Chapter 17 | Assurance

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It's been a few days since rescuing the hybrid from the isolation, and ever since then he had seemed to grow a strong attachment towards (Y/N), seeing as it was her that he saw first when removing him from the broken facility. When she was attending to the other injuries adorned upon the other rescues' skin, he was there behind her, watching intently over her shoulder at how she heals them, ignoring the quivering of the other hybrids whenever they got too close to the female. Despite all this, he had yet to speak.

He had gotten a room at the Hetalia Hybrid Shelter with three other hybrids that were once sold underground in the Tenebris Organisation, an illegal underground network that capture hybrids from homes and shelters, importing and exporting them in multiple countries before auctioning them off to others to do their bidding, whether it be stealing, showing off or using them for their own sick pleasure as sex slaves. The same organisation that got their hands on her hybrids. The thought of it makes (Y/N)'s heart clench in her chest painfully.

One was a deer hybrid from Latvia names Raivis, another was Chamois hybrid from Lithuania named Toris and an elk hybrid named Eduard from Estonia. Three animals of prey rooming with a large predator doesn't sound ideal, but they manage despite the three being terrified of the Russian. However, Ivan either didn't pick up on this, or decided to ignore it. Despite the three's fear, they tried to begin a conversation with him, but still— he wouldn't talk.

It was soon found out that Ivan was a Siberian Tiger born and bred in the snowy mountain forests of Moscow, Russia. It's still unknown why he seems so distant with everyone except (Y/N), the workers silently questioning his behaviour and silence, however not pushing any further for answers. Although after a few more studies about his behaviour had shown that he had developed separation anxiety, causing him to become more protective and possessive over those he trusts. It was until (Y/N) decided to properly treat the wounds on his neck—the injuries he never allowed anyone else to touch— that he first spoke.

"Alrighty, this... is going to sting a little— okay?" (Y/N) informs, a slightly nervous look in her (E/C) irises as she gazes up at the tall male sitting in front of her. He returns her gaze with a look of understanding, a gentle, childlike smile on his face before he turns back ahead of himself. Taking this as a positive response, she brings the alcohol soaks cotton ball towards the scarred over wounds, softly dabbing it over the irritating injuries— the man barely flinches— only letting out a slight since every once and a while.

The hybrid keeps his violet eyes trained ahead, "...Ivan." His voice is light and soft— aside from the slight huskiness due to it not being used— with an innocent touch to it followed by a thick Russian accent. (Y/N) pauses her movements, a look of surprise taking over her features as she blinks for a moment.

"I-I'm sorry, what?"

The male moves his line of sight towards the woman with a certain look of fondness hidden in his velvet purple orbs, "My name, is Ivan."
A happy and sincere smile makes its way onto the (H/C) haired girl's (pink/red) lips after hearing the man speak for the very first time since they had rescued him. It was a relief to know he wasn't mute as x-rays had shown there was no permanent damage to his vocal cords, apart from them being slightly worn down from either using it too much, or not using it at all.

The two grew closer from then on, although the Russian refused to speak unless necessary, unless he was alone with (Y/N)— the reason it was unknown. Due to this and his intimidating aura almost constantly surrounding him when the (H/C) haired female wasn't by his side, other hybrids avoided him like the plague, his roommates quivering and giving in to his every command when left with the tall man. So, filed as 'behavioural issues' when coming into contact with others, he was sent to live with (Y/N), not that either of them minded.

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