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Picture of Sadik above!

(Y/N) (L/N) is a beautiful growing 20 year old woman, managing a score to live in a large penthouse like apartment for a cheap amount of money. This is due to the owner, a kind hearted old lady, passing away which has scared off most. She's met the old lady before, she was almost like a second mother. The lady's name was Margaret Balley. Her children practically never visited her, so once (Y/N) came along she was as ecstatic as a 78 year old could be. The two became very close, and once Margaret passed away, it broke her heart. But in her will, Margaret left the whole apartment company in her hands, also allowing her to live there. Along with that, as the deceased lady's children never visited, she left her family created business to the woman. Margaret's great grandfather had started as an entrepreneur, and gradually became the head CEO of Balley corps, passing the position down the family tree.

As the two had a mother-daughter bond, (Y/N) made a silent oath to keep the company going fluently and fairly, knowing that as the head of the company all she had to do was keep everything in check, with the occasional stack of paperwork and few checkups on the workers and equipment, along with interviewing those who were interested in being hired.

A year later, business is booming and has become a massive success! Balley corps now owns quite a few other businesses, and is in good relationships with other corps. As happy as she should be, (Y/N) can't help but feel... lonely. Of course, she lives on the top floor where the large penthouse apartment is located, and there are now plenty of people living in the apartments on every other floor. She works from home, and with paperwork now piling on top of her, she begins to struggle emotionally and mentally.

'How did she deal with all of this?!' She would think to herself frequently, referring to the compassionate and head strong old lady who had passed peacefully. And whilst dealing with a recent breakup, it didn't help ease the stress.

Although to help boost her confidence, she puts on a smile as she works on creating a new company.
Hetalia Hybrid Centre

Would be the name of the company. Yes, it would have to be an adoption centre for hybrids, but she has a plan. (Y/N) has a heart of gold and is frustrated at the governments lack of concern for the hybrids in the country— and the world for that matter! They have feelings as well. The only thing that makes them different are the animal traits that adorn their body and that they tend to show their animalistic instincts more.

More? You may question. Everyone has animal instincts! Humans just suppress them until the time is needed to survive in the wild, therefore causing everyone to label them as 'Survival Instincts'. A last resort — as some people might say— the body's way of saying that it's determined to continue to function and live, no matter the circumstances.

So she had an idea, 'Why not make adopting a hybrid the hardest thing to do?'
And already being the head of a huge company also has its quirks, as it would be easier to gain access to hybrids and bring them to the centre.

In Hetalia Hybrid Centre, hybrids have the same rights as humans do. It's a large building that has apartments large enough to fit 5-6 hybrids them, along with 2 and a half bathrooms and, of course, a kitchen and a living room. Everything a normal person would need.

In order to adopt a hybrid, as (Y/N) has planned, there will be about a 1-2 week trial. If a person wanted to adopt, they would have to prove that they have the right characteristics and items to be able to take care of a hybrid. Along with that, they would have to have a clean record and a house inspection, to prove that they have the right housing environment in order to maintain a hybrid.

If they were not able, or qualified to adopt, then the hybrid would remain at the centre.

No restrictions are at the Hetalia Hybrid Centre, apart from the basic 'no harming or breaking owned property' rules. You know, the basics. But hybrids have a say in everything, and are free to do what they like. Workers who want to be hired to partake in the Hybrid Centre cause, are strictly told to treat hybrids equally, and if not, then they are to be fired.

Due to (Y/N) having a strong disliking towards people who mistreat hybrids, and being the leader of a booming company, she makes sure to give those cruel people a hard time trying to find a new job. Of course, she doesn't make it absolutely impossible for them to be hired again elsewhere, she just makes it a bit difficult until they've learned their lesson.

Due to working from home, (Y/N) sometimes becomes bored. So, at times like that she works at a small, human and hybrid friendly café that has been founded by her company, being good friends with the boss, a ringtail lemur Hybrid, who has become use to her popping up randomly to lend a hand with work.

It's days like that, that the female cherishes. Happily gazing at the peaceful hybrid interactions. Humans don't usually enter the café, apart from a select few who share the same passion as (Y/N) herself, which causes the hybrids who enter the café regularly to raise their guard when a new person enters, until they finally get use to them.

At first, it was difficult to get along with the hybrids that came to the café on a regular daily basis, them constantly eyeing her with a scowl before eventually getting use to her, to the point where they'll smile and wave when they see her and even have a small chat before continuing on with their day.

(Y/N) sighs as she gazes out of the window, noticing the darkening sky above her. She's snapped out of her thoughts as someone pats her back. She turns to face the person, seeing her friend who owns the café, Sadik, softly smiling at her, his light grey and black ringed tail swishing behind him as his lemur ears twitch.

"Come on, (Y/N)!" He says, his voice still loud and eccentric although his body moves slightly sluggishly due to exhaustion, "time to pack up and head home."

(Y/N) gives a small nod and struggles to stifle a yawn, causing the masked male to chuckle.
"Yeah, Yeah. I'll see you soon, Sadik!" She waves as she stands from her seat by the window, finally heading out the door, the small bell above it emitting a ringing sound that would normally indicate someone entering.

"See you later, friend!" He waves with one arm furiously as he balances on one foot with a large smile on his face. (Y/N) giggles at her friend's still somehow energetic nature, and waves back timidly before starting to walk home, the sun setting over the horizon.

The street she walks on is silent, only her footsteps echoing and the occasional chatter of people in bars and restaurants keeping her company.
'I wonder if I'll be able to get a hybrid to trust me enough to keep me company? Maybe we could be roommates...' she lets a small, longing smile stretch its way onto her lips as she gazes down at her covered feet.


A loud sound echoes throughout the street, causing the female to gasp. Obnoxiously loud laughter can be heard, along with soft whimpers and pleads before a loud grunt is heard, followed by a growl and another yelp of pain.
'W-What's happening over there?!' (Y/N) thinks to herself in a panic, her (E/C) eyes wide as she sees dark silhouettes of a group of men surrounding something.

'...I-I have to help..!'

Hey everyone! I'll update soon, but then it'll probably be slow updates for a while!
I had a lot of fun writing this, I'm excited to see how this'll turn out! Sorry for spelling errors and grammar mistakes!

I hope you enjoyed!

(Edited 21/1/19)
1405 words

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