90k Special | Can't Sleep Love - [Hetalia x Reader]

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'(Uh huh~)(Yeah!)Tell me am I going crazy? (Uh huh~)Tell me have I lost my mind? (Yeah!)Am I just afraid of lovin'? (Uh huh~)Or am I not the lovin' kind? (Yeah!)'

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'(Uh huh~)
Tell me am I going crazy?
(Uh huh~)
Tell me have I lost my mind?
Am I just afraid of lovin'?
(Uh huh~)
Or am I not the lovin' kind?

Shuffling under the covers of her sanctuary, a pair of hazy (E/C) eyes peer out from the top of the blankets, silky locks of (H/C) splayed upon the pillow whilst the few rays of sun slipping through the blinds reflect off of the strands of hair, illuminating the features of the sleep dazed female. She glares in betrayal at the fabric that was suppose to be shielding her from the morning sun before gradually sitting up with a light groan, rubbing the sleep out of her eyes. She lets out a sigh, staring into seemingly nothing before suddenly grabbing the nearest plush toy seated on her bed and screaming into it, ears tinted pink.

Alarmed, a certain little cat bursts into the room with a loud meow, looking around until landing on the distressed girl and flinging itself onto the bed majestically. It shakes off the landing and scurries up to her side, paying at her arm with a series of pleading calls. The girl lifts her head so her eyes peek out at the cat before letting out a large breath and moving the plush aside, wrapping her arms around herself with a dark blush on her cheeks, "It... it happened again, Pookie," she starts, eyes half-lidded as she bites the inside of her cheek, "that dream... of him. Ugh—that's the fifth time this week!" She flops back onto the bed, arm across her face s the cat pads up to her with a tilted head.


"I mean, it's not a bad thing—" she shakes her head, muffling a squeal as she catches herself, "w-well..! I-It is but I mean—Uurgh! Why is this so hard?—It's like I'm losing my mind!" She moves her arm so she gently pats the listening cat on the head, "it's just... he's perfect, Pookie," she smiles wistfully, "absolutely perfect... a-and it all feels so real! His voice, his touch... it-it's just so weird! We're just friends, right?"


She chuckles half heartedly as the cat waddles up and licks her neck comfortingly, settling in the crook of her shoulder with a purr. She hums lightly, "I'm going crazy, aren't I?"

'Kissin' in the moonlight,
Movies on a late night,
Gettin' old~!
(Uh huh~)'

A sequence of loud and furious knocks seem to rack the walls of the house, the noise echoing through every corridor and room, "Hey, frau!" A rather thickly accented voice called out, quickly followed by a snake like laugh, "jou in there!?"
(Y/N) rolls her eyes at the rambunctiousness of the male outside and places the finishing touches on her outfit, taking one last approving glance in the mirror before grabbing her bag and keys and bolting to the front door.

"Coming!" She swings the door open, "I'm here, I'm here!" She comes to a standstill at the sight of the familiar white haired Prussian waiting for her on her front porch, hands placed in his pockets with his hair as messy as per usual, ruby eyes glinting cheekily as they scan her up and down with a grin situated on his pale pink lips. The male refrains from tumbling under her gaze, legs beginning to feel like jelly as his insides become a flurry of butterflies creating chaos in his stomach. His eyes flicker momentarily to meet her slightly dazed gaze before immediately diverting his own elsewhere at the feeling of his heart thumping in his chest so loudly he feared she would hear it. Covering up his moment of flustered silence, he snickers.

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