Chapter 10 | Warming up

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The next morning is slightly tense, the atmosphere seemingly thick enough to cut with a knife whenever one of the new arrivals appear in the same room as their host, otherwise known as (Y/N).
Despite being oblivious to the reasons why, she isn't dense. The (H/C) haired female quickly caught onto how the males act around her when one of the others are around, slowly shifting closer to her and almost never taking their eyes off of the poor soul, otherwise if not that their ears are practically always upright, signalling that they never let their guard down.

There have been a few times that Francis and Arthur have stepped out of line when arguing, from what seemed to be picky banter would quickly escalate into an almost physical, thrashing fight. Although it was only once that the two had gotten physical, they never attempted it again.

When they first did, they made the crucial mistake of fighting in the same room (Y/N) had been residing in at the time, with only Feliciano in the room at the time to keep an eye on things. As the two hybrids grew aggressive, the female had tried to stop them only to get pushed away, quite literally. And soon enough, a few punches and curses were being thrown back and forth as the woman lay helpless on the ground almost in between the two.

In alarm, Feliciano's attitude had darkened greatly, the Italian letting out a growl before quickly transforming into his Wolf form. He raced towards the three and snarled and barked at the two hybrids, standing over (Y/N) protectively.

At the sound of all at noise, the others had quickly rushed to the room and barely even assessed the situation before transforming as well and breaking the two fighters a part, fearing for the woman's physical and even mental and emotional safety due to her experiencing such a quick escalating battle. Francis and Arthur quickly broke off the fight after being pulled away from one another, slight fear in their eyes at the scowls of the others.

It was the German brothers who had silently decided on something and left the room with the two newbies in tow, Antonio sending them a slightly worried look before sighing. It had been their fault after all, it was easy to get the message that the group of five had a strong connection with the girl, even seeing them go as far as scenting her— practically claiming her as their own.

It was a sight that seemed rare these days, it may not have meant much to humans, but it certainly did to hybrids as nowadays it was quite unlikely for a hybrid to scent a human, especially willingly nonetheless, due to most of the human race just having a hybrid to show off or for their own sick, pleasurable needs. Most humans saw themselves as superior to the race, taking control whenever they could. But this woman— this girl treated them nothing like that, knowing their strength and agility, plus their heightened senses decided to help them despite knowing their trust issues with her species, pushing aside her fear of the hybrid turning on her once they have been healed and brought back to their strength.

Antonio gazes at the few hybrids surrounding (Y/N), seeing her smile at them gratefully as they rub up against her in their animal forms, treating them as friends, not pets. A smile tugs at his lips, the male hoping that soon he could be apart of that group.


"Mm, wait- I just— HUH!?" A blush coats the female's cheeks at the sight of the Italian brothers curled up on either side of her, their ears occasionally twitching. Lovino has a slight frown on his face, his brows creased as he lets out a quiet, agitated huff in his sleep before snuggling closer to the woman, throwing an arm around her waist to pull her closer.

Feliciano seems to whine at the loss of his warmth, his eyes flickering open ever so slightly before he closes them grumpily— and quite cutely, may I add- shuffling so his chest presses up against the female's back, wrapping an arm around her hips so his hand rests on her abdomen.

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