Chapter 23 | Restless

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Idea Given by Jiyoung (Quotev) and myself.

"Damnit," (Y/N) sighs, muttering to herself as she rubs the tiredness out of her eyes, "this can't be good for me." She glares down at herself—sprawled across her bed in a pair of sweats and a loose jumper, laptop open in front of her, warm mug in hand with the sun seeping into the room, it was a safe haven; an unhealthy safe haven.
"I need something to do— with the sudden burst of hybrids coming in I've been so lazy after finishing those documents..." she huffs, glaring at the discarded, half empty bag of (favourite flavour) potato chips discarded by her bedside table, "...but it feels so gooood." The female groans, placing her mug down and rolling herself into a burrito with the comforter.

"...I hate myself."

Knock knock.
"(Y/N)?" A deep, accented voice calls out from the other side of the door. (Y/N) helps at the sudden disturbance and wiggles in the midst of the blankets, ending up getting tangled in them and falling off the bed not so gracefully, landing on the floor with a thump, "liebling?" A certain German pokes his head through the door, wolf ears perked up at the muffled sound with his features painted in concern.

"Hi, Ludwig!" The female jumps up from her fallen place on the other side of the bed, blushing embarrassingly as she scrambles up to look somewhat normal.

He quirks up a brow, "Vhat are jou doing?"

"Nothing!" She answered too quick for it to be nothing. He gives her a look.
She sighs, plopping onto her bed dejectedly, staring up at the ceiling with bored eyes, "I don't know, I just feel so... bleh."

Ludwig enters the room, worried as he senses her mild frustration through her scent, "How so?"

"I just... don't feel happy with myself—I mean, don't get me wrong, I am so glad I don't have anymore paperwork due, but I just feel so... sluggish and—out of it, I guess." The girl sits up, glaring at her lap with a pout for her inability to come up with a proper reason for how she felt. The German raises an eyebrow in bemusement before shaking his head.

"Jou feel unsatisfied vith jourself, zhat is zhe problem." She snaps her head up.

"How..—how did you come up with that so quick?" Ludwigs shrugs.

"Experience," he pauses, "and Feliciano. Now, I think I know how to help jou, but first, jou might vant to change into something more pliant." A subtle smirk rests on his face as he crosses his arms over his chest, observing her for a moment. (Y/N) gives him a look of confusion, looking down at herself and eyes widening as her face warms; she wore a simple grey t-shirt with a teddy bear hugging a pink heart and matching pyjama shorts with little hearts printed on the pockets and lining the trim. She squeaks and buries herself under the covers.

"W-Why didn't you say anything!?"

"Vhy didn't jou notice?" The male quips back swiftly, leaving her mouth agape before turning and walking out of the room with large strides, "I'll see jou outside, frau!" She lightly glares at his retreating form and goes to retaliate, "five minutes!" She squeaks and leaps out of bed at his command.

With the others lazing about the large apartment, (Y/N) quickly makes her way to the entrance with a light puff. She quickens her pace at the sight of the German standing by the door wearing a black tank top, army green khaki pants and combat boots with an absent minded frown on his features as he remains deep in thought.
"I'm not late, am I?" The female jokes as she comes to a stop beside him. Ludwig breaks himself out of his thoughts and turns his attention to her, eyes suddenly growing wide as his cheeks erupt in varying shades of red.

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