Chapter 27 | Lights Out

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The storm grumbled and groaned even after dinner, it seemed it would only grow throughout the night, and possibly bleed into the next day. So that scrapped any outside activities for the next while. Everyone wanted to spend a little more time together (or time with (Y/N) more like it) so they'd all dragged themselves and the few recluses from their rooms to gather in the living area.
"So... movie night?" Alfred suggests with a sheepish grin.

Gilbert flops himself over on the left couch to inconvenience everyone, "UGH! But ve always have a movie night!"

"You don't like our movie nights?" Francis reels back, mildly offended, "well, I never."

"I like our movie nights." Ivan chirps, sitting in the love seat off to the side. Matthew shudders from beside him, having saved Kumajiro from turning into a couch cushion.

"You don't like-a our movie nights...?" Feli pouts.

"Hey now!" Gilbert flails, struggling to sit upright, "I never said I didn't like our movie nights! Don't put jour words in my mouth, jou unawesome fiends!"

"If you don't appreciate the time you can leave." Arthur quips in for the sake of it. He doesn't bother to hide his amused smirk as Alfred and Feliciano turn their back on the albino.

The wolf hybrid fumes, "Oi! I never said zhat!"

"Hm... are there any TV shows we might want to catch up on?" Matthew's soft voice manages to reach their ears.

"Wasn't there this new Chinese drama released yesterday?" (Y/N) hums, "we could check that out." Yao perks up from his place beside Kiku, who sits on his claimed beanbag by the window in the corner.

"Are zhere any cooking shows?"

"I am not watching one of your-a stupid cooking shows as a pastime." Lovino growls at the Frenchman who suggested the idea. Francis crosses his arms with a pout.


"I have a few video games we could try out?" Kiku moves from his beanbag to turn on the PlayStation and switch channels. Antonio tilts his head.

"What kind of games?"

The Japanese man shrugs.
"Aww, but I-a like our movies..!" Feli whines out again.

"Yeah, but we do that like, every night." Alfred points out.


"Nein! I don't vant a movie!"

"My God..." Ludwig closes his eyes with a slight wince, "can jou both please quiet down?"

"Didn't we have a roster for this aru?" Yao thinks aloud.

"We did, didn't we?" (Y/N) furrows her brows, "wait, so who picked last then?" Anyone who was about to answer is interrupted by a singular bright streak of light from outside the large window, followed by the loud crack of thunder. The TV if the first to flicker before the lights follow suit. The hybrids tense up as their ears pick up on the subtle changes around them. Ludwig's hearing zones in on the light clinkering of the flickering lightbulbs above them whereas Arthur's ears twitch towards the high pitched ring in the kitchen. (Y/N) watches them worriedly before squealing at the sound of a shatter off to the right—a lightbulb had burst. A few others yell in alarm when the rest of the lights fall out, submerging them in darkness. The TV is the last to flicker out, illuminating them momentarily before teetering off with a crackle. Alfred lets out a loud groan at the sound of the ventilation clicking.

"Nooooo, the heater turned off...!" (Y/N) could hear him fall back dramatically.

"Ow! Get off of me, you bloody git!"

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⏰ Last updated: Aug 01, 2022 ⏰

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