Chapter 9 | New Housemates

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After signing a few trial papers and placing them into the correct documents, (Y/N) utters a quick goodbye to her workers who thank her for coming on such short notice and for stopping the continuous and slightly frightful fights that had occurred. Michelle, being one of the main people thanking her, waves goodbye to the hybrids following her along with sending the female a small teasing wink.

(Y/N) may be the founder and creator of Hetalia Hybrid Centre, but that doesn't mean she knows a whole lot about hybrids apart from the basic, scanned over information needed. The woman's goal was to give hybrids the same freedom and rights that humans have, so why read the documents that give out information about the hybrids as if they were pets?
The problem was, although she was right about the stupidity of the government referring to the hybrids as animals, quite a lot of information on those documents informed the reader of their behaviour and cycles. Despite them being mainly human, if it wasn't obvious enough, they also obtain animal features, which also means that they are bound to have animalistic instincts and tendencies as well. Something the (H/C) haired female had not exactly prioritised on knowing...

Michelle allows a small smirk to make its way onto her pink lips, thinking about the situations that will be presented to her boss— especially due to the hybrids living with her being alpha male hybrids. Oh, she can't wait to see how this will turn out.


The group of six now currently sit back at the apartment, waiting for the new arrivals. Or at least, that's what (Y/N) knows.

"Oi, ragazza," Lovino calls out, "why-a the hell are we lounging around like-a sitting ducks?!"

(Y/N) gives him a look, "Really? All you'd do anyway was take a nap," she deadpans, earning a blush and a huff from the eldest Italian Wolf Hybrid.

"Vhat are ve vaiting for zhough?" Gilbert asks, collapsing onto one of the couches so he takes up the whole space. Ludwig rolls his eyes at his brother's antics but stays silent, sitting on the arm of the couch by the albino's feet. Kiku walks up to the large window placed on the farthest side of the room, resting on the wooden ledge positioned inwards as he stares out at the green park positioned below.

"Hai, I wourd arso rike to know."

"Well—" (Y/N)'s structure perks up at the sound of a sharp ring echoing throughout the room, with a slight look of surprise on her face which soon melts into one of a slightly nervous smile, she speaks, "— your about to find out!" She speed walks towards a small touch pad-digital device placed on the left wall seen when someone would enter the living room.

The (H/C) haired female taps the light blue-glowing screen and types in a few things before pressing the light grey coloured button positioned beside it, "Who is it?"

"HAIC Transportation, ma'am," a male's voice can be heard through the speaker build into the device, "would you like us to escort them personally?"

"No— just send them in. Thank you!"

"Not a problem."

And with that, all sounds emitted from the speaker come to a halt as (Y/N) releases the pressure she was applying on the button, ignoring the questioning looks she earns from the hybrids as three sets of feet are heard approaching, although only two accented voices can be heard as they bicker back and forth.

Coming into view, was Arthur, Francis and Antonio— all of which's senses seem to perk up as soon as they step foot into the room.

(Y/N) turns to the men who had suddenly become on high alert at the presence of the new hybrids, their eyes scanning the newbies up and down with threatening glares as scowls cover a few of their faces whilst others either look conflicted or just remain blank faced.
"These were the hybrids causing tension down at the centre. And— as much as I hate to say it—" she mumbles halfway through, "—due to their recent behaviour, the staff have become weary whilst the other hybrids are more afraid than anything... so in order to keep things under control- their going to be staying here for a bit."

"Why here of-a all places?" Lovino growls, his green eyes narrowed at the newcomers although they soften at the sight of the female as he glances at her. Ludwig and Kiku seem to nod subtly in silent agreement whilst the other two remain quiet as they analyse the hybrids.

"Ja. Vhy— can't zhe vorkers handle zhem?" Ludwig agrees with the grumpy Italian who, for once, stays quiet, silently agreeing with the German for what would seems to be the first time in forever.

"About that..." (Y/N) faces the males originally situated in the living room with a sheepish look on her face, "they won't listen to humans... So I thought it would be best if I had help from you guys to keep them in check for a bit— j-just so they don't fight!" She shuffles away from the hybrids a bit, sensing an intimidating aura being emitted from the males' bodies.

Antonio and Francis tense slightly underneath the judging gaze of Gilbert before letting out a small breath of relief as the albino's eyes lessen the glare, sending them one last warning look before nodding.

The (H/C) haired female smiles at her friends, "Really?"

"Ja," Ludwig sighs, gently pinching the bridge of his nose as he clenches his eyes shut, holding back a scowl, "zheir alpha males as vell. Zhe aura and zcent coming off of zhem must have been intimidating enough for zhe other lower status hybrids, but with zhem fighting as vell— it must have worsened it."

"But-a if they take-a one step out of line—!" Lovino begins to growl before he's cut off by his brother hugging him tightly, yelling something about 'hug therapy'.

"Well, now that that's settled, " (Y/N) says, "I guess we better arrange where you guys'll be sleeping now— Whoa!"
As she speaks, she walks past Gilbert's form laying on the couch, letting out a yelp as the albino swiftly wraps his arms around her waist, restraining her own limbs in the process, and quickly sits up, pulling the surprised female into his lap.

"Vhat?" He murmurs bluntly, his voiced muffled slightly due to his mouth being pressed against the woman's (Skin tone) shoulder. His ruby red eyes narrowed at the sight of Francis looking the (H/C) haired female up and down, his gaze not wavering until the Frenchman catches his eyes and backs down respectively.

"What are you...?— H-Hey!" (Y/N) gasps out, her face suddenly turning beet red.
Gilbert moves his lips away from her shoulder before pressing them against the woman's neck, peppering the sensitive skin in light kisses before gently licking the flesh under her jawline.

"...Just making sure zhat our newest guests get zhe general message of who jou belong to."
The white haired hybrid gets slightly jealous glares from the rest of the men in the room, including his own brother, although getting a slightly grateful look from the hybrids who (Y/N) had first 'adopted' due to him giving the newcomers a silent message that the (E/C) eyed woman belongs to them— and them only.

(Y/N) blinks.
"...Technically, shouldn't I own you guys?"
She earns herself a smirk from Gilbert and a few others.

"Ve'll see about zhat," the albino mumbles, placing a rough kiss on a certain spot on the female's neck, not at all effected by her sudden struggles of embarrassment.

"Ah! G-Gilbert! D-Don't d-do that!" (Y/N) places her hands on his chest and attempts to push him away, but fails due to the hybrids strength. Deciding to humour her, he lets the woman go.

With a silent breath of relief, the (H/C) haired female almost immediately leaps off of his lap and speed-walks towards the exit of the living room, only to let out another shout of surprise as she's grabbed once again, this time by Ludwig, who rests her on his lap with very little effort, unfazed by her continuous attempts to escape.


He chuckles.

Arthur, Francis and Antonio look at each other in slight worry at first before their weary features transform into one of an unknown emotion at the sight of the woman who had decided to take it upon herself to host them in her home, seeing her flushed face giving them a certain feeling in the pit of their stomachs.

'We'll get her,' the trio think to themselves, 'sharing might be a problem— but we'll get our turns with her eventually.'

I hope you enjoyed!

(Edited 17/2/19)
1492 words

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