Support - Daniel Ricciardo

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You had a smile on your lips as you walked through the paddock even though nobody could see it behind your mask. You pushed the fabric back over your nose as it began to slide down and quickly looked to your left as you heard some hellos. You waved and tried to smile even more so they could actually see it. "If you smile more you won't see anything" Daniel laughed and you glared at him. "I am trying to be nice" you said and felt how he pulled you into his side. "They can see it without your squinting too" he joked and you rolled your eyes before you pushed his hip. "Will you just shut up now? I got the squinting from you anyway" you told him and wished you could stick your tongue out to him.

It was the last day of the Hungarian Grand Prix and were happy to be there but also happy to have some off weeks after the race because you felt like you needed it. And Daniel did too. The season was bumpy and you hated it but you put all of your positivity in it. For him. After the first races you felt how on the edge he was but you knew it would take time for him to be fully comfortable with the new team. And at the British grand prix you finally felt like it would be getting there again. He ended up on P5 and for you it almost felt like a podium all over again.

When it was time for Hungary, you were happy and excited. You felt like he could redo Silverstone easily. Even if the qualification lap wasn't enough for Q3 you felt like he could do it again. And that's what you told him since you arrived on Wednesday. Every time you heard the slightest bit of doubt in his voice, you stopped him and told him how proud you were. And you meant it.

During the track walk on Thursday you wore one of his shirts that was way too big for you but you loved it. He laughed as he saw you trying to tie the bottom up and quickly sprung to your side to help you. "See. That's better than yours" he said and you huffed. "Stop being mean. I wear your merch. You should give me money for it" you told him and he laughed again. "Because I forced you" he said while pulling you along and you simply mumbled under your mask with a smile.

Friday wasn't the best day result wise but you tried to take his mind of it after the race with some dinner outside of the racing area. You stole the keys to his Mercedes while he was showering and waited for him to be done. And you didn't gave him a chance to bring any excuses up. You basically pushed him out of the hotel with a smile and of course he couldn't say no.

You shared way too much food with him and promised him to keep it quiet to the team. You sat next to each other and took some silly pictures with him while you waited between the dishes. "I think I should make a folder just for our photos" you said and he looked down at you. "You don't? Oh wow. I do. I thought that was normal" he said dramatically and you sat up more. "Oh you do?" you asked and he shrugged his shoulders. "I gotta know where the important things are, don't I?" he grinned and you chuckled as you poked his side. "Romantic. I give you that" you told him and dove into the little desert with him.

And of course he was moody after the result on Friday but you tried to get him out of it as soon as possible. "Nothing you could do about it" you told him and watched how he sat down and groaned. "I am fucking annoyed" he said and you nodded while sitting down next to him. "I know. But it's better to be eleven than ten here. The side is better, okay? You can let them fight in the corners and just take your chances like that" you told him and pushed your arm around him. "That's one way of putting it" he mumbled and you sighed. "Sometimes it's just difficult to adapt. Don't worry about it. The more you worry the more you think about it" you said and he sighed again. "I know" he mumbled and turned to you. "You're good at talking" he said and you chuckled. "Oh I always try my best to be a motivation coach" you said and pushed his hair away. "So. Do you trust me?" you asked and he nodded while leaning his head against yours. "Yeah I do".

That's how you found yourself back on Sunday, walking into his driver room with him. You pushed your things into the corner and turned back to him. He pushed the mask from his face and smiled at you. "You think I will do okay?" he asked and you pushed your arms around him. "Yes. Just like Silverstone, okay? All good. Don't worry" you ensured him and he nodded slightly. "Okay. I think I will trust you here" he said with small smile and you nodded. "Yes. You have to. No chance" you told him while you glared at him before you pressed a kiss to his cheek. "Come one" you whispered and pulled him alongside with you.

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