Sunshine - Charles Leclerc

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You woke up slowly as you felt the warm skin on your back. Carefully you started to move a little. Instantly, you felt the arms tightening around you and pulling you closer. You laughed without making any noise and opened your eyes slightly. Charles had you pressed tight against his body and snored quietly. You smiled to yourself and placed your hand against his chest, drawing small circles around his little birthmarks.

Somehow you thought that you could wake him up like that but it didn't work. You lifted your head from his arm and looked at him, slowly running your fingers against his stubble. "Charles?" you whispered and only got a mumbling as response. "Charles. Come on" you continued and mimicked the outlines of his face with your finger. Charles furred his eyebrows and rolled over, pushing himself on top of you. "No" he said stubbornly and pushed his head in the nape of your neck. "We can just stay here" he mumbled and you chuckled, running your hands over his back. "No we can't. We need to go to the track" you said and tried to push him away, failing. "Charles! Please. Come on. For your brother!" you said and he groaned, rolling back onto his side.

You got up quickly before he could change his mind and walked into the bathroom, trying to handle the mess on your head. Some minutes passed before you could hear Charles getting up, following you into the bathroom and standing behind you, placing his head on top of yours with closed eyes. "I'm so tired" he mumbled and you carefully shook your head, drying off your face. "How can you be a racing driver with plane rides every week and not being able to wake up at a normal time in Italy" you said and he just mumbled, holding onto your hips.

You turned around and pressed a kiss to his cheek, escaping his grip and hugging him from behind. "How about an actual kiss?" he asked and you tickled him. "Get ready and I'll think about it" you said and he looked at you through the mirror. "Seriously?" he asked and you laughed slightly, tickling his sides. "Yes. So. Hurry up" you grinned and left the bathroom, sitting down on the bed again.

It took him some minutes before he came out again, walking towards you. You looked up from your phone and saw the grin on his face. "Charles. No!" you said and tried to get up, failing. He planted himself right on top of you and pushed you down with his own body. "I swear to god you are horrible!" you said and laughed as he kissed your neck. "Nope. You like it" he grinned and you rolled your eyes, pushing his hair back. "Maybe" you said and he wiggled his eyebrows. "But we have to go now!" you said and pressed a kiss to his lips. "That's all I wanted" he told you and got up, holding his hand out for you. You got up as well, holding onto his hand. "You are unbelievable, Leclerc".


It wasn't much later that you arrived at the track in Mugello. You've been here before for the Formula1 race and you enjoyed the track, just like every other Italian track.

You clinged onto Charles hand and looked around, smiling as you spotted Arthur. "There he is" you said and pulled him towards his little brother. You greeted him with a hug and smiled at him. The two racers talked about the track and the different parts of it. You walked the track before but had no idea about the details so you just listened and leaned against Charles, smiling at the two.

You wandered through the car park with them and looked down at the car. "I still want to drive it" you said and Arthur laughed slightly. "Let's just change outfits. They wouldn't notice" he said and you lifted your eyebrows. "Yes please!" you said and Charles smiled. "We should start with the Ferrari three-seater" he suggested and you looked up. "Is it faster than your car this year?" you joked and Arthur laughed while Charles stared at you. "Stop being like this every time" he mumbled and you hid your face. "I'm sorry" you laughed and he shook his head. "Yeah alright" he huffed. You know he was playing along and poked his side. "Come on. We need to go up there" you said and wished Arthur good luck, and walked up to your places. You looked at Charles and pushed your hand on his back. "You know I'm just fuzzing with you" you said and saw his smile. "So am I" he said and you leaned against him. "I know".

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