Hurt - Charles Leclerc

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It was later on that Friday and you walked towards the entry of the track, taking a deep breath before scanning your pass and walking inside. You looked around you and bit your lip, walking further into the paddock area and looking for the bright red area. It wasn't long until you reached it. You walked through the little corridor and looked around once you reached the garage. Some mechanics and crew members greeted you and you smiled at them, hiding the unwell inside.

You turned to your left and saw Charles pulling his racing suit up. Slowly you walked up to him and tapped on his shoulder, sawing his big smile as he turned around and saw you in front of him. "Finally!" he cheered and pulled his arms around, pressing himself into your arms. You smiled slightly and pushed your arms around his neck, holding onto him. "I am glad you could make it" he said and pulled you into the corner, pressing his lips onto yours. "Yeah. I am happy too" you told him and played with his hair. You were working from the hotel and tried your best to be done early for him but also you didn't want to be on the track. "It wasn't the best first session but it was fine" he told her and pressed a kiss to your head. "Yeah I saw the result" you said and nodded slightly, looking around you. Charles pushed his jacket around you and pointed to the little seat and monitor. "You can sit here. These headphones are yours. And you can see me the whole time" he said with a wink and you nodded, taking a seat.

Charles stepped into his car a few minutes later and you covered your ears at the sound, looking at the ground as he drove out of the garage. You turned your head to the screen and looked at it a bit, before turning away again and looking at your phone. Your legs began to shake and you closed your eyes, hoping for the time to run down faster. You heard some voices around you and carefully looked at the screen, seeing Charles in a small battle with a Haas. Instantly you turned away and again and noticed the small clapping around. You knew it was over so you looked back at the screen for a bit.

You got up again and slowly walked around to get some water. "Are you enjoying it?" you heard behind you and turned around, nodding slightly. "Yeah. It's nice to be back" you said and smiled at the mechanic, walking back to your seat.

After thirty minutes it was over and you sighed in relief as Charles stepped out of the car and pulled the helmet of his head. He winked at you and you waved slightly. He walked over to you and pulled the Balaclava over his head, pressing his sweaty cheek onto yours. "Hello again" he smiled and you pushed his hair back, leaning your head against his neck. "Hey" you said and took a deep breath, taking his hand. "I just need to do some media" he ensured you and you nodded again. "Okay. I'll wait for you" you told him and followed him, leaning against a wall behind his interview.

The interviews felt long and you started to drift off, not listening to Charles but looking around and fumbling with your fingers. You jumped when you felt a hand on your back, turning around. "Sorry, babe" he said and pushed his fingers through yours. "I am done. We can go to the hotel now" he told you and you agreed, following him to his car.

And the car ride was quiet. Charles told you about his experiences today and you just nodded, barely saying a word. When you reached the hotel you walked in front of him, stepping through the doors and into the elevator. Charles run behind you and stood next to you, taking your hand and looking at you. "Are you hungry? Because I am" he asked and you shook your head. "I ate before I came" you answered and Charles sighed. "Okay, babe".

Seconds later you were in the big room and pushed the jacket and shoes off, walking over to the couch and sitting down. Charles observed you and followed you, sitting next to you. You didn't look at him. You stared at your hands and closed your eyes. "Babe?" he asked and you lifted your head, looking at him. "Hm?" you asked carefully and Charles pulled you closer. "Do you want to talk about it?" he asked and you shook your head. "I am fine" you ensured him and Charles huffed. "I know you aren't. You didn't say a word" he said and you bit your lip again. "I don't want to think about it" you told him quietly and Charles drew circles on your arm. "I know. But you feel worse when you don't". He knew you better than anybody else. You let out a shaky breath and closed your eyes. "Please don't force me" you whispered and Charles pulled you onto his lap.

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