Chapter 7 | An Embarrassing Morning

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"Ve~ Morning, Bella!"



And that's how the morning started.
With a slight groan of protest due to the suns golden rays shining into her room and directly onto the bed, (Y/N) shifts underneath the covers, a brow creased in confusion at the slight weight thrown over her waist. Cracking an eye open, her slightly blurred vision finally comes into focus, only to see a face almost directly in front of her.

"Ve~ Morning, Bella!" Feliciano greets, giving the female his infamous closed eyed smile as he tilts his head innocently to the side.
Startled, due to obviously not expecting the male to be beside her in her bed— and to be the first thing she saw in the morning— (Y/N) lets out a short scream.

A thump can be heard throughout the room, causing the Italian to wince at the sound, opening his eyes once again.

"Ve~ Mi dispace, Bella. I-a didn't mean to scare you," he apologises, watching the female rub the back of her head due to suddenly lurching backwards, away from the man.

(Y/N) lets out a stifled whimper at the sudden sharp pain erupting from the back of her skull when her hand made contact with it in a certain place, before placing her hand back onto it and continuing to massage the aching area.
"Feli, w-what are you doing here? A-And why are you in my bed?" She inquires, brushing off his apology as she winces again, this time bringing her hand away from her head and instead resting it in her lap.

Before the Italian could utter out another word, the door to (Y/N)'s bedroom suddenly bursts open with four panicked hybrids, their ears up on high alert.

"AH!" Once again startled, the (H/C) haired female backs up until her back is pressed up against the headboard of the bed with the blankets bunched around her ankles, her legs clinging together tightly as they rest beside her, "WHAT THE HELL!?"
At the sound of her voice, the men immediately look towards her before relaxing, seeing as nothing bad had happened.

Kiku opens his mouth to say something before almost immediately shutting it, his eyes widening as his leopard cat ears flatten on his head, a dark blush covering his cheeks, "U-Uh—Um, G-Gomen'nasai (Y/N)-chan for the sudden disturbance, b-but uh-" he quickly shakes his head, removing his gaze from the female's body as he hides his face in his long sleeve covered hands.

The woman looks a him in confusion, bringing her clenched fists away from her face as she tilts her head.

Lovino's eyes widen just as Kiku's had done, causing him to sputter out nonsense as his face becomes unnaturally red, causing him to turn his head away. Ludwig and Gilbert seem to have similar reactions, Ludwig's face heating up as he quickly faces the window, his body stiffening whilst his brother's pale skin becomes tinted with a light pink, although instead of decently diverting his gaze away, his red eyes scan the female up and down as a dazed smile makes its way onto his face.

"What are you...?" (Y/N) trails off before looking at her current attire, a sweatshirt that ends at the top of her thighs, revealing a tiny bit of the bottom of her black panties, with the blankets bundled at her ankles leaving her (Skin tone) legs on show. With a sudden gasp of realisation, a dark blush covers her face as she swiftly gathers the blankets up in her hands and pulls them over her body, "W-What the heck!?"

"Aww, Lovi you-a look like-a a piccolo pomodoro...!" Feliciano coos, only a light blush on his cheeks before he opens his eyes and looks towards his mistress, "Ve~ Mistress looks cosí carino é agitato!" His caramel orbs seem to sparkle for a moment before he lets out a harmless battle cry of cuteness, launching towards the female beside him before trapping her in his arms.

Lovino's blush darkens as he snaps his head towards his brother, a slightly jealous look on his face, "Shut-a up, fratello!" He yells with his hands clenched, "and-a let go of-a the ragazza, stupido!"

"B-But-But, fratellooo...!" Feliciano whines, his wolf ears flattening ever so slightly as he nuzzles his head into the female's upper chest and near the crook of her neck, scenting her a bit more in the process.

"Oof," (Y/N) grunts from the sudden force, one of her cheeks squished against the top of the cheery Italian's head. Due to her arms being pinned to her sides, the blanket that was once covering her slips off until finally stopping just above her knees, "F-Feli...!"

The cheeky hybrid lets out a small hum in false acknowledgment, sniffing around the female's neck before finding something that seemingly interested him, "Ooh!" His tail wags behind him from side to side in excitement at his find.
With his eyes smiling, he places a small lick on the area, seemingly liking the flustered reaction he received from the female and continued the action a few more times, occasionally nipping at the area.

"F-Feliciano...!" (Y/N) scolds as best as she can in her position, struggling against the male which causes him to growl quietly, the supposedly 'threatening' sound, sounding as if it were from a puppy, although it causes the female to cease her struggles nonetheless. Frustrated at the other mens' lack of help, she calls out, "hello!? Why are none of you reacting?!"

"Oh hush, ragazza," Lovino rolls his eyes and crosses his arms over his chest, "we'll-a have our-a turns with you eventually."

"Eventually!?" (Y/N) shouts, "the hell is that supposed to— EEP! A-Ah...!"

Soon enough, the single curl-haired male lets out a satisfied hum before letting go of the female, the woman rubbing her arms in some form of comfort from what had happened, "...why is my life so embarrassing?" She murmurs to herself as she glances towards the men bashfully, "Gilbert, you pervert! Get out!"

At that, everyone seems to snap out of their small daze and come to their senses. Shaking his head, Ludwig realises the unneeded attention that his older brother is giving the female and glares at him, hitting the back of his head causing the albino to let out a yell of protest before being grabbed by the back of his shirt, Ludwig dragging the reluctant hybrid out of the room with Kiku and Lovino following close behind.

Feli sits in his spot for a moment with a tilted head before smiling, placing a quick kiss on (Y/N)'s cheek and skipping out of the room with a smile, "Ve~"

In a daze, (Y/N) raises her hand to the cheek that the Italian Hybrid had kissed before suddenly collapsing back onto her bed with sigh, "...It's to early in the morning for this."

I'm dead again.
I hope you enjoyed!


Mi dispace, Bella = I'm sorry, Beautiful
Piccolo pomodoro! = little tomato!
Cosí carino é agitato! = So cute and flustered!

(Edited 5/7/19)
1210 words

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