Chapter 3 | Planning

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After sending the hybrids to their respected rooms, the twins sharing as the darker haired brunette had insisted— more like demanded— so, (Y/N) heads to her own room, laying on her bed after changing into a comfy pair of clothes, staring up at the ceiling with a thoughtful look on her face as she wonders how to gain access to the albino's brother just as she had promised.
'Hopefully this will help them trust me... b-but... where will they stay afterwards? If they leave, will they keep hiding in the streets? What if another gang finds them!? Or a hybrid pound or extermination organisation?!' Her thoughts send her into a panicked frenzy, her breathing becoming rapid at the thought of hybrids being killed just because of their animalistic instincts and unique looks.

After pondering on what to do, (Y/N) increasingly becomes more frustrated.
'How will I find his brother? The Hetalia Hybrid Centre is taking in another few hybrids tomorrow, from an abusive shelter... maybe I could interrogate them and see if I could find a match?' Her breathing slows as she thinks of a solution.

'Damnit! I didn't ask what their names were! Let alone the brother's'...' the female glances at her room door, contemplating whether or not to disturb the probably sleeping hybrids for information before sighing and shaking her head, "no... they need the rest." She murmurs to herself.

Feeling slightly restless and frustrated, she sits up, getting off the bed and walking towards the office desk in her room, sitting down in the office chair before shuffling through a few draws, pulling a couple files out and glancing over the papers. She grabs a pen from the stationary holder and gently bites the end of it for a moment before circling a few things, taking notes and writing other things down.

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Instincts | Hybrid! Hetalia x ReaderWhere stories live. Discover now