Peanut (1) - Lando Norris

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You closed the door behind you as you stepped out of the bathroom. You didn't hear a sound from downstairs which means they weren't home yet. You walked downstairs and hummed to yourself before you started to prepare dinner.

The lasagne was in the oven when you heard how the front door opened. You smiled as you heard the dangling of the leash across the floor. You turned around and kneeled down, laughing as the little fluffball "attacked you". "Hi little one" you said with a high pitched voice as she threw herself on the back. "Aww. Look at you!" you smiled and rubbed her belly. "Peanut! No! Your paws are muddy!" you heard from the hallway and saw how Lando run towards you. "It's fine. We can clean that up" you said and lifted her up. Lando leaned down and pressed a kiss to your lips. "Yeah okay" he smiled and extended his arms. "Give her to me" he mumbled and you carefully placed her in his arms. "Let's clean these paws" he told her and took her little paw.

You watched him running upstairs with her and laughed slightly. You tried to listen to them but you only heard some mumbling. You sat down on the couch for a few minutes. Steps were heard from above and you looked at the stairs. Lando came down and you only saw a towel in his hand. "Where is she?" you asked and saw how he started laughing before he planted himself next to you. "Here. In a burrito" he said and placed her right into your lap. She looked at you with a happy face and you laughed. "Aww. She is so happy" you said and carefully unwrapped her. "She still isn't a fan of water" he told you and you drew circles on her back. "You need to go swimming with her" you told him and he grinned. "Maybe I do, huh" he said and played with her little paws.

It didn't take her long to fall asleep after her walk and you watched Lando carefully putting her into the little bed. "We can eat now" you told him and grinned at you before lifting you up. "Lando!" you laughed and held onto him. "Come on" he laughed and sat you on the counter before getting a plate ready for you. You didn't even bother to move to the table. Lando just stood in front of you and ate, laughing as you dropped your fork. "Can I call her?" he asked and looked around. "No. We won't feed her like that!" you said and smacked his arm slightly. "But it is easier to clean" he said and shrugged his shoulders. "Oh my god shut up" you said and stuffed the full fork in his mouth.

You knew he was only joking but he loved to test your patience. After putting the dishes away you sat down on the couch, looking at little peanut sleeping in the corner. Lando stood behind you and booped your nose. "Mind if I join you?" he asked and you chuckled. "Not at all" you said and laughed as he laid right on top of you. "Really? Like that?" you asked and he just nodded, lying his head on your chest. You just chuckled and carefully played with his curls. Peanut woke up from all the noise and ran towards your couch, letting out a little bark as Lando petted her. "Aww. Do you want to come up?" he asked and carefully lifted her with one hand, lying her down next to him, right on top of you. You chuckled at the thought that he wasn't sure if he could live with a dog. And here you were, cuddling on the couch with him and the little Cockapoo.

Lando had his eyes closed and you slowly switched up, playing with Peanuts little curls. Only seconds passed before Lando started groaning. "Why did you stop?" he mumbled and opened his eyes, seeing you petting the little dog. He looked up at you and pouted. "That's how it is?" he asked and you just smiled. "Let me give her some love too" you told him and saw how he rolled his eyes. "This is a girl thing between you, isn't it?" he huffed and you rolled your eyes before you brought your other hand to his hair, playing with both of their curls. "Sometimes you are more of a puppy than she is" you said and he just grinned, acting like he didn't hear you.

Slowly you lifted your hand from the little dog and grabbed your phone as Lando stared to play with her paw. You chuckled slightly and filmed everything. Peanut was sleeping already and you looked at Lando, seeing if he would notice it but he didn't. You saved the video took another photo, posting it on your Instagram story with the caption: "Sometimes I don't know which curls are his and hers".

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