Go Forth : Newspaper Club! | Hetalia x Reader [Side Story] Pt 2 - Final

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Hetalia : Season 5 - Episode 3 [English Dubbed]

"Ve~ last time on, Hetalia!
The Newspaper Club went-a around W Academy, interviewing everyone about their group activities! They all sounded like-a fun to me! Pasta~!"

"Ve~ last time on, Hetalia! The Newspaper Club went-a around W Academy, interviewing everyone about their group activities! They all sounded like-a fun to me! Pasta~!"

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"Listen up!" Germany says abruptly, drawing the group's attention, "more clubs need to be interviewed. No matter how stupid zhey are, ve have to talk to zhem all!"

Italy brightens up, a gleeful smile on his features as he bounces up and down, swaying from side to side and seemingly sparkling, "Germany! Germany!" He squeals out happily, "I think it's time for a merenda! Can-a I have a gelato? Pleeeeeeeeease?!"

"No snack time until ve are done!" The buff blond growls back.

"He is correct," Japan agrees, "ret us wait for now."

"Hm," (Y/N) hums, seeing the Italian's downcast expression, "think about it as a... reward!" She snaps her fingers at her idea and gives him a gentle smile as he looks up at her, "after all this hard work, you can relax and eat any sort of delectamenti foods!" Italy thinks for a moment before brightening.

"Ve~ Okay, micina!"


The Scandihoovians

"Denmark, here!" A certain eccentric, blond and gravity defying haired male shouts excitedly. Diagonal to him, a calmer male with violet eyes and a cross hair clip speaks, a small blond curl hovering beside his head, voice monotone.

"And Norway."

A man similar to him speaks next, a puffin resting on his shoulder as he huffs out in slight annoyance, "And Iceland.."

"And Finland!" A cheery male, the smallest of the group, introduces with a smile and joyful wink.

"We're..-" the tallest of the bunch speaks, eyes sharp with an intimidating build.

"..—The Scandihoovians!"

Denmark swiftly takes a seat in a nearby chair with a large, boyish grin, arms and legs outstretched and suspended into mid-air after he claps excitedly, "Any questions you have, ask away! Whatever you want to know about us I'm ready to tell!"

Germany cringes and sweat-drops, "Close jour legs— it smells like blue cheese..!'

"I want min dronning to get my best side!" The Dane explains loudly, sending a wink towards (Y/N) whom blushes lightly and lets out a small, sheepish noise of embarrassment before hiding shyly.

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