Chapter 20 | Sick

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Requested/Suggested by  |  (quotev)
Thank you for the suggestion! I can't wait to get this chapter up and going!
"Argh, w-why does my head hurt so much...?" (Y/N) groans as she leans back from her slumped position over the desk, arms stretched outwards as she lets out a loud yawn, sniffing before rubbing the sleep out of her eyes. She blinks, adjusting to the light of the room and glaring at the tiny ray of light daring to peek through the drawn blinds. She huffs and turns her back to it in the swivel chair before squinting.

Littering her desk were tan Manila folders, paperclips and some unfinished documents topped off by a few random, disorganised papers. Her laptop sat at the edge of the polished surface, screen blank with a small, tiny light flickering red at the top of the keyboard signalling it's low battery. The lamp on the far right corner was dull, however, it's light still on and slightly flickering meaning that it was on all night. The girl huffs and leans over, flicking the switch off before glancing down at the desk after heading something clatter beneath her. She sits back down, picking up an empty, brightly coloured can displaying an energy drink banner wrapped around it. She grimaces at the sight of a few stray drops of the light green, once fizzy, liquid seeping into some of her papers, the small drops having leaked from the can when she had tipped it over on accident.

She glares at the can with distaste, "Psh," she rolls her eyes, "'energise' my ass! It's nothing but a waste of money and sugar..." she grumbles, crumpling it in her hand before tossing it into the trash can at the side of her desk.

"Shoot...!" She murmurs a few more curses under her breath, turning her head over her should for a moment as she lets out a kitten-like sneeze, before averting her attention back to her work, grabbing an empty file and clumsily flicking through papers, placing them in messy piles as she sorts them out into alphabetical order whilst in her gloomy daze. A sharp pain emits through her skull, causing her to wince. She moves from her desk, stumbling as she bumps her hip into the corner of the table and stubs her toe on the metal rubbish tin filled to the brim with crumpled papers before ending up at the door of her bathroom. She flicks on the light, wincing at its brightness, before entering.

She approaches the sink and immediately opens the cabinets, shuffling through the boxes of medication and bandages, small bottles and women's products, however, not finding what she was looking for. She groans and slams them shut before squatting down, opening the compartment under the sink only to see a heap of cleaning products hidden within it. The tired female stands up and slouches against the sink before looking up at her reflection, a small gasp escaping her lips at her appearance. Her normally sickly (H/C) hair was in a jumbled mess despite not even sleeping on the bed, dark bags under her eyes seemingly sinking into her pale skin, the tip of her nose tinted a light red as she sniffles once more.

"Oh no, I can't let the guys see me like this...!" She cringes at the thought before quickly brushing a hand through her hair to make it look at least semi presentable before turning on the faucet, hands cupped under the cool water before she splashes it onto her face, sighing in relief before turning off the tap and turning to her side where a small towel sat, wiping her face clean of the substance. The bags under her eyes had lessened slightly, although not by much, as did the colour on her nose. It wasn't much of a change and it wouldn't last any longer than a few minutes, but it was better than nothing. All she had to do was head into the kitchen to grab the needed medication and hopefully avoid making contact with anyone before retreating to her room, using the excuse that she was busy. Her plan being to take the medication before continuing with the necessary work that had to be finished.

She exits the bathroom and changes out of the work clothes she had fallen asleep in, replacing it with a (Ravenclaw/Hufflepuff/Gryffindor/Slytherin) 17 Quidditch hoodie, fluffy socks and sweatpants, popping the hood over her head to conceal her face before slipping out of her room, hugging herself in order to gather some body warmth as she shivers. She peers around the corner leading to the kitchen, seeing how a majority of the hybrids were in the living room or elsewhere, before tiptoeing into the designated area. She silently begins to shuffle through the cabinets before looking through the pantry, noticing a small tray of medicines and tablets sitting on the third shelf. With a victorious, "aha!" she reaches up and snatches it from its place, shutting the pantry door before sliding over to the fridge in her socks, opening it and pulling out a bottle of water.

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