Chapter 12 | Neglected and Cheeky Hybrids

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(Y/N) sighs and rubs her forehead, trying to rid her mind of the stress suddenly placed onto her. She had received two large, tan files filled with paperwork, one due in a week and the other in a few days time. The folders held multiple applications for job positions people wanted at her shelter, although it was easy to tell who genuinely cared and who simply wanted to get their hands on the hybrids, along with documents on the hybrids' behaviour and how well they're doing at the Hetalia Hybrid Centre. Following this, was contracts and that needed to be looked over for other shelters to create an alliance with Hetalia Hybrid Centre. A few of those shelters are trusted with hybrids as they have the same goal, however others were exactly the same as where (Y/N) had found Ludwig. The only reason for her wanting to be acquainted with those types of shelters were so she could organise a transfer of hybrids from one shelter to another, taking the hybrids away from their cruel mistreatment.

Another small, white file sat in the top drawer of her desk, only just peeking out. A smile tugs at (Y/N)'s lips as she sees it.
Decorating the surface of it are small, red heart stickers followed by sparkles and flowers. She slowly opens the folder, her smile widening into a content and prideful one at the sight of multiple messy yet colourful drawings with messy handwriting. The papers held in the file were letters, ones written by the many hybrid children she had saved. On the back of each letter was another small piece of paper, clipped together by a paper clip. On it were beautifully written notes that the parents or guardians of the children had sent along with their child's letter, expressing their gratitude and happiness.

The (H/C) haired female parts her lips and lets out a groan, slouching deeply into the office chair before sitting back properly. She rubs the bridge of her nose, pushing up the glasses she only ever wears in the office or when she's reading, especially after she's had either a long day or is particularly stressed.

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The tired woman chucks the folder filled with documents and whatnot carelessly into one of the bigger bottom drawers on her left before roughly shoving it shut as it wouldn't close due to a few papers sticking out

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The tired woman chucks the folder filled with documents and whatnot carelessly into one of the bigger bottom drawers on her left before roughly shoving it shut as it wouldn't close due to a few papers sticking out. Her hand picks up the white decorated folder and places it into the small top drawer on her right before gently sliding it shut, her actions obviously proving which items she favours.
A knock on the door brings her out of her thoughts. The girl quickly pushes the rest of her work aside and swiftly takes off her glasses, folding them before putting them in they're case and placing them in the same drawer as the white folder, "Come in!"

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