Chapter 26 | Pasta~

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Antonio's nose scrunches up slightly as a particularly large droplet splatters on his forehead, drippling down the centre of his face. (Y/N) puffs out a laugh causing the male to grin bashfully. She glances around the garden as much as she can from their spot behind the shrubs before looking up at the Spaniard, "Um, I'll uh... I'll.. go get the others," she breathes out, slightly flushed, "would you be able grab some towels from inside?"

The male nods, perking up, "Sure thing, chica," his eyes glint cheekily as the rain begins to increase ever so slightly, "I'll race you~"

"You're on." (Y/N) grins and gives him no time to respond before pushing herself away from his chest and bolting around the trees. She hears the male let out a loud laugh before he takes off on his own path. The girl giggles to herself before taking in a sharp breath as she feels herself begin to slip, however, manages to balance herself at the last second.

"Whoa, okay—let's not do that," she mutters to herself, blinking before bolting off again, "ooh! Feli! Over here!" She waves over the Italian as the rain falls a little harder, the male beaming as he swiftly makes his way to her.

"My-a mate~" He coos, dropping the watering can in his hands and hugging her.

"—teammate, bastardo." Lovino scowls as he peeks up from behind the garden box he was hiding behind. His ear twitches as the water soaks it. Feli seems to ignore his brother, opting to just smother the girl in his arms as the rain begins to pour even more.

"Guys," (Y/N) calls for their attention, giving Feliciano a pat on the head as he whines when she pulls away from him, "we should head inside, it'll just get worse the longer we're out here." Earning a nod of agreement from both men, they rush through the gardens to make their way inside, the rain beginning falling faster and faster, and harder and harder with every step they take. Just as they make it to the doorway, the rain becomes so thick it's difficult to even see through. "Whew, we made it just in time."

"Not that we saved ourselves..." Lovino grumbles. (Y/N) looks at him, glancing over his now flat, wet hair and soaked clothes, the fabric clinging to his skin—even his curl sags with the amount of water it got caught it. She stifles a laugh at his deadpanned face, letting out a shriek as the Italian begins to shake himself off like a dog would to spite her. Feli laughs at her misfortune before copying, the water from his ears and tail flicking everywhere.

"Alright, alright~" Antonio marches up to them just in time, tossing a towel over each of the brothers' heads to cease their actions and causing both to cry out in protest.

(Y/N) giggles at them before gratefully taking a towel from him, "Looks like you won the race." She gives herself a quick pat down with the material, slipping off her sopping shoes and leaving them by the closed door, the others following suit.

"That I did," He grins, "come on now, before we get in trouble with Ludwig for all the water."

"Ah!" At the mention of the German, Feliciano immediately perks up in alert and takes off towards the nearest bathroom.

"Oh, shit." Lovino is quick to do so as well, (Y/N) right on his heels as she shouts over her shoulder.

"Thanks, Antonio!" Earning a loud laugh from the Spaniard as she races down the hall.

No, they did not evade trouble—Feli smacked right into it when turning the corner. Lovino tried to run, but earned a very hard and judgemental stare from Kiku at the sight of the water dripping from his tail. The Japanese male did not appreciate the trio trailing puddles around the place. Ludwig glanced between Feli (who left his shirt partially soaked from bumping into him) and (Y/N) with furrowed brows before sighing. They got to have their showers eventually, after scampering away with a light scolding—(Y/N) giggling as she basically hid behind the twins who took the brunt it.

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