Sticky Notes - Lando Norris

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Slowly you turned the key around and stepped inside. You knew you were alone but you were still careful. When you called out his name and got no response, you threw your bag and shoes in the corner and made your way through the kitchen. Your hands wandered over the kitchen island, towards the giant fridge. Inside, you were looking for a dark berry smoothie. Once you saw it, you smiled to yourself and grabbed the bottle with the little sticky note. You sat down on the counter and looked at the little note. "I got some extra ones for the weekend. I'll miss you". You smiled to yourself and wandered to the couch, throwing yourself on it and sipping on the smoothie. Lando was away for his race week in Austria and you just got home from your work trip. You looked around the house and hummed to yourself. A lot of cleaning needed to be done but you were too tired to deal with it. You took your phone from your pocket and opened the camera, snapping a picture of you and the smoothie. "Thank you, Nando" you typed in Landos chat and attached the photo to it. You knew he wouldn't answer for a bit so you got back to hiding under your big blanket, snuggling yourself onto the big comfy couch. The nap wasn't intentional but when you woke up later, you saw it was dark outside. You cursed under your breath and rolled out of your blanket burrito, making your way to the bathroom. When you turned to the mirror you laughed slightly and took the little note from the cabinet. "Who is this beauty?" it said and you shook your head, wondered where he got all the notes from. You stuck it back to the mirror and got ready to get right into your bed. When you felt your phone vibrating in your pocket, you took it out and swiped across the screen, seeing a smiley Lando all over it. "Oh hello there" he said and wiggled his eyebrows.You laughed instantly and walked into the bedroom, throwing yourself on his side. The sound of crinkled paper made you suspicious. You let your hand roam the cushion underneath you and pulled another note out. "Oh. I think you chose the wrong side, babe". "Lando? How many did you put around the house?" you asked and he just grinned, throwing himself on the couch. "I was bored. I made a few. We will see how many you will find" he said and you chuckled. "You are crazy" you joked and he held his phone closer to his face. "Maybe I am" he countered and asked you about your work trip. You worked your way through the days, telling him about the boring technical bits but when you told him about the new creative aspects, your eyes where big and shinning. He loved seeing you this happy, knowing that you are doing what you love. "But I am happy that I can relax now for a bit. I'm really tired. I miss you" you pouted and pulled the duvet under your chin. "I miss you too, darling. I can't wait to be back home. We need some days off with pizza and cuddling" he daydreamed and you smiled. "You are such a girl sometimes. But yes. Yes I need that" you said and yawned slightly with Lando following you. "We are getting old. I think it's time for bed" you told him and saw him nodding, laying his phone right next to his head. "Should we be really romantic? We can fall asleep like that" Lando suggested and you put your phone against the pillow next to you, plugging it in to charge it. "You can be so soft. If your driver friends only knew" you said and saw Lando rolling his eyes. "Shh. I don't know what you mean" he answered and shrugged his shoulders. You just nodded and smiled. You loved him. There were no other words to it. A few more words were spoken but you felt how drifted to sleep. Lando wasn't far behind you. He did some sneaky screenshots of you before he followed you into a deep sleep.

When you woke up the next morning, your phone was still on. You rubbed your eyes and saw Lando fast asleep. His mouth was turned up in a smile and the sun was shining into his face. You smiled and bit your lip, repeating what Lando did the night before: Screenshots. After you were done, you silently made your way out of the warm bed and headed to the big closet. You opened Landos side and looked through his hoodie, looking for your favourite colourful one. Once you found it, you saw another sticky note attached to it. You got the hoodie out and looked at it. "Oh, I wonder what you are going to wear today.." it said and you turned red a little. He knew you too well. You stuck the note back onto the closet and pulled the hoodie over your head. You hugged yourself and smiled once his sent was all around you. You took your phone from the bed and made your way to the bathroom, brushing your teeth and looking at Lando. It was too early for him but you knew he had to get up. "Lando? Can you hear me? You need to get up" you said and put your hair up in a ponytail. "Lando. Come on. Wake up!" you said louder and heard him mumbling. "Noo" he yawned and stretched his arms out. "Oh. So you want someone else to drive your car when you won't make it?" you dramatically said and saw how he opened both eyes. "You are so mean" he yawned again and stretched one more time before getting out of bed. "I see you are wearing my hoodie again" he joked and ruffled through his curls, which was your job normally. "Yeah. And I saw your note. You just know me really well" you said and saw how he proudly nodded. You liked it to get ready with him even though he wasn't right at your side like he normally would, bumping your hip while you were putting on make-up and singing to some old tunes. You observed how Lando put on his McLaren hoodie and beanie, making it look like it was winter in Austria. "You can't tell me it is that cold over there" you said and Lando walked out of the room with his phone right on his cheek. "It is. Don't judge me" he said and you laughed. He made his way into his car and looked at you. "I have to go now. I'll call you later, okay?" he asked and you nodded. "Yeah. I'll be tiding up a little" you said and waved at your phone. "Bye, Nando" you said and blew him an air kiss. "Bye babe. I love you" he smiled and you grinned back at him. "Love you too".

