Chapter 24 | Late Night Hangout

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With help from @-sharpie- and @_Golden_Key, thank you so much! 🙏😁

"Alfred, move."

"Noooo..." the American hybrid whines, rolling on his side before landing on top of the smaller woman, winding her slightly. He lifts his head, placing it in his hand as he watches her struggle to move with a grin.

"A-Alfred, you're.. heavy!" (Y/N) hisses out between large gulps of air, still squirming under him.

"I'm not moving, you're lap is comfortable."

"You're on my entire body!"

"Your point?"

"You're crushing me!"

"Ugh," The male groans playfully, finally relenting and rolling off her, "fiiiiine... I'm only doing it because you're cute."

"Thanks for caring about my wellbeing." (Y/N) rolls her eyes, biting back a smile as she sits up. Alfred grins, his little puffball of a tail wiggling happily.

"You're welcome!"

She sighs, shaking her head before looking at him, "You know, you've been awfully—how do I say this..? Well, clingy, the past couple of days. Care to tell why?" The hybrid freezes, shuffling uncomfortably with his eyes darting around the room nervously, ears pinned back at the fact she had noticed his slight change in behaviour.

"Ah, I have no idea what you're talking about, babe! I-I mean why would..." he stops, looking at the woman sheepishly as she stares him down with her arms crossed firmly, lips thinned.


He swallows, "I-I... sorry, it-it's just, uh..." he scratches the back of his head with an awkward smile as he makes brief eye contact with her, "I haven't... spent much time with you recently, and when I try—someone else always sweeps you away before I can..."

"Oh, Alfie," (Y/N)'s eyes soften at his words, moving forwards to give him a hug, "how about we spend some time together then, huh? We can play some games, go out, whatever you want! We can invite a few of the others if you're feeling up to it, and then we can have the whole night to ourselves, what do you say?" The American beams.

"Wait, seriously!?" His surprise causes a laugh to come bubbling from the girl's lips.

"Of course! Why not?" She smiles at him, playfully ruffling his hair like he normally would to her, "all you had to do was ask."

"Man, I've been fighting for your attention forever!" He flops onto the beanbag of the living room, "now I feel stupid..."

(Y/N) scoffs at his words, "You don't have to fight for anything, honestly, the competition between you lot is certainly something; I don't understand why it's relevant anyway."

Alfred flushes, his ears pinning back against his head, "It..-It's just a hybrid thing..." he mumbles into his arm, "anyway, hell yeah, dude!" he leaps up excitedly, tail wiggling furiously behind him, "I can't wait for tonight!" (Y/N) muffles a snort.

"You don't have to wait until then," she says, "I remember Matthew telling me about how you use to play baseball, and I'm sure there's a field just a couple miles out from the city, if you want to..?"

"Really?" He smiles, "I haven't played in ages! Heck yeah!"

"Mind you, I won't be any good," the female giggles, "keep that in mind."

"That's okay, I'll teach you!" He scrambles up from his spot, "babe—you're the best! I'm so excited! Let's go!"

Later, the group returned home tired yet content with their day out, only a portion of them participating in the small game of baseball (as (Y/N) promised to Alfred) whilst others such as Francis, Kiku, Arthur and Yao (A/N- old men) had opted out and simply watched from the sidelines in the shade the trees provided.
True to his word, Alfred had taught (Y/N) the basics of baseball before the small game; a few annoyed glares were thrown at him by the others as his scent flared with pride when teaching the (H/C) haired female how to properly grip the bat, a blush rising to her cheeks which didn't go unnoticed by him.

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