Chapter 14 | Lost and Found

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(Y/N) lets a sigh escape her lips as she quietly treads down the silent street from the hybrid shelter she runs. She had handed in the papers and files that she was working on before going through a few routine checkups with the hybrids and workers there, making sure the hybrids were happy and that the workers were doing their job and treating them like equals. The tired (H/C) haired female pulls her phone from her pocket and presses the home button with her thumb, the small device turning on and revealing the lock screen. She glances at the bold white numbers - 9:23pm - it reads.

The light padding of her feet can be heard on the concrete path with every step she takes, creating a peaceful, yet creepy atmosphere. Suddenly, growls can be heard in an alley just a few metres across the street in front of her. The banging of metal can be heard along with hisses of pain. Only one word crosses her mind.
'Hybrids,' her eyes widen.

With quiet footsteps, she briskly walks over to the area. The hybrids must have heard her approach as the noise suddenly comes to a halt. She peers into the alleyway.
It's dark.
And cold.
And wet.

Shadows can be seen dancing on the walls, the flickering light of the street lamps creating them. A shattering bang can be heard, (Y/N) flinching at the high pitched rattle as a sharp breath being taken in can be heard around the side of a dumpster. The female lets out gentle breaths through her nose, slowly stepping towards it. As she gets closer, she can see a single silhouette of a hybrid. Male or female, she can't tell for the time being—the person was curled up in a ball, two rounded ears atop their head.

Another step closer.

The figure goes rigid, their muscles stiff as they freeze.

Another step.

Their breathing ceases, their nerves getting to them.

Another step.

Silence is heard.
(Y/N) takes in a deep breath and stops where she stands, just a few feet from the dumpster that the hybrid hides behind.

A muscular figure suddenly pounces from the shadows of the ally, rapidly storming towards the woman's figure as threatening growls are emitted from the bottom of their throat, "GET AWAY FROM HIM!" They lash out in a defensive position.

Startled, (Y/N) stumbles and falls onto her backside, her bag dropping by her feet as she scrambles away from the approaching figure. Her breathing grows panicked as her back meets the wall. Noticing that the person has yet to stop approaching and back down, she closes her eyes and bows her head, slowly raising her hands into the air in surrender.
"I-I mean you no harm..."

Silence takes over once more. Soft, yet aggressive growls can still be heard from the figure. She slowly raises her head, her (E/C) orbs widening. It was another hybrid.
It was a male with dirty blonde—almost light brown— hair, a cowlick sticking up muddy and stiff, cracked glasses perched on the bridge of his nose as he releases harsh breathes. Behind the broken lenses are diamond blue irises that glare at the female with a passion, his skin tan and muscular. Resting on top of his head are dark brown, rounded bear ears, the fur sticking together. The clothes on the man's body are shredded and dirty, smudges of black, brown and dark red can be seen smeared across his body, adding to his threatening look, along with his intimidating height.


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"Bullshit." He seethes, his glare intensifying. He suddenly comes to a stop, the ears on his head twitching as he hears a whimper. He swiftly turns around, worry evident on his features as his gaze lands on another figure. It was the hybrid that was hidden behind the dumpster. The hybrid had crawled out of his hiding position and had crawled behind the other male, sitting slouched on the outside of the bin, leaning on it.

He had sandy blonde hair that reached above his shoulders, a single, crinkled curl sticking out, much like Lovino and Feliciano's. He had round, broken glasses framing his glossed over light violet eyes, mud, scratches and bruises colouring his pale, yet slightly tanned skin, much like the other male. Atop of his head were also rounded bear ears, however, instead of brown, they were white— although mud clings to the fur. Despite fear being plastered on his features, he could easily overpower others as he, himself had the same muscular bodily structure as the other, along with the height although he's seated. The clothes covering him also shredded and muddy.

'Both hybrids look very similar,' (Y/N) mentally takes note of this, 'they must be related

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'Both hybrids look very similar,' (Y/N) mentally takes note of this, 'they must be related...'
Her gaze is soon drawn to the slouching male, noticing how his hand is painfully gripped onto his side. She sees the red colouring what is left of the ripped fabric on his body. A wound.
'No wonder he's so protective... the both of them must be bear hybrids as well.'

The threatening one sharply turns back to face the (H/C) haired female, his eyes narrowed, "What the hell did you do to him?!"

"I-I didn't do anything, I swear!"

"Then why—"

"W-Wait, Al!" The injured hybrid calls out softly, his voice quiet, "m-maybe she can help us..."

"What? Of course not! We're better off moving now! Otherwise she's gonna lead the pound officials to us!" The blue eyed male answers harshly, his gaze diverting to his friend, although his stance remains strong.

The white eared hybrid sniffs, "H-Haven't you smelt her s-scent?" He questions timidly, violet eyes making contact with (E/C) ones for a split second.

The standing male stills for a moment before swiftly crouching, facing the woman. At the sudden movement, (Y/N) presses her body into the wall harshly, trying to gain some distance between the angered male and herself. Her efforts are in vain as he closes in on her, the lenses of his glasses glinting in the flickering lights. She closes her eyes tightly, turning her head to the side as to not look at the male in slight fear of him taking it as a challenge of sorts. A small whimper escapes her lips at the feeling of the male's breath fanning her neck, his nose barely brushing her skin. The man's brows furrow. He backs away.

"They've scented you..." his expression portrays shock as he stumbles back for a moment. (Y/N) slowly looks up at him and tilts her head curiously.

"S-See?" the quiet male starts, "a-and its not forced either. M-Maybe w-we can t-trust her..." he gazes up at the standing male pleadingly.
He's silent.

"I-I promise I didn't come over here to hurt you," their attention snaps towards the (H/C) haired female, who flinches back slightly before her posture straightens out, her hands lowering ever so slightly. She takes their silence as an invite to continue, "I met them the same way... p-please, let me help you."

The threatening hybrid takes in a deep breath, his eyes staring into her own for a moment, looking for any ill intent. He finds none. Still unsure, he diverts his gaze to the other hybrid, their eyes meeting as they share a silent conversation. His gaze drops to his friend's injury.
"A-Alright, fine." He sighs, his muscles relaxing as he lets out the breath of air.

The next chapter should be out in another 3-4 days time, or less!
I hope you enjoyed!

(Edited 11/4/19)
1288 words

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