Chapter 13 | Curiosity

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(Y/N) wakes up with a groan, her muscles stiff. Her eye lids slowly open, only for darkness to consume her view.
'Am I blind?' She blinks, 'oh, wait. Never mind.' She silently laughs at herself at her immediate thoughts before her mind actually decided to consider the fact that it still just might be nighttime. Which it was.

She stretches her arms and leans her neck side to side, letting out a breath after hearing a few satisfying cracks. She doesn't usually like popping her bones, nor does she like the noise that follows, however, after having stiff muscles and joints from a bad sleep or a long day, she'll do almost anything for a chance to relax her body.

The female leans over the side of the bed and slaps her hand against the bedside table for a moment, blindly searching for something. Soon enough, her small hand wraps around the tiny rectangular device she was looking for. She pulls it closer to herself and turns it on, squinting for a moment at the sudden bright light.

'Wait— how did I get...? Oh,' the events that occurred previously flash through her mind. Watching a horror movie with the guys.
Acting tough and trying not to jump.
Squirming awkwardly and getting growled at by both Ludwig and Lovino.
Gilbert taunting her.
Kiku gradually cuddling up to her.
Antonio poking at a sleeping Lovi.
Francis getting bored and deciding to spook a few people.
Arthur being distant as usual before drawing closer to the group.
Barely holding in a scream when Feliciano suddenly let out a shriek and dug his face into her side as to hide himself from the world.

The female sighs before letting out a gruff chuckle due to a dry throat.

Her feet touch the carpeted ground under her bed before taking a few steps forwards, a shiver racking her spine at the sudden coldness of the tiled/hardwood floor. With the flashlight on her phone turned on, she opens the door of her room and exits, entering the dark hallway.

A few metres down, she notices a faint light underneath a certain door, the colour changing from a pale white, to a light green, to a light red. She shakes her head with a small smile on her lips. The guy was scared of the dark, but only when there's a thunderstorm or after a nightmare and whatnot, he always slept with a nightlight that changed to the colours of the Italian flag, his home country. However, he had made a habit out of using the nightlight constantly. And more often than not, snuck out of his room and into (Y/N)'s. If he wasn't using the nightlight to help him sleep, he slept with someone else he trusts, to keep him company so he knows he's not alone.

Suddenly, a loud thump breaks (Y/N) out of her thoughts, her phone slipping from her grasp for a moment before she only just manages to catch it before it hit the ground. She looks around for the source of the noise before sighing. It was Gilbert. The albino had a habit of moving around in his sleep, therefore most likely causing him to fall of the bed, creating the thump.

(Y/N) rolls her eyes and continues to her desired destination. Despite being slightly weary of her surroundings—curse that stupid horror movie— she walks past the switches to the hallway lights and heads straight for the kitchen, feeling around the wall for a moment before only flicking on the light positioned in the middle of the kitchen. It creates a slight, spotlight-like atmosphere as the rest of the room remains dark.

The female walks towards the cupboards and pulls out a kettle, feeling the need to create tea the old fashioned way instead of simply using the boiler. She fills the kettle with tap water before placing it on the smallest spot on the flat-stove. She turns it on, allowing the water to boil.

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