Jeaoulsy - Lando Norris

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You smiled as you heard how the front door opened. You looked to your right for a moment and turned back to your book. Shoes were kicked in the corner and the jacket fell on the floor. You chuckled to yourself and waited for him to join you.

"What's up buttercup?" you heard from behind and made you turn your head. Instantly, Lando placed his lips on your and you chuckled against him. "Someone is in good spirit" you said and laughed as he jumped over the couch. "It's always good to come back to the centre with a nice result" he told you and looked at the book in your hands. He wanted you to get rid of it so he could replace it. And you did. The second you put it next to you, Lando laid himself right on top of you and sighed happily. You shook your head smiling and pushed the hair out of his face. "What were you doing today?" he hummed and you traced his jaw. "Nothing special. I was shopping for a bit. Didn't find anything. But I ate some Nutella pancakes" you said and he lifted his head. "Why did you have to tell me this?" he asked and you poked his chest. "That's the revenge for sending me your food the whole weekend. I even had some left but I hate them" you said with a smile on your face. Lando looked at you with disappointed big eyes and you stroke his cheek. "It's mean isn't it?" you asked and he huffed. "I should have stayed away" he said but couldn't hide his smile. "Yeah right" you laughed and he hid his face on your neck, chuckling.

Not twenty minutes late you heard your stomach rumbling and you tried to escape Landos grip. "No. Stay here" he mumbled and you continued to try. "I am hungry. Come on" you begged and he groaned before getting up with you. "Are you cooking with me?" you asked and he nodded. "Yeah. Tell me what do to" he said and pushed his sleeves up. "You can do the chicken. I will do the veggies" you told him and he nodded again, starting with you. You laughed a little as he struggled a bit. "Yeah so funny" he joked and rolled his eyes. "I am not doing anything!" you laughed as he put everything in the pan. "You are becoming a pro" you smiled and he chuckled. "Yeah, not too bad huh?" he grinned and swirled it around. You put the plates on the table and sat back, looking at him cooking. He hummed to the music in the background and pushed his hair back. He let it grow over the last weeks and you loved it.

During dinner you always chatted about everything and you laughed as he talked about his meetings. "Sometimes I don't know how they can take you for full" you said and he licked his fork. "Yeah I don't know either" he said honest and you leaned against his arms. "Do you want some dessert?" you asked and he looked at you with big eyes. "What do you have?" he asked and you got up, grabbing something from the fridge. "Chocolate cake. Because I am nice" you told him and he grinned, pulling you onto his lap and attacking your face and neck with kisses. "You are the best" he said and you laughed. "I love getting this reaction every time" you told him and he pressed a kiss to your lips before he dove into the cake. "Hmm. And you will get it every time!"

After cleaning you walked up into the bedroom and parted ways since Lando wanted to shower. You laid down in bed and heard how he turned the shower on. You hid underneath the blankets and turned the TV on, waiting for Lando to return. But after a few minutes of being cold you got up again and silently walked into the bathroom, stealing Landos worn hoodie and running back into the bedroom. You threw it on and laid back in bed, waiting for him again.

After a few minutes you heard some mumbling and the door opened. You looked at him and saw that his top half was still bare. "Any idea where my hoodie is?" he asked and walked closer to the bed. You just looked at him and shook your head. Absolutely no idea" you told him and chuckled as he joined you. "I knew I couldn't have forgotten it. And oh well. My second thought" he said and pulled the blankets back. "Were you" he grinned and tickled you with his hair. "You are wet!" you squealed and tried to escape but failed. "Yeah. Can't put the hood up" he answered and you chuckled. "Right. Because you don't have towels" you joked and he shrugged his shoulders before getting up. He walked to the closet and grabbed another hoodie. "No. Stay without it" you boldly said and he turned to you. "What?" he asked and you pouted. "You don't need one here in bed" you told him and he laughed before joining you. Without it. "I will be on Twitch in a bit" he said and you nodded, leaning your head on his chest. "I know. But now you can stay like that" you chuckled and pulled your arm around his torso, enjoying the heat. He kissed the top of your head and twisted a strand of your hair around his finger. "Do you want to join me?" he asked and you looked up to him. "I am not presentable" you laughed and he pulled your chin up. "You are more than that. They only know you on my hoodies. Come on" he said and pouted slightly. You sighed and popped yourself up. "I don't know" you mumbled and he pressed a kiss to your neck. "Come on" he mumbled and kissed along your jawline. "Only for a bit" he continued and you pulled at his curls, looking at him. "Alright, smoocher. You did it" you said and he grinned happily. "Perfect".

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