Chapter 22 | Never to Forget

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Ideas given by - @FandomShizz21

Quotev : dancingdaimons

The next few days were a bliss— or at least to (Y/N). It felt as if a huge weight had been lifted off of her shoulders ever since she had confessed—although it was more like Sadik did it for her— her worries to the group. They hadn't changed for her, personalities still as radiant and contrasting as ever, however, constantly took into account on how she would react to things, more aware of how she would feel.

It didn't bother them, as a matter of fact, the felt that they could benefit from it— they knew they could. After receiving that advice from the Turk who had confronted them, they were much more considerate towards the female. Nothing major changed, just little things.
Whenever someone wanted a bit more affection than usual, they would approach her softly and ask—albeit shyly— But they asked nonetheless, understanding the value of consent and brightening once they noticed that (Y/N)'s scent heightened with happiness at their request instead of simply remaining the same unlike in those past few weeks. Not only had it lightened their moods, but also her own despite taking no notice of the changes, nor being able to sense the differences in scents like the hybrids— but she was happy nonetheless.

One of these days, (Y/N) picks up on a certain Canadian's loneliness as the others hang out in a group, doing their usual activities and whatnot whilst he remains in his room with only little Kumajiro to keep him company.

The female emits a low hum as she peers around the corner into Matthew's room from behind the frame of his open door, watching as he plays around with Kuma's paws gently, the polar bear paying no mind to his antics. She pouts subconsciously at the sight of his lonesome self and takes in a breath before knocking on the wall, alerting the male of her presence. Matthew perks up at the sound, "C-Come in..!"

"Matthew?" (Y/N) peeks in before stepping inside, a gentle smile on her face, "...what're you doing in here? The others are out in the living room..." Matthew's shoulders slump slightly before he straightens up, not wanting her to worry.

"O-Oh, yeah... I know, i-it's just that," he sighs, voice soft as he speaks, eyes diverted to the paws of Kumajiro as he fiddles with them absentmindedly, "even if I were to join in, they would forget I was there anyway..."
The (H/C) haired girl frowns at his words, tilting her head as she thins her lips into a line as she thinks, moving to sit next to him on his red and white, Canadian flag based bed.

"Well then," she looks up at him with a sudden gleam in her eyes as she gets an idea, the small gasp she emitted immediately drawing the hybrid's attention, "how about we go out for a day— sometime this week? Just the two of us." She suggests with a light smile. Matthew lets out a small sound of wonder and slight confusion, a brow quirked up in question.

"J-Just the two of us..?"

"Mmhm!" She nods affirmatively with a hum of agreement, "anywhere you want to go."

The male's eyes widen slightly, "W-Wait, y-you're serious?" (Y/N) tilts her head at his question confusedly, giving him a look as if the answer was obvious.

"Of course," she smiles a closed eye smile, missing the light pink hue coating the blond's cheeks at her action, "why wouldn't I be?" She opens her eyes, gaze softening at the slight look of disbelief and mild excitement tracing the canadian's features as he drifts off deep into thought. She giggles lightly causing the man to shake his head, snapping out of his small daydream with a blush, "I love spending time with you, Mattie. And even if I wanted to, I could never just ignore you— you're too precious!" She leaps forwards and brings him into a sudden embrace, the male letting out a squeak at the sudden movement before hugging back timidly.

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