Chapter 4 | Subtle Comfort

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With a huff, (Y/N) fixes the folder in her hand so the papers are properly stacked in it before stuffing it into her bag, clicking it shut. She look across her room and towards her full body mirror, checking her appearance and combing her (dominant) hand through her (H/L) (H/C) locks for a moment, nodding in approval as she walks out of her room, shutting the door on her way.

"I've got the file and the permit from the shelter, the high manager will be meeting us before properly introducing the hybrid that's being taken in for, 'bad behaviour'," she says, walking into the main room where the group of males wait, cringing at subtly mentioning that the hybrid has gotten in quite a lot of trouble due to the shelter that's taken it in, "he'll meet us there in about 35 minutes, it takes 20 to walk to the shelter and 15 to drive. Which would you prefer?" Her voice is slightly formal due to a force of habit once she knows she'll be entering a meeting... along with the fact that she's talking to people she barely knows and knowing that they don't trust her.

"Driving, would be preferred," Kiku answers swiftly, his eyes widening as he suddenly seems to act like he had done something terribly wrong, "I-I— Gomen'nasi!" He bows quickly, his ears twitching oddly as they become pinned back on his dark locks, his tail stiffening as it wraps around his leg, this time staying there instead of uncurling.

(Y/N) moves to the coat hanger by the door, not realising what's happening. She grabs a black formal blazer from it, about to put it on before noticing the silence in the room. She turns and faces the hybrids questioningly, the men suddenly stiffening in fear and panic for their friend underneath her curious and worried gaze.

"...I-Is something the matter?" She questions, her brows furrowed in confusion as she tilts her her to the side slightly, her blazer now folded over her arm. The hybrids stay as stiff as statues, only sending each other glances in worry.

"H-Hybrids are usually punished for talking when their not suppose to..." Gilbert trails off meekly, now staring dead straight at the concerned female.

"W-What...?" (Y/N) reels back, appalled at the idea, "why would somebody punish you?"

Kiku's bowed head tilts up slightly to look at the woman in confusion,"We are normarry (normally) to be punished when we are caught speaking out of rine," He tips his head a bit, still bowing down, "w-we require permission from our masters to do so," he says this as if it was a fact and that it was something normal that happens everyday, despite being nervous himself, "...A-Are you not going to punish me?"

"Well, of course not," (Y/N) states matter of factly, her head tilted in confusion, "anyway, I'm not your master, nor am I your mistress. And even if I was, why would I punish you? Were you expecting a beating of some sort? B-But why? Why would someone get punished just for talking?! How stupid can the people in this world be?!" She rants, tugging at her hair slightly in frustration before realising that she currently has an audience.

"Heheh... s-sorry— Ahem-" she clears her throat, "t-there's no need to bow, Kiku. We should get going, I'll get my car,"

Moments later, the group of five are sitting in an eight seated car, (Y/N) in the front driving with Gilbert in the passenger seat, looking through the file, whilst the other three sit in the back. It's silent for a majority of the drive, aside from the music quietly blaring from the radio.

"Ve~ Bella?"

"Yes, Feli?"

"Why-a did you seem to shocked when-a we were explaining the-a reason for our beating?" The brunette questions innocently, his brother looking at him with a bit of a glare at the question, although curious to hear what the female has to say, along with the rest of them.

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