After you've ended the call, you grabbed some porridge from the little shelf and laughed then you felt another note on it. He knew your routine too well. "Take the other one. I bought some with banana" it said. You saw Landos little banana-man drawing in the corner and snapped a photo of it, putting it on your Instagram story. You quickly got going because you knew your day was full. You put all the dishes away and started cleaning. You wanted to do your laundry on your own since you've seen the disaster the first time Lando did your clothes. Showing him the proper way was still on your list. You grabbed the little bucket underneath the sink and put it on the counter. You should have expected it but you saw another note on the bucket. "Don't you dare to do this alone. We'll do that together. Wait for me. I know it was on your mind!" it said and you saw a little angry face on the left corner. You laughed to yourself and put the bucket back. You weren't mad at leaving it behind for a bit. You looked around you and looked at the big clock in the kitchen. It was still early and you still had a lot of time. You had to pack your suitcase all over again but you were happy about it. You were surprising Lando in Austria. It's been a long time since you've been at the track and you missed being on his side. You had to wait for some of your favourite clothes so you decided to wander upstairs into Landos streaming room, enjoying yourself for a big. You sat down in his giant gaming chair and turned on the PC, laughing when you felt another note. "Don't become a pro while I am gone okay? If you become one tho, you have to stream with me again ;)" you read and shook your head. You wanted to search the whole house for his notes. Your heart was more than full from reading his words. He put so much effort into making you smile every time you were separated and you felt like the luckiest girl even if it was hard sometimes. You pulled his headset over your and played a bit of F1 and Fall Guys, wanting to beat him the next time you would play together because you wanted to see his face. After a while you heard the beeping of the washing machine. You turned everything off quickly and threw your clothes in the dryer. You packed the rest of your clothes in the little suitcase and added another one of Landos hoodies because you wanted to. When you were done and the rest was packed, you filled your little handbag with all your essentials. You haven't heard from Lando so you quickly messaged him, telling him you are busy with work. In reality you made your way to London by train, taking the fastest route to the airport. When you arrived, you gave your suitcase away and made your way to the plane. You hated flying but for Lando you didn't mind it as much. You took your seat and plugged your headphones in from the start, trying your best to forget that you were flying. You were looking at old videos of Lando and you, laughing now and then and ignoring the weird looks around you. The flight didn't take long since it was only Austria. You got your belongings and searched for your rental car, finding it after a few minutes. You threw everything in and took your seat. It's been long since you drove on the other side of the street but you found your flow quickly. Only an hour later you managed to be at the track. You took a deep breath when you parked the car. You've been traveling for an eternity but you knew it would be worth it when you'd see him. It was starting to get dark so you knew it wouldn't be long. You constantly asked Jon how it's looking and if they'd be done. He kept you updated and you hid behind your car. You got the final message from Jon and wiggled around, impatiently waiting for him. You saw him walking to his car and packing his things in the trunk. When he reached for the door, he stopped in his tracks. You stuck a note on his window with "Turn around" written down on it. Slowly, Lando turned around and saw you standing there, wearing his hoodie and having your arms wide open. "Surprise!" you shouted and jumped into his arms. Lando was still in shock but he held onto you and pressed you against his chest. "Oh. My. God" he whispered against your neck and pressed you against the car, keeping you trapped. You laughed slightly and took his face between your hands, smiling at him. "Aww. Look at you" you said and played with his hair. Lando grinned at you and started attacking you with little kisses all over your face. You giggled like a little girl and griped his shoulders so you didn't slide down. "Stop it Lando! It tickles!" you laughed and tried to escape. "No. No, never!" he mumbled and laughed with you. When he looked at you again, he was still smiling from ear to ear. You drew little circles on his cheeks. Lando pressed his lips to yours and you hummed happily. You missed his warmth so much. You kissed him back instantly and hold onto him, never wanting to let him go. After a few minutes you felt that your lips were swollen but you didn't care. You only parted from Lando when you heard coughing behind you. "Get a room!" was all you heard when George and Alex passed the two of you. You started laughing with Lando and gave him another kiss, hoping of his arms and taking his hand. "You know I didn't book a room.." you said and Lando looked at you with a smirk. "I think we can work that out".

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