Chapter 1 | Rescue

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Your Outfit above!

Quickly snapping out of her thoughts at the sound of another pained yelp, (Y/N) quickly rushes around the corner in another alleyway only a few metres from where the fight occurs. She lets out a few curses as she shuffles through her small bag in frustration. Soon enough, she lets out a quiet, victorious cheer as she finds what she was looking for, a small bottle of pepper spray and a camouflage patterned Swiss Army knife.


"OI! Don't-a touch him you stupido— GAH!"

"Reave us arone!"

"Whatcha gonna do about it? Freak?!" The thug and his cronies laugh sadistically and drunkly, stumbling closer to the cowering hybrids who were outnumbered by a group of 7.

(Y/N) drops her bag, startled before sucking in a deep breath, '...Please trust me,' she thinks to herself, silently praying that the hybrids will cooperate with her. She shifts her weight from one foot to the other, hiding the Swiss Army knife in the grip of her jacket that's tied around her waist, so it's easier to access as she doesn't have to search through any pockets. With the pepper spray in hand, she walks out of the ally and steps into the other one, the drunk laughing suddenly ceasing as the thugs lay eyes on the female, smirks making their way onto their ugly faces.

"Heheh," once chuckles, not so discreetly nudging one of his buddies as he mumbles to him, "watch this," he clears his throat, "Hey doll, what's a delicate chick like you doin' out at night? It's dangerousss you know," he says, walking towards the woman as his words slur.

(Y/N) smiles, "Actually, I came here to put you back to your place."

"Oh?" The man raises an eyebrow and leans towards the female, whom in return scrunches her face up in disgust at the smell of alcohol radiating off of the man, "bring me back to my place, eh?"

(Y/N) smiles once again before chuckling, her voice lowering until she abruptly stops and glares, "No. To put you back into your place in line!" She growls, her eyes flickering towards the silhouettes of the cowering hybrids for a moment.

The drunk male reels back in surprise before falling onto his backside from the woman suddenly shoving him down. He smirks, "Oh... you wanna play dirty huh? Wanna play hero? Wellll, lets see how this'll turn out, little damsel," he teases, getting ready to lunge. He pushes off his feet and bolts towards the girl, only to have her dodge him, the pepper spray in her hand letting out a light hissing sound as the liquid inside is projected into his eyes.

He lets out a scream at the harsh stinging sensation before thumping onto the ground, unconscious.

(Y/N)'s chest heaves up and down slightly, the adrenaline from knocking the man out with the bottom of the spray bottle pumping through her veins. She lets out a small gasp as she hears something crack. She turns to see the other thug members looking shocked before it turns into anger.

"...Your gonna regret that, girly." One of the skinnier thugs sneer, cracking his knuckles. His other crew members chuckle as they see the woman's eyes widen, cracking their necks and other joints as they prepare themselves for an 'easy' fight.

'Shit,' (Y/N) thinks to herself with her eyes wide at the gang members, 'I just took out their leader!'
The gang take a step forwards, causing the female to take a step back. She sucks in a deep breath and clenches her eyes shut for a moment.

A man lunges at her.

Her eyes snap open, revealing her sharp (E/C) irises piercing into the shadow covered light with determination. She sidesteps the man, sending a roundhouse kick towards his temple, knocking him out. Two more rush at her.
'Time for the last resort.'

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