1. Realisations

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Many chose not to beleive in second chances, and when one has had the life of a Shinobi, second chances don't exist.

You get one shot at life.

There is no good and bad or Hero and Villain.

There is only survival.

You Kill to survive and survive simply to kill another day.

This was the mindset that Madara Uchiha had lived by, a mindset that he grew up with and used to become one of the most feared men on the battle field.

His very name could set the whole five nations into a frenzy.

When he died, he expected hell, or something like it, he wasn't exactly the nicest person around.

Heck, he expected to see some of the Bastards he killed, since they weren't exactly angels either.

He was a Shinobi, killing kind of comes in the job description.

But, when he awoke in the body of a child around age 1 if he had to guess by his motor skills, sitting next to a blond, blue eyed, child with whiskers.

His mind went blank.

Madara didn't understand, how did he go from, one of the greatest fighters in all 5 Nations to nothing more than a hopeless, blabbering, useless child.

On top of this, above the odd transformation, the annoyingly cute blond baby was attached to the ex Uchiha by the hip.

No matter where Madara went in the Orphanage, the blond was right behind him.

Also at this point he was starting to wonder why the Matron was not only glaring harshly at the innocent blond next to him, but also had the audacity to glare at him aswell.

While the nice blond would curl up at the glare, the angry ex Uchiha harshly glared back.

It wasn't until a few days after his ridiculous return that Madara had finally managed to find a mirror.

A cracked, dirty mirror, but a mirror nonetheless.

What he saw shocked him to his core.

Madara Uchiha.... had red hair and blue eyes and Very similar to the blond next to him, he had 2 whiskers on each cheek compared to the blonds 3 on each.

It clicked that the blond next to him was his brother, not that it was very hard to, but that also ment that he would have to restart his life all over again.

This made Madara very angry, he had to start life over again.

Again. Like the first time round wasn't a royal pain in the ass.

Before he was a seasoned Shinobi, now he could barely stand.

To add more salt to the wound, the matron seemed to avoid giving him and the blond next to him the correct amount of food.

In clearer words... she was starving them.

Madara's mentality hadn't changed, not even a little after all how is years worth of training supposed to change in a few days, but he would be lying to himself if he said having the blond around wasn't nice.

It was like having Izuna back, not that Izuna could ever be replaced, Madara is just somewhat ok with being a brother again.

Not that he would ever know who was older between the two.

But he would be dammed if he admitted it.

Of course with ups came downs, the seasoned Shinobi was well aware of this fact. After all the saying 'the calm before the storm' existed for a reason.

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