Jealous -Pierre Gasly

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Excited was an understatement. You were thrilled to be on a karting track for the first time in your life. The Italian weather was perfect and you were hoping around, ready to get going. Your camera role was already starting to fill up when you arrived. You shot videos and photos of the track like there was no tomorrow. When you saw everyone else already ahead of you, you started sprinting to catch back up again. You felt a hand on your back and turned to your right, smiling up. Pierre was grinning at you and pulled you closer, drawing circles on your hip. "Are you excited?" he asked and you shrugged your shoulders. "A little bit maybe. Not too much" you lied and he laughed. He knew how you couldn't sit still since he announced his plans to you. Next to your studies you didn't have a lot of free time to enjoy yourself so you were more than happy to spend some days off with him in the middle of nowhere. A few of his friends joined you today but you didn't mind. Karting with more people seemed perfect to you. After a little instruction, you moved towards the dressing room. You grabbed a red racing suit and looked at Pierre, who had his own one hanging of his arm. "Red? Really?" he asked and you nodded. "Definitely. I am in Italy. We have to support Ferrari" you joked and he looked at the ground, shaking his head in disappointment. "That hurts" he said and you laughed a little, kissing his cheek. "I'm sorry, darling" you told him and took his hand. "See it in a different light. It means you will probably overtake a Ferrari today" you joked and he laughed. "I've been doing that a lot in the last few races anyway" he said coldly and you laughed. "Don't be so mean" you said and poked his side, earning a laugh from him.

You grabbed a plain black helmet from the shelf, looking around yourself. Everyone was talking and laughing while putting on the overalls. You joined them and started putting on the suit, struggling when it bunched up at your back. Pierre was busy with his own overall so you didn't bother to ask him. After a few more tries you groaned and were about to throw the suit to the floor when you felt someone behind you, detangling the fabric and pulling it up to your neck. You turned around and looked up, seeing one of Pierres friends friend standing in front of you. "Thank you" you said and he smiled. "No problem" he ensured you and helped you with the zipper. Once you turned around again you saw Pierre looking at you. You smiled at him and waved, doing a little pose. Pierre just nodded and went back to tying his shoes. You walked over to him and sat next to him, tying your shoes as well. You grabbed his helmet and pulled it over your head, tapping on his back. Once he turned around you saw a small smile on his lips. "I want yours" you mumbled and hold onto it. "It looks way better" you continued and he pushed the visor up. "We'll make you your own one" he told you and you nodded. "Okay".

Slowly, you pulled the helmet back up and handed it to him. "I'll grab my one" you announced and walked over to yours, slowly pushing it down your head. It felt way tighter. "Careful" you heard and saw hands on the visor. After a few seconds it was still not fitting nicely. "Wait. I'll grab you another one" the friend said and you saw him leaving. "I can do that myself" you said and sighed when he was gone already, coming back with another one. "This one is better probably" he said and you nodded, grabbing it and pushing it down your head. You gave him a thumbs up and he smiled, satisfied with your answer. You looked at Pierre and wiggled with your head. You saw that he was looking back at you from the corner of his eyes but ignored you. You frowned under the helmet and walked to him, clinging to his arm and looked around you. Pierre started walking away and you followed him. Pierre was talking to this friend and took his arm away, leaving you alone. You bit your lip and stayed behind, already lost the fun of it. You watched most of the people getting ready and sitting in their karts and starting their first rounds. Since it was your first time, you didn't know what to do and were to go. You looked at Pierre and closed your eyes. You turned you back towards him and took the helmet of. You wanted to leave but you tried to look entertained, not wanting to show you are hurt and lost. Pierre started his first round and you observed him while you were sitting down on a bench. You felt someone next to you and turned a little, seeing your helper smiling at you. You tried to give him a small smile and looked back at the track. "Everything okay?" he asked and you nodded. "Yeah. Just.. Nervous" you answered and he nodded. "We'll work that out" he ensured you and you just agreed. Pierre was leading which was no surprise. You walked to the side of the track and looked at the little cars. The guy stood next to you and explained to you a bit and kneeled next to a kart. He showed you the different parts and you tried to follow him. From the corner of your eyes you saw Pierre walking over to you and pulled his helmet of, shaking his head and looking down at the two of you. "You can go and drive" he said and looked at the guy. "I am getting her ready to drive. I'll stay" he said firmly and Pierre huffed. "I'll do that" Pierre hissed and you sat back, crossing your arms. "Really? You didn't care before" the guy said and Pierre stood right in front of him. "I said you should leave" Pierre repeated and the guy just chuckled. Carefully you placed your hand on Pierres chest and pushed him back. "Please" you whispered and looked at him with glossy eyes. Pierre looked down at you and swallowed hard. "Don't act like you care now, okay?" the guy provoked Pierre. Before Pierre could make any move, you took his hand and pushed yourself between them. "Pierre. Please" you repeated and pushed him back. "Are you scared she finds someone better, Gasly?" the guy joked and you couldn't stop him this time. Pierre moved forward and pushed the guy against the nearest fence. You called out for him and tried to pull him away. "Stop talking. Don't you dare to say one more word!" Pierre shouted and the guy grabbed him back, hitting his side. You felt tears streaming down your cheeks and closed your eyes for a second. "Pierre. Please. Stop it!" you shouted and Pierre let go of him. "Why? Enough drama?" he asked and you tried to hold your hiccups back. "Come" you whispered and tried to pull him away. Pierre shook his head and you let go of his hand, looking at him. "What's your problem?" you asked and he huffed. "Oh you know. I wanted to spend time with you and now you're spending more time with a stranger than with me" he explained and you closed your eyes. "He helped me and didn't ignore me like you did. What am I supposed to do? Stay all by myself because you are jealous?" you asked and he looked you straight in the eyes. "What should I do? You are giving me the feeling to be jealous" he said and you stared at him. "What? What did I do? Am I not allowed to talk to someone? Don't be ridiculous" you whispered carefully and he stepped back. "I have feeling too, you know. I don't know if you don't care but it's true. I know I can't be by your side every day. I know you hate it. So do I. But. This is built on trust!" he said with glossy eyes while you wiped your tears away, failing to get them all. "I am not your toy. You can't keep me on a leash. I trust you with all my heart. If you don't trust me, okay. But don't stay with me then". You heard your voice break and turned around. "The show is over" you told the crowd and walked back into the dressing room. You threw the suit in the corner and changed your clothes, leaving the track and not looking back. A cap took you back to the little bungalow you shared with Pierre. You walked inside and packed your bag. You didn't know if you would leave or if you would stay but you felt the need to prepare yourself to go. Your mind was racing. Where you wrong? Was he? Probably the both of you. You left the bedroom and walked into the extra room, closing the door and sitting on the bench on the balcony. You stared into the sky and closed your eyes, still feeling the tears running down. Not a lot was happening around the house and you were glad. After a good few hours you still didn't move. You looked at the street and heard a car approaching, knowing it has to be him. He left the car and looked around before making his way inside. You heard his footsteps inside but you didn't move. You were expecting him to open the door but you waited for nothing. You heard him closing the other bedroom door and that was it. You bit your lip and shook your head, stepping back inside and hiding under the covers. No sound came from Pierres room.

