Chapter 25 | Sunlight

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"Jeez..." (Y/N) lets out a puff of air, wiping her forehead with the back of her hand. It's been a few hours since she's tidied up the bamboo lounge on the roof, and she's now moved onto caring for the garden. It's been a while since she's had the time to check up on everything due to the chaos of settling everyone in during the past month or so. A few others have taken to looking after the garden as well, but since no one was up there today, she'd taken it upon herself to get up bright and (dreadfully) early to make it a little more cosy for everyone.

Standing up from dozing off by the koi pond, she grimaces at the vegetable and fruit boxes, having already tended to all the flowers and shrubs to procrastinate all the effort she'd have to put into the produce.
"Ughhh," She stretches, letting out a relieved sigh at the satisfying pop, "I suppose I've put it off for long enough..." she smiles tiredly to herself before getting up, "lets start with the weeds!"

After setting up a speaker and putting on a playlist at a reasonable volume, she finally sets to work! Before properly tending to the plants, she decides to weed the gardens first; gotta make it look presentable, right? (haha, totally not procrastinating, no way)
Focused on her hands and with the music playing, she was oblivious to the trio who made their way onto the roof looking for her.

"Bonita..?" Antonio peers around the door, looking for the (H/C) haired woman, "eh? There's music."

"Which means she'll be here somewhere," Lovino pushes past him, ear twitching in annoyance, "idiot-a. Fratello—hurry up!"

"Si! Si, Lovi!" Feliciano comes bouncing up from the stairs, a water bottle in hand, "mi dispiace, I think mia dolce is-a working on the gardens! I-a heard her talking about it a few days ago..." he drifts off in thought before shaking his head, "ah! Anyway, I can't wait to see her! I-a barely saw her-a this morning because she was so busy..." his tail and ears drop at the recollection before brightening as something moves from his peripheral vision, "oh! MIA BELLA!"

"Hm?" (Y/N) perks up at the sound of a voice, "what? Oh, Feli—FELI..!" She lets out a shout as she's practically tackled by the male, "Feli, wait!"

"What? Whyyy?" He pouts, "I-a haven't seen you all morning and I can't-a hug you?"

The girl giggles, "No, it's not that. I've just been working in the gardens all morning so I'm sweating and I smell—I didn't want to touch you otherwise I'd get you dirty."

Feli simply wags his tail, nuzzling into her cheek, "Ve~"

"(Y/N), why didn't you call anyone up to help you?" Antonio frowns slightly, looking at all the vegetable boxes and small fruit trees, "this is a lot of work for one person."

"I've managed before," the girl shrugs, "besides, I didn't want to bother anyone."

"It wouldn't bother anyone, ragazza," Lovino huffs through his nose before taking the miniature garden shovel from her hands, "ask for help every now and again. Don't make us worry." He sends her a quick glare to contrast the blush on his cheeks.

"Aw, Lovi~" Feliciano perks up, looking over at his brother, "you're-a so sweet now!"

"Shut up!"


"Bonita," Antonio calls as he strolls past, "do we have anymore baskets?" He grins sheepishly as he shows off the full basket of rip tomatoes in his grasp.

"Wha—oh my," (Y/N) blinks, watering can in hand, "uh, I think there's another basket by the water tap, if not just start using the buckets."

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