Training is for peasants

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Kakashi sat up. When he saw Shiro walk in with a crown on his head he chose not to question it... not yet at least.

"What happened?" He asked.

Shiro walked over to Kakashi's bag and pulled out a spare pack of seal paper.

"Zabuza got away, we dragged your corpse here and Naruto and I now rule the village" Shiro said.

Kakashi was silent.

"What?" He asked.

"You tur-"

"No I get that" Kakashi cut him off. "I meant about the ruling part" Kakashi finished.

"Oh that? That was easy, we've only been here for 2 days" Shiro said.

"Exactly so how did you do it?" Kakashi asked. God he was in too much pain to be dealing with Shiro right now.

"Again it was easy. I scared them inti Submission and Naruto did that thing where he can befriend anyone and everyone, next thing you know they cared us King among kings gave us these crowns and started production on a castle per Naruto's request to 'look down on the peasants' this all took place the dat after we got here." Shiro explained.

His crown had red jewls in it and Kakashi had no idea how a country so poor managed to get their hands on a crown like that, but at this point Kakashi knew better than to ask.

"So you and Naruto are the new rulers of this land?" Kakashi asked.

Shiro nodded.

"We even took it up with the Daimyou and he claimed that he couldn't save this land so he handed the deed over to us....'with a little persuasion'" Shiro explained although he whispered the last part.

Kakashi didn't need to know that Naruto and Shiri basically robbed a Daimyou and threatened the guy into submission. Honestly the Uzumaki twins were a very frightening duo.

Not the point, the point is the Land of waves was now theirs to rule and because it was now theirs they were even more pissed to find out that most of their resources had to go through Gato who wa overcharging them...

So Shiro and Naruto developed a plan to deal with Gato, Ninja style... they were gonna kill him... well Shiro was, Naruto didn't think he could do it, but the evil twin was more than happy to slit the guys throat.

He hated being robbed.

"And your first business as kings?" Kakashi asked only for Naruto to burst open the door.

Naruto had a massive grin on his face, a crown with Orange jewls that was resting on his headband and a sash that said 'Ramen King' and honestly Kakashi had nothing to say.

Shisui ran into the room not too long after.

"Your highness! I've captured Zabuza and his teammate!" Shisui yelled.

He was honestly afraid. Shisui, the current fastest Ninja alive... was fucking terrified. Why? Because two Gennin had just became kings in 2 days.... 2... fucking... days....

It happened so quickly aswell that Shisui didn't even realise what happened until he spotted the crowns on their heads that he was 100% sure they stole from the Daimyou.

What's worse! Now that the deed is actually in their possession they are actually kings. That scared him more than anything.

"Great work loyal subject, you shall be rewarded, Believe it. Come brother! We have two nuisances to deal with!" Naruto started, he spoke really posh and it somewhat shocked Shisui and Kakashi. "An' then we'll get some Ramen believe it!" There it was.

Kakashi limped his way downstairs to see Zabuza and the Anbu from before tied up and stuck in the corner of the room. Sasuke was still flirting with Hinata who could o ly stare at his cringe attempts with a blank face, Sakura could o ly watch with a blank face.

"Hime~! Accept the Rose! I've been holding it for an hour" Sasuke whined.

"Ahh shaddup Teme, you've been rejected 47 times an' counting take a damm hint!" Naruto yelled.

"Hn, your dobe ass is just jealous that you couldn't get a girl even if you were the last man on earth!" Sasuke yelled back.

"B-boys don't f-fight" Hinata spoke but went unheard.

Shiro stood up, his eyes seemed to glow, his hair began to float in his anger and Kakashi and Shisui could only say one word.

"Kushina" they said together.

"Silence" Shiro spoke his voice boomed.

The room went silent.

"Hn, now you two, Gato is the one who pays you right? You will tell me where his base is before I make you suffer" Shiro growled as he looked at the rouge nin tied up in the corner.

"Brat... there is a Giant fucking building in the forrest with the letter G... I'm 90% sure you know where he is" Zabuza said. He was so tired, after everything that had happen and how quickly he was almost killed by Genin, he was starting to consider retirement.

"Just wanted to make sure you would be willing to sell your soul to the devil" Shiro stated.

"Tch, my nick name is demon of the mist I did that years ago." He responded.

Shiro gave a small smirk.

"Nuisances 1 and 2!" Shiro yelled.

Shisui and Sasuke immediately responded.

"You two are on guard duty, use your Sharingans and keep an eye out. No one gets passed you two am I clear" he said.

"Very!" Shisui yelled.

"Yup" sasuke said.

"Hyuga, you watch the Nuisances, your our second pair of eyes incase theirs are just for decoration" Shiro said. Hinata gave a sharp nod.

"Idiot, you and I will go up to the building itself. I need you to create a lot of clones. Lock every window, door, entrance or exit and place one of these seals on it." Shiro demanded. Naruto gave a Salute.

"What are you going to do?" Lakashi asked.

Shiro gave an evil grin.

"Do a bit of pest control" he said.

And like that a of them were gone.

"That kid is batshit crazy " Zabuza pointed out.

"Indeed" Haku whispered.

It wasn't long before from the nearest window Kakashi could see a faint red glow in the distance, and see a lot of smoke....




The twins had just burnt down an entire building... because it was on their land....... what the fuck?

And Kakashi was going to train them to prepare them to fight them off.

Sometimes Kakashi was glad he was their Sensei and not their enemy, because he feared... the that the great 5 Nations were about to gain two high kings.

The two that would sit above all the Kage and rule with a scary ass iron fist.. and when that day came.... Kakashi was glad he had the Sensei card.

About an hour later everyone walked In the house like nothing happened.

Kakashi left it that way, if they didn't tell him then he didn't want to know.


Whooooo!!! the kings have gained their first Land to rule.

I'm telling you I'm gonna make Shiro and Naruto Kings of the great five Nations.

Hope you enjoyed!

Ja ne!

(Edit: Holy shit I forgot Sakura again.... sorry guys🤣)

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