A few hours passed. Your phone was still dead. You didn't bother to charge it again. Carefully, you got up and opened the door. It was dark outside. You made your way downstairs and saw Pierre sitting on the couch in the dark. He was starring outside of the window. You ignored him and turned to the fridge and opened it. You grabbed some water and closed the door again. You saw Pierre standing next to you and you jumped. He looked at you with big eyes and you could see that they were red. "What are you doing here?" he asked and you took a step back. "Why? Should I leave completely? I already packed my bag" you answered and shook his head. "I thought you left already" he told you and wiped over his face. "No. But I am ready to if I should" you countered and he took your head before you could pull away. "Come here. Please" he begged and pulled you towards the couch. You followed him and sat down with distance. He looked at his hands and then back to you. "I don't know what came over me, okay? I was angry. I know I shouldn't have been but I was. I wanted to be with you and not that idiot. Please forgive me" he whispered and you cleared your throat. "Just because someone is trying to hit on me, doesn't mean I am. I don't care about others. I only want you, okay? But I won't let you do this again" you said firmly. Pierre closed his eyes and shook his head. "I won't act like an idiot again. Please. I don't want to lose you" he begged and you took a deep breath. "Give me a bit" you said and he carefully nodded. "Okay."

You quietly watched some TV and ate some fruits, looking at Pierre from the corner of your eyes. He was focused on his hands and looked over to you from time to time. You pushed the blanket from your feet and stood up. "I'll go to bed" you said and saw how he nodded. Silently you walked upstairs into the main bedroom, lying down on your bedside. You pushed yourself to the edge of the mattress and closed your eyes. A few minutes later the door opened again and you heard Pierre walking towards the bed but not moving from there on. You turned a little and looked at him. "What?" you asked and Pierre sat down. "I thought you wouldn't be here" he told you and you laid back down. "Why shouldn't I?" you asked and he shrugged his shoulders. "Because I am an idiot" he answered and you turned a little. "Come here" you said and pulled the sheets back. Pierre followed your orders and laid down next to you. You could feel the tension and bit your lip. The gap between the two of you was giant. You were lying on you back for a few minutes and carefully let your hand wander towards the middle. You could feel his warmth already and carefully slipped your fingers under his. Instantly, he grabbed your fingers and hold onto you. You slipped your fingers between his and closed your eyes. "I'm so sorry" he whispered and you turned to him a bit. "It's okay" you whispered back and drew circles on his hand. "Can I come closer?" he asked and you smiled slightly. "Yeah. Come here" you answered and pulled him to you. Pierre instantly crawled to you and laid his head on your neck. You played with his hair and pressed your nose to his head. "I love you so much" he whispered and you closed your eyes. "Je t'aime aussi".

The next morning you felt hot. You opened one eye and looked down. Pierre was covering your body completely. You pushed your hand in his hair and closed your eyes again. Pierre was humming slightly and you knew he was about to wake up. Carefully, he sat up a bit and looked at you with tired eyes. You drew circles on his stubble covered cheek and smiled tired. "Hey" you whispered and he hummed again, leaning against you. "Can we stay here for today?" he mumbled and you chuckled slightly. "We can" you said and he pressed his lips to your neck, humming happily. "Perfect" he whispered and sneaked his arms around you. You closed your eyes again and slipped your hand under his shirt. "Since when are you wearing a shirt while sleeping?" you mumbled and he lifted his head back up. "Want me to get rid of it?" he asked and you laughed. "I wouldn't mind" you told him and he obeyed, pulling his shirt off. You wiggled your eyebrows and pulled him closer. "That's better" you stated and he laughed. "Okay". In return he lifted your shirt a little and pressed his skin to yours. You loved the feeling more than anything. "Should be redo yesterday?" he asked and you nodded. "Yeah but not today. Tomorrow. I just want to lay here today" you said and Pierre agreed. Slowly, he pressed his nose against yours and tickled your chin with his stubble covered one. You laughed slightly and hold him closer. Pierre lightly pressed his lips to yours and you hummed satisfied. You pushed your hands into his hair and deepened the kiss, enjoying how close you were. After a while, you felt him lifting his lips a bit from yours. "I think we found something to do for today" he mumbled and you nodded, pressing another kiss to his lips. "I don't mind it".

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