Chapter 5 | Reunion

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Soon enough, the group of five are lead through a slightly bland white and silver hallway which leads to a maximum of seven doors placed on either side of the hallway, with the seventh door placed at the very end of the hallway. Two men decked out in black with bullet proof vests stand guard on either side of the door, sunglasses concealing their eyes as grim looks are plastered on their faces.

The men's blank looks soon turn into sneers at the sight of the four hybrids following the female. One of the men step forwards.
"Excuse me, ma'am?" He scans the (Skin Tone) woman up and down, a perverted smirk flashing across his lips for a moment before it disappears, "This area is reserved for superior staff only. But if your looking for someone to take those pests off of your shoulders..." he glances at the hybrids behind her, "...I'm sure that the Imperial hybrid shelter and the Hetalia Hybrid Centre will have no problem taking care of that... for a small price," he looks her up and down once more, nudging his friend.

(Y/N)'s eyes narrow, "Sorry to burst your bubble. My name is (Y/N) (L/N), the founder of Hetalia Hybrid Centre and that is certainly not the attitude and demeanour that is to be presented in front of costumers or fellow co-workers."

The guards' eyes widen behind their sunglasses, mouths becoming agape as they realise who their talking to.

"And your so called, payment, for 'taking care' of hybrids," she makes obvious quotation marks, "is extremely unacceptable, especially towards a woman, and of higher status nonetheless. You better be great full that I'm feeling generous today, I'll be letting you keep your jobs! But take one step out of line again, I will not hesitate to fire you."

The female points a finger at his chest, "You best watch what you say."

The guard who was talking quickly stumbles backwards into his position, back pressed against the wall as his arms stiffen, glued to his sides, "Y-Yes ma'am! Sorry, ma'am!"

(Y/N) lets out a huff but nods her head in approval nonetheless. She glances back at the hybrids behind her, making sure their safe as she continues forwards towards the door. The boys share a look with each other, eyes wide.
They never knew she had that much power over the company, or that affect on people. If they weren't careful, they might be on the receiving end of her fury... for someone so small she can sure be intimidating with that sharp (E/C) glare of hers along with her firm demands.

The (H/C) haired female opens the door, sending one last glare towards the guards before entering. The men standing guard stiffen for a moment before relaxing slightly once the woman is out of sight, glaring at the hybrids.
"Your lucky she's with you," the first guard sneers, "otherwise I woulda put you out myself." He scowls at the group.

Feliciano emits a small yelp and grasps the arm of his brother, partially hiding behind him as they swiftly head into the office, following close behind the female they put their trust in for the time being. Lovino scowls at the guards and opens his mouth to insult them, only to stop and become silent as he spots the man behind the desk, his eyes wide in fear as he uses his free hand to grip onto Feli's. Gilbert growls and moves to a defensive stance, Kiku releasing a hiss as his dark orbs narrow.

The man spots them and a smirk appears on his face, "Ah, I see you've brought some... hybrids with you," he spits out the word as if it's poison, knowing that he has to refer to them as equals in the same room as the female unless he wants his company to shut down and possibly become overrun, "I'm not certain you have been notified, but these hybrids originally came from my shelter. They are extremely aggressive, I would happily take them off of your hands—"

"Aggressive? With the treatment your giving them I can see why they would be," (Y/N) interrupts, forgetting for a moment that she has to remain on good terms with the man in order to maintain good relationships with both companies if she wants to gain hybrids in the Centre, saving them and giving them some form of freedom.

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