Go Forth : Newspaper Club! | Hetalia x Reader [Side Story] Pt 1

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Hetalia : Season 5 - Episode 2 [English Dubbed]
Uniform - Summer

Hetalia : Season 5 - Episode 2 [English Dubbed]~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~Uniform - Summer

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"The earth, she's a big blue ball-buster who takes no crap from anyone! So like me.
She's home to the W Academy; a unique school where the countries of the world hone their mutant p— ahem, I-I mean, live the student life!"

 She's home to the W Academy; a unique school where the countries of the world hone their mutant p— ahem, I-I mean, live the student life!"

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"Alright!" A pile of paper documents slams down onto one of the many wooden oak desks in the room, "zhe focus of our next issue is clubs!"

"Awww, but-a blunt force trauma is such a downer, Germany," A certain brunette whines, the single curl on his head bouncing lightly before he opens one of his closed eyes with a smile, revealing shimmering caramel orbs, "I-a think we should write about pasta, or girls!  Especially (Y/N), hehe— yeah!"

"I don't mean zhe veapons, idiot. I mean zhe student organisations." Explains the blond German with a finger pointed as to further prove his point. A pair of brown, thin rimmed square glasses perched securely on the bridge of his nose in front of his sharp, icy blue irises.

"It-a was a honest mistake!"

"Ah! P-Please calm down!" A young girl instructs politely, (H/L) (H/C) tresses resting atop her shoulders in bundles of silk, glistening (E/C) pools pure, yet timid, "i-its too early in the day for this..!"

"Prease, do not fight," a particular raven haired male pleads softly, features serene and blank yet with eyes almost as dark as ink, "ret me morrify (mollify) you with empty carbohydrates." He places a plate of four chocolate covered rice crackers onto the surface of the desk in front of him.

"Empty carbohydrates so yum!" Italy happily grabs one and starts munching away, slipping off into his own little world as he lightly bounces in his place.

(Y/N) slides into the seat beside the Japanese male and grabs one of the treats delicately before taking a bite out of it and letting out a content hum, "Gratias tibi, Japan!"

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