Golf Training - Lando Norris

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You threw the little bag on your back and walked towards the big house. Never in your life you thought about starting to golf. You were never interested in people kicking around little balls. The only fun game was mini golf but you couldn't compare that. A few weeks before, Lando started his interest in golfing and you saw him leaving the house every day. Sometimes you came along and sat on the little buggy, watching him and his friends but you got bored after a while. You wanted to be a proper part of it so you decided to start some lessons. That's how you ended up at the giant golf club. You looked around yourself and made your way inside. A lady at the counter registered you in the guest list and told you to follow her. You walked through the big house and found it fascinating to see how many people were interested in playing golf. The lady gave you a few basic instructions before she handed you a bag full of balls and different bats. You had no idea what you were doing but you put on a smile, nodding here and there, not showing how nervous you were. You saw a young man waiting on the side, waving towards you and the lady. "And this is Andre. Your coach for today and the next weeks" she said and you waved, giving her another nod. You shook hands with Andre and smiled at him. Andre smiled back at you. He was good looking. You couldn't deny that. He had short dark brown hair and big brown eyes, looking like his heritage laid more in a southern country. "It's a pleasure to meet you" he said and you returned the comment, hiding your hands behind your back. You followed him to the buggy and took a seat. This was one of the only things you already were familiar with. You started some small talk with him and laughed slightly. You knew you had to be good with him since you were spending some with him in the next few weeks before you could impress Lando with your skills. You took your golf bag with you and made your way to the first hole. You watched your coach really careful and mimicked his actions since you never even touched a golf kit. You listened carefully and laid the first ball in front of you, scared to embarrass yourself from the start. Andre told you that you were doing well and you nodded. You hit your first ball and it flew not as far as you hoped but it was still a good shot. You were happy with yourself and jumped a little. Andre was laughing and you turned to him. "I hope my boyfriend appreciates my effort" you laughed and he joined you. "Oh he well. I am sure" he ensured you and walked with you towards the ball. You did the same as you did before but this time you missed it. Twice. You were already frustrated and Andre stood next to you, showing you how to properly hold the bat. You nodded and did as you were told, hitting the ball. You thanked him and tried your best to engrave the technique in your mind.

After a few shots, you felt your phone vibrating. You pulled it out of your pocket and saw a message from Lando. You opened it and smiled. He attached a selfie of him pouting. "I am home and you are not. Come back :(" he wrote and you chuckled. You got the camera going and called for Andre, snapping a photo with him and explaining what you were up to. You saw how Lando immediately opened the message but nothing came back. You waited a few more seconds but nothing happened. You shrugged your shoulders and put your phone away, working on the different parts of the course. You were having a good time and started to feel more confident. To most people it was probably a joke but you were more than happy. When you finished your last shot, you were exhausted and ready to go home. You drove back to the house with the buggy and said goodbye to Andre, agreeing on repeating the lesson in the near future. You walked to your car and pulled your phone out, seeing Landos message, telling you "to have fun". You frowned a little but didn't think further. The car ride wasn't too long. After 30 minutes you made it home and stepped inside, calling for Lando. You didn't hear a response so you walked through the living room, searching for him. You found him in the garden. He was sitting on the little outdoor bed and had his eyes closed. You sneaked up to him and tickled his leg. Instantly he started kicking and ripped his eyes open. You laughed slightly and sat down next to him, taking his hand. "Hi" you said and laid down. "Hey" he said and looked up to the sky. You frowned at him and kept your eyes on him. "What's up?" you asked and Lando shook his head. "Just tired" he mumbled and you sighed out. "Yeah alright. You don't have to talk to me" you sassed at him and stood up, wandering inside towards the bathroom. You took a long shower and washed the rest of your make-up off, ready to go straight into the bed. You didn't know what was up with Lando. He kept ignoring you and you just stared at him, waiting for any reaction. But your waiting didn't bring a result. You grabbed some grapes from the fridge and laid down in your bed, starring at the ceiling. You heard Lando in his gaming room but you closed your eyes, trying to sleep. But you weren't successful. You waited for Lando to be done. After a while he still didn't stop talking or streaming. You sighed and stood up, sneaking through the hallway and lurking into his room. He was playing CoD with some of his mates and talked with them over his headset. "Yeah I have no idea what she wanted to achieve with that.. Right? She didn't get me. I have no clue. What does she want me to do? Act all happy?" he asked his friends and you bit your lip. You pulled your arms around yourself and closed the door again, walking into the bedroom and collecting your blankets, throwing them on the couch in the living room. You crawled underneath it and closed your eyes, wiping small tears away. After a while you heard him leaving his room and him wandering into the bedroom. You waited for any reactions. Slowly he wandered down the stairs and turned the light on slightly, looking at you on the couch. You acted like you were sleeping and tried to stay calm because you were shaking. "You don't have to pretend you're sleeping if you want me to leave" he said and you turned to look at him. You knew your eyes were red but you didn't care. "And you can talk to me and not shit talk about me with your friends" you mocked at him and turned away. Lando huffed and sat on the couch next to you. "I want to sleep" you said and Lando stared at you. "Why? Exhausting day?" he asked and you bit your lip again. "I can leave, you know. If you don't talk to me, I will" you whispered and Lando leaned back and crossed his arms. "Why did you asked a stranger to golf with you and not me? Why didn't you tell me anything?" he asked and you sat up slowly. "Because I wanted to surprise you? Is is that hard to understand? I wanted to get to your level so we can do it together? Am I not allowed to do it?" you asked back and Lando looked out of the window. "You could have at least told me" he mumbled and you rolled your eyes. "Yeah. I am the bad one. It's okay" you said and pulled the blanket back over your head. "Good night. I will stay here today" you mumbled and Lando stood up and left. You played with your fingers and tried to calm down. Three hours later you were still wide awake. You turned from left to right and tried to find a comfortable position and missed the heat next to you. At 2 am you were about to get up but you saw the light being turned on. Lando sat at the end of the couch and looked at you, slowly lifting your feet up and placing them over his lap. "Can you come to bed? I don't want to sleep without you" he whispered and you carefully looked at him. "I'm sorry, okay? I was just.." "Jealous" you said and completed his sentence. "Maybe" he whispered and leaned back again. "You need to talk to me. And not ignore me and be mad" you countered and he nodded. "I know. Please come with me" he begged and you slowly sat up and nodded as well. "Yeah. I'll come" you said and took his hand, following him upstairs while he carried your blanket. You wouldn't need yours but still. He pulled his sheets back and waited until you laid down. He followed you and pulled you on top of him, kissing your forehead. After a few silent seconds, you turned your head to him. "Next time we'll go together okay? I am better than you anyway" you joked and he chuckled. "I am ready to find out" he whispered back. You pulled on his nose slightly and pushed your hand under his shirt, placing your hand on his stomach. "Good night, mister grumpy" you whispered and he shook his head. "Shut up" he joked and placed his lips on top of yours. You just smiled into the kiss, pulling him closer. "Good night, babe".

