Chapter 2 | Trust

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Soon enough, the injured group make it to the apartment building where their rescuer resides, the female swiftly leading them up into the elevator and to the top floor before entering the luxurious apartment. The hybrids look around in awe, apart from the unconscious twin in his brother's arms.

"Here," the slightly awkward and tense silence is broken by (Y/N)'s melodic voice, "if you want, take a quick shower in the bathrooms on this floor. I-I'll wash your clothes for you—" she's cut off by a sharp glare from the green eyed hybrid as he clutches his brother closer to him, "—I promise to take care of his wounds. You can stay here and watch if you want to."

The group share a weary glance at each other, staying silent before giving the woman hesitant nods. The black haired male who has yet to say a word and the man who saved her head to the bathrooms. Once their in, they leave their clothes on the other side of the door for (Y/N) to wash, and the female does just that. After hearing the water turn on in both bathrooms, the (H/C) haired girl then shuffles through a few of the kitchen cabinets before coming across a first aid kit, sitting on the second highest shelf. She lets out a huff and reaches for it, only to fail. She stands on her tiptoes and tries once more, only to end in the same fate. Feeling frustrated and mildly embarrassed at the circumstances as she can feel the green eyed male's hard gaze on her back, she attempts once more by jumping, only for her fingers to teasingly brush against the kit.

"God...damn it...!" She hisses, reaching up with an annoyed scowl before gasping, stumbling back into a hard chest as a hand appears above her, grabbing the first aid kit with ease. Another slightly calloused hand gently grips onto her waist and steadies her. The -conscious— remaining hybrid stands behind her with softened features, before he realises the female is gazing at him, causing him to huff and growl, handing the first aid kit to her before marching towards his unconscious brother that lays on the couch.

(Y/N) clears her throat awkwardly before walking over, placing the kit down and opening it to reveal bandages, plasters, tweezers and other types of medical equipment and remedies. She grabs a small cloth and pours a few drops of disinfectant on it, leaning over the unconscious hybrid who's under the careful watch of his brother, before gently dabbing the alcohol onto one of the cuts on his face, causing him to whimper as his eyes tighten, subconsciously turning his head away. The green eyed hybrid growls warningly, his pupils dialating.

In slight alarm, (Y/N) quickly raises her hands up in defence, "P-Please! I don't mean to hurt him, i-it's the disinfectant... i-it's bound to sting a bit..." she explains to the man. He leans forwards and takes a small sniff of the cloth, his nose scrunching up at the bitter, sharp smell before pulling back, giving the female a small nod.

With a silent sigh of relief, the (H/C) haired woman continues with his wounds.

Around an hour later, the moon has risen into the sky signalling that the time is 10:00 at night. It's been silent in the apartment, apart from the few occasional whimpers, hisses and growls from the hybrids due to the alcohol pressing into their wounds to disinfect it. By now, the whole group of stray hybrids have been washed, including the unconscious one with the help of his brother, and are currently sneaking glances towards the woman who currently cleans the wounds on the albino.

"Ouch!" He lets out a growl, clenching his ruby red eyes shut for a moment as he reels back. (Y/N) flinches, the alcohol soaked cloth in hand as she grimaces slightly.

"Sorry...!" She murmurs , slowly raising her hand to continue cleaning the wound. The limb shakes slightly as the host is wracked with nervousness under the hybrid's stern glare. She uses her free hand to gently cup his cheek as to steady the male's face, bringing the cloth to once again cleanse the scratch, only to let out a small gasp as the man suddenly grasps onto her wrist with the cloth.

The hybrid glares, "Vhy are jou helping us?"

(Y/N) takes in a shaky breath and winces as his grip on her wrist tightens, "Because I want to—"

"Cazzate!" The green eyed brunette yells, "who-a paid you to-a retrieve us?!"

"No one, I swear...!-" she gasps and drops the cloth from her hand, the male's grip tightening on her wrist even more, causing her to use her free hand that was once cupping his cheek to attempt to pull his away from her sore wrist.

"Oh yeah?" The brunette snorts, "And-a how are we-a suppose to believe you!?"

"—I'm the head of the lead organisation of Hetalia Hybrid Centre!" (Y/N) shouts. The albino's grip suddenly weakens tremendously, causing the female to quickly rip her wrist out of his grasp, wincing as she gently rubs it in an attempt to soothe the growing bruise.
"O-Our main goal is to give shelter and comfort, along with a better life to hybrids as we increasingly work against the government in order to give hybrids the same equal rights as humans," she explains quickly, not looking up to make eye contact with the group, in fear of aggravating them or to see looks of disbelief and even more distrust on their faces, due to them believing that she is lying.

A pale hand makes it way into her downcast view, "...C-..Can jou find my bruder?"
The (H/C) haired female bites down on her bottom lip, but gives a small nod as a response to his question, silently fuming at the fact that people are cruel enough to separate hybrids from their families.

The hand gently grips onto her chin, moving her head to face the albino who gazes at the woman with hope,"Zhen please, help us to find our friends and family, if jou can..." He moves his hand so it now cups her cheek delicately, as if she were made of porcelain.

(Y/N) nods, "...I-I'll do my best."
The female lets out a small gasp and shuts her eyes tightly as she sees the male in front of her take in a deep breath before lunging.

(Y/N) lets out a quiet sound of confusion, slowly opening her eyes. The albino encases his arms around the woman, trapping her arms against his chest as he holds her in a tight and secure embrace, gently nuzzling his face into the crook of her neck, "Danke... Danke Frau," he mutters, his lips grazing the skin on her neck as he speaks.

I hope you enjoyed!
Cazzate = Bullsh!t : Italiano

Bruder = Brother : German

Danke = Thank you : German

Frau = Woman : German

(Edited 22/1/19)
1186 words

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