Chapter 8 | A Fight

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After such an embarrassing wake up call, (Y/N) finally pulls herself together after gathering up enough courage to leave her room and face the hybrids that caught her in such an embarrassing state. She makes her bed, although isn't very bothered to smoothen out the slight crinkles in the sheets, and changes into a light (Favourite colour)/tan off the shoulder sweater with light coloured denim jeans along with a pair of black converse. Taking in a breath, she steps out of her bedroom to face the source of her embarrassment.
Okay maybe that's a bit of a stretch— but still.

"Morning, frau," Gilbert greets with a smug smirk, leaning against the kitchen counter, his ruby red orbs scan the suddenly self conscious female up and down.

"Gilbert..," (Y/N) sighs, a light blush on her face as she gently face palms, "...shut up."

"Vhat? But I didn't say anything!"

"But you were thinking something with that stupid smirk— now that's enough to say something."

Ludwig chuckles at the woman's quick and witty response, Kiku a small smile on his face as Lovino holds back a gleeful grin, Feliciano simply laughing happily at the sight of the slightly grumpy look appearing on the albino's face, who lets out a huff in response.
Suddenly, a high pitched ring echoes throughout the apartment, the hybrids flinching their ears back with a wince due to their enhanced hearing. (Y/N) gives them an apologetic look for the shrill sound before answering the phone.

"Hey, you contacted (Y/N) (L/N) what seems to be the—"

"Oh! Thank goodness you picked up!" A female voice on the other side of the line lets out an exasperated sigh of relief.

"Michelle?" (Y/N) raises an eyebrow, "why are you calling? And so early— it's not even 10'o clock! Is something wro-"

"Yes! And it's driving everyone practically insane!"

The (H/C) woman glances at the hybrids currently conversing, making sure that their distracted enough so that they couldn't hear the conversation she was having, "What's the problem?" Her voice becomes serious, her brows furrowed.

"One of the hybrids that we took in yesterday— the Fox- has been with the Scottish fold hybrid since!"

"Aaand, that's a problem?"

"They won't stop fighting! We've put them into seperate rooms, but whenever they so much as glance at each other, all hell breaks loose- I swear!" The girl on the other line lets out a frustrated huff before muffled yelling can be heard, along with some hissing and a few yelps, "n-no! No, no, no, no! (Y/N) get over here quick! I— AH! Hey, stop it—-!"
The line suddenly gets cuts off.

With a look of concern and worry on her face, (Y/N) rushes towards the coat hanger and grabs a small dark, tan coloured shoulder bag and quickly shoved her phone into it before grabbing her car keys.
"Ve~" Feliciano looks up from his conversation, a saddened look on his face, "Bella?"

"You seem to be in quite a rush, (Y/N)-san," Kiku notices, eyeing the bag clumsily slung over the female's shoulder, "where are you going?"

"Sorry guys," (Y/N) sends the males an apologetic look as she scurries to the door, "I won't be able to cook— help yourselves to whatever you want! Or just call me if you want me to pick anything up- something came on at work with some hybrids but—"

"Ve'll come," Ludwig states bluntly, slicking back a stray strand of blonde hair from his forehead, "if it concerns other hybrids, it may very well be dangerous."

"Y-You don't really have to, other workers will be there as well so—"

"Don't-a push us away, ragazza," Lovino sends her a quick glare to silence her, his ears flickering back in annoyance at her resistance, "we're-a coming with you, where you-a like it or not."

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