Chunin Exams?

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The trip back to Konoha was amazing for Naruto and Shiro, simply because Sasuke had to carry Naruto and Shiro was carried by Shisui, Aka, Nuisances 1 and 2.

The doors to the Hokage's office flew open.

Naruto was dropped by Sasuke and he adjusted his crown.

"Oi! Old man outta my chair, I'm the king now so I'm higher than you!" Naruto announced.

The Hokage blinked... what? They what!? This is why he didn't want the twins to leave the village.

It's been 2 weeks since they left and they came back kings, literal kings, how the f-

"I'm afraid you misunderstand Naruto, you're the King of a different land, not the Land of fire" Hiruzen explained.

"Hn, think again old bastard, read it and weep, now get the hell out of the chair" Shiro announced showing the Hokage a document.

It was the deed to the land of fire that he may or may not have stolen from the fire Daimyou on the way back from the land of waves.

Naruto and Shiro were now the kings of the Land of Waves and Fire.

"I- what!?" Hiruzen yelled standing up.

Naruto grinned and stole the hat from the Hokage's head, he then threw it out the window and Sasuke set it on Fire.

Naruto and Shiro then went outside and stood ontop of the Hokage building.

"OIIII!!! NINJAS OF KONOHA!!! AS OF TODAY SHIRO AND I ARE THE KINGS OF THE LAND OF FIRE!!! HAHAHAHA!" Naruto bellowed laughing at the Ninjas who had gathered around.

When the Hokage came outside and actually told the Ninjas that Naruto and Shiro were indeed the new Kings of the land of fire every Ninjas mouth dropped open wide.

Shiro's smirk only seemed to grow.

"Bow peasants" he said smirking.

Slowly but surely Every Ninja got down on one knee and bowed down.

"We're so fucked" Shisui stated.

"That we are... at least we have the Sensei card" Kakashi muttered.

Anime tears began rolling down Shisui's face.

"I feel that won't be enough" Shisui sniffed.

"Well, uh your highnesses umm the Chunin Exams are approaching what do you suppose we do?" Hiruzen asked.

"Eh that? Oh you can handle that. You're still the Hokage just be aware that we..." Naruto started his eyes flashed red, as did Shiro's.

"Are the Kings" Shiro finished, his much deeper voice and red hair made him look like the devil.

Every Ninja felt a shiver run down their spines. It was at this moment everyone became painfully aware that they were no longer in charge of the Uzumaki's... no the Uzumaki's were in charge of them...

And there was nothing they could do about it.

After that the twins claimed the top floor of the Hokage building and made it their office.

Anything serious went through them and no matter what they had the final say. Their word is Law and that was how it was going to stay.

Sasuke was perfectly ok with this, having been friends with the twins since the start he got his fair share of privileges, as did Hinata and Ino.

Shisui, Itachi, Kakashi and Mikoto got their fair share of privileges also, but Fugaku had pissed off Sasuke and Shiro one too many times.

Their first order of business...

"Anbu Leaders!" Naruto yelled out.

5 Anbu appeared, Cat, Weasle, Boar, Monkey and deer.

"Take your Anbu squads and search the Village any Hidden bases, anything that is suppose to be secret mark it down and report back." Naruto ordered.

"If you find anything on Root, or any Root Ninja, I want them in prison dead or alive, and the first one to bring me Danzo, full or just his head gets a reward of your choice" Shiro announced.

The Anbu leaders glanced between eachother before dissapearing, oh yes Shiro and Naruto just started a competition between the best Ninja in their village.

"Bet Weasle brings Danzo's head for 1000ryo" Naruto said.

"Bet Cat Brings Danzo's arm, Weasle brings his head, and Deer brings a map of all secret bases for 2000ryo" Shiro announced.

They shook on it and smiled.

Suddenly Sasuke flew through the Window with Hinata in his arms, he then pulled out a sword and aimed it at the Window.

From the Window a boy with red hair, teal eyes and a love mark on his head appeared.

"Back! 🤺 Back I say!🤺" Sasuke yelled.

"How the hell did you even do that?" Naruto asksd referring to the Emojis.

Hinata just sat down on the ground and ate her Cinnamon roll, what you thought she would freak out? Nope this was as common as it could get.

"Who the hell are you?" Naruto asked

"I am Gaara of the sand, this woman intrigues me, she's not afraid. I wanted to ask why" Gaara said.

"Because I d-deal with Shiro on it-the daily" Hinata said.

"What? How am I scary?" Shiro asks.

"Oi, you do know your eyes go red when your angry right?" Sasuke asks.

"What? No" Shiro said. Did he have the Sharingan? No that would have meant that whatever bastard brought him back liked him and we all know that's a lie.

"Ugh, whatever I'm too tired to care right now, believe it" Shiro said before slamming his hands over his mouth...

The virble tick... no... NOOOOO!!!

Naruto and Sasuke burst out Laughing while Gaara and Hinata watched the group.

Man Konoha was weird.


This is what Shiro looks like, his eyes are blue Normally, but I think you guys can guess why his eyes flashed red

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This is what Shiro looks like, his eyes are blue Normally, but I think you guys can guess why his eyes flashed red.

Hope you enjoyed!

Ja ne!

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