Chapter 15 | Bonding time

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⚠️ Warning! ⚠️
Swearing and mild violence ahead! May skip Flashback if easily triggered!

Arthur stands in the doorway of the kitchen, his arms crossed with a scowl on his face as he has a stare down with the brown eared hybrid, emerald green against diamond blue. Ludwig leans on the counter, watching intently as (Y/N) cleans the recently stitched up wound on the quieter hybrid's stomach. Everyone— well, almost everyone— had already grown accustomed to the new presence in the household, aside from Arthur not getting along very well with one of them.

The white eared man winces, his eyes scrunching up slightly in pain at the stinging sensation the alcohol brings upon the raw skin of his wound. (Y/N) flinches back, "Sorry... just a bit more and then your free to go and clean yourself up," she sends him a reassuring smile.

"...T-Thank you, Miss," the violet eyed male mutter softly, lowering his ripped shirt over the scar once the woman had finished attending to it.

"Not a problem!" She smiles, "do you have any other wounds...?" She trails off, silently hoping she isn't prying too much.

The blonde's lips twitch slightly in a smile, "M-Matthew," he answers, "a-and to answer your question, n-no."

"Alright then! I'll get Francis to lead you to the bathroom, along with your...Uh."
A chuckle threatens to escape Matthew's lips as the female gazes at the other round eared male confusedly.

"That's my brother, Alfred," he informs softly, an eyebrow raised slightly at the sight of his brother glaring down the Scottish fold near the doorway. He sees the (H/C) haired girl open her mouth to say something, and quickly answers with a gentle smile before the woman can speak, "we're Bear hybrids. Al's a grizzly whereas I'm a polar bear."

(Y/N) stands in shock for a moment before she smiles and nods, "Well, it's lovely to meet you both," Alfred stops glaring down Arthur and turns his attention to the female at the sound of her voice addressing both him and his brother, "as I said before, I'll get Francis and Gilbert to lead you guys to the bathrooms so you can clean up. I'll leave some fresh clothes out for you while your in there."
They nod.

Moments later, the brothers are being lead to the first bathroom, the occasional chatter from Francis and Gilbert breaking the awkward silence.
"...Hey," Alfred starts, his eyes unsure at what he's about to say, "I have a question."

"Shoot." Gilbert answers.

"Why are you guys so attached to her?" The hybrid asks, tending slightly before relaxing at the sight of the hybrids in front of him sharing a similar look.

"Well, mon amie," The Frenchman begins, flicking his hair behind his shoulder dramatically, earning a snicker from the albino, "la fille 'ad welcomed us into 'er abode with open arms. She treats us like equals, rather than inferior beings," he explains, a fond smile on his face as he gazes at the two behind him with a sense of familiarity.

"Ja!" Gilbert agrees, smirking, "she's nice too! Trust me, I remember mein first time here, and I gave her zhe fright of her life! But, she forgave me. And look vhere ve are now!" He turns around and spreads his arms out, walking backwards for a moment.
The brothers look at each other, a certain look in Matthew's eyes whilst Alfred shrugs at him.

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