Kings don't take exams

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Danzo was dead...

Let's just get that out there. He was killed by the Anbu squad leader: Weasel.

Aka, Itachi. Cat helped last minute but in the end, Weasel got his head. What did this mean? It meant Itachi now had an Iou from the two scariest Uzumaki's to ever exist...

He was very, very, very tempted to waste it on an all you can eat Dango card... but he had a sneaking suspicion that having an Iou from the great five Nation's future rulers was a much better deal.

So he would hold onto it, at least until the Uzumaki's become Kings of the Five nations.

Cat got Danzo's arm that held 4 Sharingan in it. While she wouldn't get a reward like Weasel would she would at least be on the King's good side which with the way things were going, was a very good place to be.

Deer did indeed get the location for all hidden bases in Konoha, both old and new and had captured the third most amount of Root. Weasel and Cat being in first and second.

Monkey and Boar were of course very pissed off that they had nothing to show for their new kings, but Monkey was an interrogation team, while Boar was a team of Heavy hitters...

In other words, they were very afraid of showing up with nothing.


Naruto was marching down the streets of Konoha with a big grin on his face. He had adjusted his crown for the fifth time as the civilians bowed when he walked past.

He walked up to an old orphanage and gave an evil grin.

With the snap of his fingers, all the kids were being escorted out by Shinobi and taken to a newer, cleaner orphanage while the Matron was forced to stay in the building alone.

"She doesn't leave this place, ever. Am I clear?" Naruto said.

The Ninja nodded their heads.

Now you might be wondering why Naruto is the one being evil and not Shiro. The answer is simple.

This was the Matron that kicked Naruto and Shiro out of the orphanage years ago. So he made it his mission to make her regret her life choices.

While it was Shiro who made the vow to make her life miserable, he's been doing it secretly for years, Naruto however wanted to put on more of a show for her misery.



What? Naruto can be cruel too. He just prefers to leave the evil actions to Shiro.


"I'm not fighting for her"

"I'm not going to watch as I'm faught over"

"Put 'em up! I'm not letting you touch my Hime!"

Hinata rubbed her head as she watched Sasuke attempt to scare Gaara away from her. Now obviously it wasn't working so he decided to fight the guy instead.

Gaara looked very bored of the situation but Sasuke was more than willing to fight.

"I don't want to fight"  Gaara muttered as he rubbed his eyes.

Sasuke then looked back and forth in fake confusion.

"What's that?.. hmm it looks like Cap🧢" Sasuke announced.

Having enough of his stupidity, Hinata shut down Sasuke's Chakra points and watched as he went limp, and fell to the ground.

She then grabbed the back of his shirt, gave a short shy bow to Gaara and walked off dragging Sasuke behind her.

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