Love movies - Lando Norris

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You were beaming as you heard the familiar sound of his engine appearing in the front of the house. With quick steps you walked towards the door and ripped it open while you pulled the sleeved down over your hand. You were nervous to see him again. But it was a good feeling of being nervous.

You watched him as he stepped out of the car and instantly turned to you with the biggest smile on his face. Without thinking you rushed towards him and wrapped your arms around his neck. "Oh my god what a hello" he chuckled and wrapped his arms tightly around you. "Hi handsome" you chuckled and leaned into him as he pressed a kiss to your lips. "Freaking P2. Oh my god" you rambled and he shrugged his shoulders with a big grin. "No big deal" he said and you slapped his chest slightly before you looked into the car. "Show me your trophy" you mumbled and Lando just chuckled. "It is in my bag. Let's get inside, love" he said and pressed a kiss to your jaw as he leaned in with you. "Hmm. Okay" you hummed and took some of his things before you walked inside with him.

Once you were inside, you pushed his things to the side and pressed your cheek against his shoulder blade. "Somebody missed me, huh?" he teased and you pouted slightly. "Yeah. Because I couldn't be there too" you mumbled and felt how he turned around against your cheek. "I missed you too, babe. So much" he said and wrapped a strand of your hair around his finger. "But I finished my exam. Not a good excuse but I had to" you told him as you looked up and he smiled down at you. "I am proud of you. I wish you would have been there but you'll be there for my first win so" he winked and you chuckled while pushing your hands under his hoodie. "Doesn't sound too bad" you told him and he simply hummed while pressing another kiss to your lips and pushing you backwards.

"Can we order some food tonight?" he mumbled against your lips before you slowly pulled away from him. "My plan was cooking but if you want to order" you told him and he pouted slightly. "Let's just order so you can stay by my side tonight" he said and you nodded with a smile before you took his little finger and pulled him towards the couch.

You wiggled around as he gave you the bag with the trophy and you looked at him with happy eyes. "Oh my god what a beauty" you mumbled as he handed it to you and traced along the sides. "Not a bad one to bring home" he said and you shook your head and smiled at it before you heard the clicking of his camera. "You didn't just do that" you pouted and he only grinned at you. "I wish you would look at me the way you look at this trophy" he said and you chuckled while pulling him to you. "I probably look even worse".

"How did it feel to be up there again?" you asked as he climbed on top of you and pushed his head onto your heart. "Pretty good. One and two is amazing. Zak couldn't stop shouting at me on the radio" he chuckled and you smiled at him. "Would have been cooler to be the one on top though" he mumbled before you slowly lifted his head up to you. "Your time will come to lift that big boy up there. And not once but regularly. So don't you worry about one trophy, okay? You had four already this year and it won't be the last" you told him and he smiled at you before pressing another kiss to your lips. "Thanks coach" he said and you chuckled against his lips. "Someone is really into smooching today, huh?" you teased him and he rolled his eyes slightly. "Don't just turn this to me. If I'd stop you would start too" he said and tickled your sides slightly.

After you decided on what to order, you still didn't move from your spot as Lando swiped through his gallery with you. "Aww I bet you send that one to your mum" you chuckled as you swiped back and he rolled his eyes. "Maybe she asked for it, okay? I can't say no to mum" he said and you squeezed his cheek slightly before you continued to watch him. "Looks like you had a good time" you said and he nodded before closing his gallery and giving you the chance to get a quick look of you and him on his background.

"So. I guess this will turn into a movie night, don't you think?" Lando asked and you played with his ring. "I wouldn't mind that. I think me before you is on Netflix now" you told him and he groaned slightly. "We've watched that before. And in cinema" he said and you pouted. "But it's been a while and it's so cute" you said and felt how he sighed on top of you. "I don't want to see you cry" he said and you shrugged it off. "I have seen it often enough. I will be fine" you told him and prepared the movie.

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⏰ Last updated: Dec 30, 2021 ⏰

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