Finding Santa! | Christmas Special - [Merry Christmas 2020!]

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Hetalia Season 5 : Episode 13 [Subbed]
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Hetalia Season 5 : Episode 13 [Subbed]~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~Outfit -

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Christmas in the country of Amisha is widely based on the season of kindness and giving rather than religion; the Christmas story local children are told being one of a man and his wife with a big heart. On December 24th, the eve of Christmas, young boys and girls and everyone in between are accompanied by family and gather together in the central plaza, surrounding a large, decorated Christmas tree as they listen to the tale of the founder of Christmas, read aloud by their country herself—a tradition, per say, before celebrating the season in a community feast.

"Excuse me!" A little boy with messy blond locks and thick eyebrows squirms his way to the front of the crowd, eyes lighting up in excitement at the sight of a familiar figure seated by the base of the large tree, a simple red book with gold embroidery resting in her hands.

"—after finding out of their incapability to have children of their own, the couple tread home in grief. Not a word is spoken between the two, but the presence of one another is enough to keep both comforted. Despite their shared sadness, they dared not let the news stop them from creating a family of their own—by blood, or otherwise." The girls tucks a stray strand of hair behind her ear with a smile as children lean forwards in anticipation.

"The poverty within their village caused families to abandon their youngest on the streets in order to better sustain their households, leaving the children to fend for themselves. The younglings were forced to steal to survive, with no one other than themselves to trust. So, Mr. and Mrs. Claus took it upon themselves to create a home for them, and make a family closer than any other by blood. They founded an orphanage of their own in the heart of the town on December 25th, under the name of 'Claus's Elves' in relation to the children's misbehaviours. Within the remainder of the month and leading into the early new year, over one hundred and twelve children had been taken into the shelter, fed and cared for by none other than the Claus couple themselves. Within the following year, two hundred and thirteen were counted, including the release of some of the eldest whom had remained in order to help the Clauses manage the orphanage.

Forever thankful for their blessed hearts, on December 24th that year, the children lay offerings of sweets baked by themselves and a tall jug of milk by the Claus's living quarters. On December 25th, the morning they awoke, not only were the treats happily devoured, but in their place lay a present, handcrafted and picked for each and every child including ones already outgrown from the orphanage.

In the following years, the orphanage made it a tradition, celebrating the founding of the Claus's shelter. As the children grew up and had families of their own, they too continued the tradition, claiming that the presents given were provided and made by Santa Claus, his sweet wife, and their dear elves." Within the last few words spoken from the book, the children erupt in cheers causing the (H/C) haired girl to laugh. The once silent crowd is overtaken with chatter about festivities to occur later that evening, the people dispersing after children finish chatting with the country personification.

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