Chapter 6 | Scenting

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*1 Week Later*

It's been about a week since the whole 'Saving the Hybrid's brother' fiasco, and the group of six couldn't be happier with their choice to remain with the human girl, the species they had grown to despise. At first, they were unsure on how to act and behave in their new home.

The shelters they had been raised in taught them to act as pets, and treated them as so as well. Their previous owners did the same, punishing them for when they 'misbehaved'. But on the other hand, the female they currently reside with treated them as equals, confusing the hybrids for a certain amount of time. They now each have their owns rooms, designed how they liked with a proper bed and closet— which, mind you, only had a few clothes due to their unexpected arrival and stay— along with a small bathroom containing a toilet and sink each.

The proper bathrooms, which had showers and baths and whatnot, were located at the end of the corridors, whilst the other was positioned around the corner. The apartment had two floors, each of which had 2-3 full bathrooms, excluding (Y/N)'s room, which was the master bedroom and did indeed have a full bathroom attached to it.

But in around two days time, the males quickly adjusted and accepted their new lifestyle and home, along with their new, 'Mistress' as they had said. When they first started calling (Y/N) that, she immediately became flustered and stuttered out that they didn't need to call her their superior, which admittedly shocked the hybrids at her beliefs and silently thanked her for her kindness.

Kiku has become more relaxed in the new environment and has now acquired a large shelf of manga and anime books, comics and DVDs, along with a few cosplay outfits of his choice which embarrassed him at first, although he is very thankful. (Y/N) quickly learned about his 'personal space' problem and respected that, but she couldn't help but feel happy and privileged when Kiku first approached her and asked for a shy cuddle, which she gladly accepted.

Feliciano has been as happy as every, letting out happy 'Ve~'s every so often. He was the quickest to become attached to the female and often whines and even threatens to cry whenever she leaves the apartment, bouncing around as if he's on a sugar high whenever she returns. His tight hugs became a regular occurrence, the male being surprisingly strong despite his looks when he wants to be. Often when he and (Y/N) cuddle and she has to get up, it becomes an immediate challenge to escape from his iron grip.

Gilbert has become a lot less guarded and more carefree, his slightly flirty attitude taking over whenever the (H/C) haired female is near. He can definitely be loud when he wants to, his laugh being one of the things that brings a bright smile to the woman's face which he enjoys and admires. Halfway through the week, he found a new friend in a lone baby chicken that was found depressingly wondering through the streets. How he had spotted the tiny yellow chick from the window, (Y/N) will never know.

Lovino seemed to definitely be a challenge at first, before the female finally decoded him. She soon learned that he had the personality of a 'Tsundere' as Kiku would say. Someone who seemed cold and stubborn on the outside, but was soft and caring on the inside. Lovino usually said one thing, but meant the other and can be quite a lot like his brother at times, grumpily pulling (Y/N) away from what she was doing and dragging her towards the couch for a cuddle, grumbling all the whilst.

Ludwig was the hardest to crack, his distrust towards humans never left until his heart eventually softened towards the (Skin tone) girl. His personality was still one of a soldier, but he was definitely more caring and considerate than when he first arrived in the household. He eventually became more protective over the female, even mothering over her when she got hurt. (Y/N) learned that he got flustered quite easily, which made her giggle, and that he had a secret love for baking, a small hobby that the two had acquired together.

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