to say hi?" you asked and she barked again. You grabbed her small leash and opened the big gate before you walked out with her. When she spotted her favourite fluff ball, she ran towards him and you laughed with the owner. "Oh look at this reunion" she said and you nodded. "I feel like she can hear and smell him from hundreds of meters away" you told her and watched how Peanut and her friend ran in circles. You laughed slightly and filmed everything to send it Lando later.

After some small talk and another running session between the two dogs, you said your goodbyes and dragged Peanut carefully with you. "Your friend has to go home too, little one" you told her and wiped her paws once you were inside. You walked into the kitchen and finished up her dinner before you sat down on the couch and watched her, sending all the videos and photos to Lando. He was in Bahrain for the testing weekend and you tried to keep him as updated as you could.

Almost immediately the arrows turned blue and you smiled as he started typing away. Some second passed but instead of a message, he called you over FaceTime which you gladly accepted. "Hello there" you smiled and watched how he was walking along some streets. "Oh hi babe. How are my girls?" he asked and you turned the phone to the little dog that was sleeping on her little bed. "She just had dinner and is now fast asleep" you whispered and stroke along her fur. "And I am tired as well. Did some uni stuff but I am done for today. How was driving?" you asked and watched him closely. "It was good. Really good. It feels so much faster. I hope we are the only ones though" he laughed and you chuckled with him. "I have high hopes, babe" you told him and looked at his soft face. "You look tired too" you said and he nodded. "I am. I am a bit sore as well. Need to get used to it again. And I miss you in my bed" he told you and you leaned your head to the side with a smile. "I miss you too. Not the same after so many weeks together" you said and he nodded. "Yeah exactly. I just miss being squeezed to the corner of the mattress" he joked and you rolled your eyes. "You actually do, don't act like it. It's not like you let me go at night" you told him and he just grinned widely into the camera. "Oh I would never let you go. I would even pull you don't with me if I'd fall" he said and you laughed. "Yeah. I know" you said and watched how Peanut stretched and slowly got up again, standing in front of you and wagging her tail.

"Oh hi. Look who it is" you said and lifted her up, putting her in front of the phone. "Hi Peanut" Lando said and you watched how she turned her head around. "Aww. Where is he?" you asked and Peanut barked. "There. Look" you told her and pointed at your phone, seeing how Lando wiggled around. Peanut watched him and barked again, trying to get her nose into the phone. "Yeah come through the phone!" Lando said and Peanut tried to get her paw through the screen. "She is missing you too, aren't you?" you asked her and she whined slightly before laying down. "Aww yeah she is" you chuckled and Lando pouted. "Don't make me even more homesick" he mumbled and you pouted as well. "Sorry. But you will be back on Monday. And we are waiting for you right here on the couch" you told him and he sighed. "I know. And I can't wait" he mumbled as he entered the hotel room and laid down on his bed. "Come on, Lando. You need to sleep" you whispered and he nodded slightly. "I know. But can't you stay until I am gone?" he mumbled and you chuckled with a nod. "I will. Don't worry, Lando".


And it's what you did. You spend the whole Monday cleaning because you were excited he was back. You worked on some chapters of your book and swirled your hand into Peanuts fur, playing with her and letting her sleep in your lap. You didn't know when Lando would come but just in case you had dinner done already. Since he was always trying to be as fast as possible with coming home, he was barely texting but thankfully, you were used to it.

You were wrapped up in a blanket when you heard the door being opened around seven and Peanut instantly jumped up and ran towards the door, barking like crazy. "Oh hi Peanut" you heard Lando saying with a high voice and so you followed them to the hallway and smiled when you saw him with Peanut on his arm. "Oh who do we have here as well" he joked and let Peanut down before walking towards you and lifting you up in his arms. You chuckled and wrapped your arms around his neck, pressing your nose against his. "Did she kiss you on the mouth?" you asked and he rolled his eyes before shaking his head. "Of course not. I won't let her kiss me before you" he joked and you quickly shut him up with a kiss on his lips. "That's all I wanted to know" you mumbled and he hummed happily while pressing more kisses to your lips and carrying you into the living room.

"God I missed you" he whispered as he sat down and pulled you onto his lap. "I missed you too" you whispered and wrapped your fingers around his curls. "Nothing is better than home" he said and you nodded. "Definitely. But as soon as the races are closer again, I will be there as well" you ensured him and he smiled. "Thank god. Need someone in the garage to cheer me up" he said and you kissed his cheek. "Celebrating a podium is more accurate don't you think?" you asked and he pulled you closer. "Duh. Of course" he said and played with the hem of your shirt. "Are you hungry?" you asked and he nodded slightly. "I actually am. The flight food isn't really good" he said and you smiled. "Good things you have a girlfriend that was so excited for you to come back that she cooked a big dinner" you told him and he groaned slightly. "I love you so much" he mumbled against your lips and you laughed when he lifted you up and sat you down on the counter. "That's all I need to do to get into your heart, huh?" you asked and he rolled his eyes. "You just need to breath to get into there" he said and you felt your cheeks heating up as he got the plates ready.

After he gave Peanut her dinner and you had yours as well, you quickly took a shower and got dressed in one of his hoodies again before you walked downstairs and saw the empty couch. You were confused for a moment until you saw Lando laying on the ground with peanut. He had his head on her bed and stroke along her belly while looking at her. Secretly you got your phone out and filmed them, slowly getting closer and sitting down on his legs. He looked up at you and chuckled slightly. "Are you still filming?" he asked and you nodded before putting your phone away again. "You looked to cute. I don't know where your curls end and hers start" you told him and he laid his hand on your leg while sitting up. "She looked so cute. I couldn't resist" he said and you smiled. "It's what I do every day so don't worry you are not crazy" you told him and pushed his curls back. "But do you mind if we wander to the couch?" you asked and he nodded quickly before getting up with you and laying down first. You took Peanut with you and laid her on his side while you laid down on top of him and placed your head on his chest.

Instantly, Landos hand found your hair and you hummed slightly as he played with it. You pushed your hand on his stomach and drew small circles on it, hearing how he hummed as well. After a minute or so, Peanut wanted to be closer so she laid right next to your head, placing her own one on yours. You chuckled slightly and heard how Lando laughed. "Okay this is too much" he said and got his phone out, quickly snapping a photo. "She hates being left you" you said and he nodded. "Or she loves us too much" he told you and you smiled. "Okay let's take it like that" you said and closed your eyes again.

After some more minutes, your phone lit up. You glared down at it and saw that Lando had mentioned you in his story. You quickly swiped across it and chuckled when you saw the picture. "Someone wants to be extra close tonight" he wrote on it and you quickly reposted it with another caption. "It's not just the dog" you added and posted it quickly.

"I knew this was coming" Lando said and you looked up to him with a smile. "It is true" you said and watched how he leaned down and pressed a deep kiss to your lips. "I never said anything against it" he winked and played with your hair again. "Love you so much" he whispered and you wrapped your arm around him. "Love you so much more".

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