Get the fuck off my land

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As Kings of the land of fire, Naruto and Shiro got front row seats to the Chunin exams.

Sasuke and Hinata too by association.

Kakashi and Shisui did absolutly nothing about this, they couldn't even if they wanted to and there was no way Itachi was wasting his I.o.u card on something dumb like the Chunin exams.

Hiruzen had realized by now that no matter what he said or did he was no longer in charge, but still had to deal with all the paperwork as if he was.

At this point it was just the boys punishing the old man for doing such a shit job all these years.

"The Civillian! Council no longer gets to place opinions for Shinobi matters! What happens with the Shinobi stay between the Shinobi! And you barging into our office while were busy does not change that!" Shiro's voice boomed.

He and Naruto was sta next to eachother with a large map of the great five Nations placed infront of them. On the Land of waves and fire there were little blue flags while everything else had a red flag.

"Yeah hag! And don't let the Kunai hit you old coots on your way out believe it!" Naruto yelled throwing a Kunai at the civilian council as they stomped out of the room.

They had entered with complaints about Danzo's death and their doubtful rule, but as you know by now you don't fuck with the Uzumaki's.

"Now where were we... ah, right the land of tea is the next target, and while we are in that area we can snag the land of Rice too securing our supplies" Shiro said pointing to the two lands that we're next to eachother.

"Well we don't have to do a thing believe it! We can just send cat and Weasel to sneak in to the Daimyou's palaces and steal the deeds" Naruto explained.

Shiro stood still for a moment before pulling out some seal paper and whipping up two very complicated seal in seconds.

He made a sharp whistle and the five Anbu captains appeared before them.

"You three can go we need just these two" Naruto said pointing to Weasel and cat.

The others dissapeared.

"Alright Cat, Weasel, we have a very important job for you both." Shiro started he handed each one a seal he just made.

"Alright guys, we are giving you two the important jobs of stealing the land deeds from the Daimyou's from the land of Rice and Tea, believe it!" Naruto yelled out, his crown tilting forward slightly.

"Those seals you hold are essentially skeleton keys. Place them on the lock you wish to unlock and put a bit of Chakra into them and they will unlock. Those and your skills as ninja should be more than enough to bring us those deeds" Shiro explained. He was writing on some documents that Naruto didn't get.

Most of the papers Shiro had were important things to their lands, like their suppliers, the education system so on so forth.

"Right! And if you both bring us back what we want you will have a reward of your choice!" Naruto stated.

"Within reason" Shiro stated.

The Anbu leaders perked up at that. Weasle could essentially get 2 I.o.u's then maybe he really could waste one on an all you can eat Dango card.

Cat was just excited to even have an I.o.u from their kings. Considering how fast Shiro whipped up a skeleton key seal, she had no doubt that I would come in handy.

The two leaders bowed deeply and vanished into thin air.


Sasuke was sat on his knees, his head was flat on the ground and Hinata was standing angrily infront of him. Gaara was next to her.

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