The next morning you were woken up by Land searching through his closet. You threw your cushion at him and him and hid under the blanket. Lando turned around and laughed at you, climbing back into your bed. He was hiding his nose in your hair and pulled you closer. You could feel he was still wet from the shower. "You know we have towels" you mumbled and turned around in his arms. "I know. But you like it" he said and kissed your cheek. You laughed slightly and let your arm wander over his arm towards his neck. You could feel the goose bumps on his skin and continued to let your hand roam his skin. Lando was eyeing your actions and pushed his hand under your hoodie, drawing circles on your back. You hummed happily and pushed your head into his neck. "Should we go golfing today?" Lando asked and you smiled. "You want me to beat you already? Alright" you said and felt his hand on your face, laughing. "We will see about that" he countered and took your hand. He pressed his lips on the corner of your lips. "More" you said and heard his chuckle. He pressed his lips on the other side of your mouth. "Lando. Come on" you pouted and finally felt his lips on yours. You sighed happily and looked at him. "Now I can get up".

After you got ready and put on "appropriate" clothes according to Lando, you made a quick breakfast and you pulled the jacket around your shoulder and posed with him for a photo. You were looking like a proper golf couple. You drove to his favourite course and looked around. "This will be fun" he said and rubbed his hands together. You laughed at him and got out, following him to a golf card. You pushed him to the other side and pushed the throttle. Lando was filming you and you laughed. Trying to hide from him. Once you reached the first hole, you followed him again and watched him getting ready for his first try. You recorded his serious pose and couldn't stop laughing. He was trying his best and shot the ball straight across the course. You clapped for him and stole his bat. "Now it's my turn" you said and took his place. You took your position and inhaled, putting all your energy into the shot and it worked. Your ball followed Landos, landing a bit behind him. Lando was smiling at you and you pouted. "Shut up". More shots followed and you were working on the different holes. Your amount of shots were always close to each other. You had your moments but so did Lando. It was down to the last hole and you got ready to take the final shot. You were concentrated and about to hit the ball when you felt Landos arms around you. He hugged you from behind and laid his head on your shoulder. You laughed slightly and felt his hands on top of yours. "Is this romantic? Are we doing this right?" he asked seriously and you looked over your shoulder. "I think so" you said and played along. You knew what he was trying to do but you didn't want to show it. You kissed his cheek and tried to distract him. He was humming happily and you saw your chance. You pushed him away slightly and took the shot, making the ball role into the hole. You knew you've won. You threw your arms up in the air and jumped up and down. Lando was staring at you and looked at the ground, shaking his head. "Oh Lando. Lando Lando Lando" you said and laid the bat down, pulling him to you. "I want a rematch tomorrow" he pouted and looked at you with big eyes. "Okay. If you want me to win again" you said and shrugged your shoulders. "Or maybe we'll leave it with today" he said and you pushed his arm. "Don't be sad. You're better at driving" you said and kissed his cheek. "You are lucky I love you, you know" he sassed and you laughed. "Oh I know. I am the luckiest girl in the world" you winked at him and took his hand. "Let's go home. I want to take a bath" you said and saw Lando grinning. "I hope you don't mind it if I join your victory bath". You laughed and shook your head. "You're such an idiot" you joked and Lando nodded. "Yours".

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