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Hiruzen rubbed his temple for what seemed to be the umpteenth time that day, he knew being the Hokage came with responsibility.

What he didn't know it came with was a very angry 3 year old, whose blue eyes portrayed the anger well, and a bruised blond who was gritting his teeth to stop the tears.

He didn't sign up for this.

"Shiro, Naruto what brings you here, and Naruto what happened to you?" He asked although he had a sneaking suspicion about what it was.

Shiro was angry... very much so, his eyes, seemed to almost glow blue in anger.

How dare she... how dare she. That Civilian Hag, kicked them out, like they were the monsters.

Well not that it mattered, Shiro wanted to leave that god awful place anyway, it smelt horrible and always had a bad feeling with it.

"Jiji! They kicked us out, an 'it me! Beleive it" Naruto yelled.

Shiro chose to stay quiet, he refused to be polite to the old fool who runs this place, but cannot see that two children from a Noble clan are being harassed.

"Who did this?" Hiruzen asked, his eyes narrowed in a way that made him look much calmer than he actually was.

How could this happen under the watch of his ANBU who he told to watch these kids.

Someone actually managed to hit a child under elite Ninja protection, how could this have happened.

Hiruzen looked over to the quiet twin, it was easy to see he was angry, he only now noticed the scratches all over his face and that his short red hair, was more of a mess than it usually was.

"The Or'anich, woman, an, the villagers, beleive it!" Naruto yelled once more.

Again, Shiro chose to stay quiet, if he opened his mouth, it was a guarantee that some words that were not age appropriate might come to rise.

"Shiro, do you think you could explain?" The Hokage asked, he was aware that the red haired twin was incredibly smart, it wasn't hard to see and it wasn't like Shiro hid his intellect.

Shiro was the twin that was usually found exercising, or reading, there was usually nothing else beside those two things, but his speech was incredible for his age, then again, so were most children born from Shinobi households.

Shiro however did not care that he was showcasing his intellect, as that wasn't his biggest problem right now. No his problem was that he and Naruto had no where to live, and no food to eat.

Survival was his goal.

"Hn, ignorant old fool, I demand you hand us a place to live" Shiro growled, arms were crossed, scowl was clear, anger was evident.

He was not happy with this idiot, they called the Hokage.

"Now now Shiro, I need you to explain everything first" Hiruzen said, he gave a chuckle to help lighten the mood, but Shiro was having non of it.

"Are you as deaf as you are old? I said, I demand a place to live, that old Hag of a Matron kicked us out of that awful place you call an orphanage, to make matters worse she had the audacity to hit Naruto, so I hit her back. I refuse to live in a place where I must steal my food to survive, do I look like a rat! Don't answer that, I must after all it's been a week SINCE I WAS LAST ALOWED TO BATHE!! YOU WILL FIX THIS!!!" Shiro Shouted, his anger finally getting the best of him.

"Yeah Jiji, I don't wanna live like that any'or, it ain't fair!" Naruto yelled choosing to back up his brother.

"I see, I will get you your own place to live then, and hand you a monthly allowance" Hiruzen said, choosing to ignore the rudeness that was displayed from Shiro, after all... they were children, what do they know about being polite.

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