Monaco GP - Charles Leclerc

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With fast steps you were rushing home from shopping. The bags were swinging around your legs and you tried to catch your breath once you were upstairs. You pushed the bags inside with your feet and quickly closed the door before you walked through your flat and placed everything on the counter. Before you could even get one thing out, your phone started ringing and you smiled as you saw his name appearing on the screen. You sat you phone in the little cabinet and swiped across the screen, smiling wide as you saw his face. "Hi there" you smiled and watched how Charles leaned back. "Hello, mon amour. You look a little red" he joked and you laid your hands on your cheeks. "I was running up the stairs because I didn't want to be late" you laughed and Charles joined you. "You know it wouldn't be a problem to be three minutes late" he said and you rolled your eyes slightly. "I know, you muppet. But here I am" you said and got everything out from the bag. "How was your day?" he asked and you pushed yourself up the counter which made him laugh. "I was doing some stuff for my exams and I had a little extra class. I don't feel like I know enough for the exam" you mumbled and Charles looked at you. "Don't worry, okay? I know you can do it. You did all of your exams before so well. And the things you do to pass. I just know it will all be fine" he said and you smiled before taking him to the couch with you. "I am just trying to do everything than I can so I don't panic" you laughed but he knew you were more than serious.

"You don't need to panic. I know my girlfriend's skills" he said and you leaned your head against your hand. "One of us at least, thank you" you said and he rolled his eyes slightly. "I'd kiss you to shut you up now" he said and you gasped. "Charles. Behave!" you joked and he just chuckled. "I knew this would work" he said and you pulled the blanket up. "Tell me about your day" you said and Charles pushed his hair back. "Quite boring. Did a lot of running in the morning. Some boxing. And I did some chicken for dinner. It was quite good if I can say it myself" he explained and you wiggled your eyebrows. "Any pictures of the boxing part?" you asked and Charles brought his phone closer to his face. "That's all you care about? Not that I can cook for you the next time?" he asked and you shrugged your shoulders. "That's the second thing but the boxing is important" you said and he laughed slightly. "No. I don't have any. Next time" he said and you pouted before you nodded slightly. "Okay. I can live with that" you said and watched how he got more comfortable.

"And I can do it when you are here for my home race" he said and your eyes fell back to his face before you bit down on your lip. "Charles" you started and looked at your hands. "I have told you about it before. I don't think I can do it with my exams" you mumbled and Charles looked at you. "I thought you were at the point where you wanted to make it work?" he asked and you kept your eyes low. "If I can afford it with learning. But I can't. I am scared I will fail" you told him and instantly the mood shifted. "These mare three days where you will have a bit less time to learn. That shouldn't be too bad" he said and you shook your head. "For me it is. I have so many exams. So many lessons. This is my study. I can't fuck it up" you whispered and Charles huffed. "Yeah right. As if you would" he said and crossed his arms over his chest. "Why can't you get it? I can't just fly away from here when I am having exams. I need to study. You don't need it for driving but I need it. I need a job after all of this" you whispered and Charles watched you. "I told you to come here for your studies. At least for a year. And every time you say no this comes up and it shows me that you should do it. Because our life would be easier" he said and you huffed. "Because I don't have family here" you mumbled and Charles pushed his phone away a bit. "But I want to be with you too. This is my home race. The most important one to me. I want you next to me when I am on the track and I want to go home with you afterwards and walk along the harbour with you. But no. You want to study for something that we both know you don't need to study for. This is the only race I really want you by my side and you can't make room for it even when you knew about it for months" he started to rant and you watched him with teary eyes.

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