A/N : Slight RP | Attention (Y/N), I need your help.

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The woman sits at her laptop with a look of pure concentration in her eyes, the blue tinted light of the computer screen reflecting in her orbs. She sits up straight with her eyes narrowed, face blank as she—
"AAAAH! I'M STUCK!" Her calm composure is quickly broken as her straight posture quickly changes, back hunched as she buries her face in her hands. Suddenly, she leaps up, facial expression suddenly bright, "OH! I know who can help me!" with that said, she leaps off of her bed, landing on the carpeted ground with a thud before scrambling up towards the desk placed by the window. She grabs the phone resting on the surface before swiftly dialling a number.



"Hello?" A feminine voice is emitted from the phone.

"Oh thank god," The woman lets out a deep breath she didn't know she was holding in, "(Y/N)! I need your help!" the woman on the other end of the line responds.

"Hm? Help? With what?" She begins to stumble over her words, "u-uh— not that I mind! It's just that...!"
The woman chuckles.

"I get it, it's fine. But, uh..." A slightly embarrassed blush coats her cheeks as she rubs the back of her neck sheepishly, clearing her throat, "...could you please come over? Like, uh... right now?" The girl on the other end of the phone raises an eyebrow.

"Right now? I suppose so... I'll see you in a bit!"

"Thank you! See you soon!" The woman hangs up and collapses onto her spot, the phone skidding across the floor, "...please don't be mad at me..." she scrunches her brows together, as if she were experiencing a migraine.
A few moments later, a knock rings throughout the house.

(Y/N) stands outside the mahogany coloured door with a slightly worried look on her face due to the lack of sound, "Is she still even in here? Geez," she rolls her (E/C) eyes playfully before calling out, "Krystal!"

"You're here!"

"AH!" The (H/C) haired female lets out a yelp as the door slams open revealing a certain dark haired friend. A squeak escapes her lips as she's pulled inside the house, door shutting loudly behind her before she's pulled upstairs and into a familiar room, "what's this all about?" She stands by the doorway for a moment, slightly dazed.

Krystal grimaces, "...Sorry," she murmurs guiltily, "I just... really need your help here!"

"Is it with that story your working on?" Her friend questions.


"Oh, I see," (Y/N) shakes her head before standing to attention, "well, what can I do to help?"

"Well, you know how your the main character?" Krystal states bluntly, ignoring the sudden alarmed look on her guest's face, "yeah, so I need some of your ideas for what you could do when spending time with each of the guys."
(Y/N)'s (E/C) eyes widen.

"E-Each of them?"


"A-Alone?" Her voice becomes slightly higher in pitch.

A small squeak is emitted from her lips. Krystal chuckles lightly at her reaction and pats her on the head, earning a pout from the girl.

"Your so cute," The dark haired female replies bluntly with a light laugh as her friend swats her hand away, "anyway, it's a few for certain guys, I already have half of them sorted out. Oh! And when you'll get a small bonus at the end of the chapter with each of them too, it's a little bit more..." she trails off for a moment with a light blush, "intimate, but nothing you can't handle!" Her friend slaps her on the arm with red cheeks.

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