Great More pets

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Naruto was glaring. He had his fists raised in a fighting position and a deep growl released from his throat.

His enemy stood across from him, with those condescending eyes, the ragged fur, the bent whiskers, the dark glare and the sharp claws to match.

As if an alarm went off the two dove for each other rolling around on the ground in a blur of arms and paws.

"Get the Fuck outta my house!" Naeuro yelled, a loud hiss was returned.

Naruto onto Tora, who was kicking Naruto's ass.

Shiro was watching with some snacks and was making a bet with Sasuke who would win.

Sasuke said Naruto because he was human.

Shiro said Tora, because Naruto is an idiot.




Tora, won.

Naruto was on the ground flat on his back with Tora kicking her paws on his chest.

He had scratches all over him.

Sasuke was In shock,  Naruto really just lost a fight.... to a cat?

Shiro simply stuck his hand out to Sasuke who grumpily shoved some money in his hand.

Shiro then walked up to the cat and grabbed it by the scruff of the neck.

He and the cat had a stare down but one thing was very obvious....

This was Tora's new hideout.

With the twitch of his eye Shiro dropped the cat and walked towards the door.

"Oi... where.. you goin!?" Naruto yelled out of breath

"To get something to eat, the cat obviously isn't going to leave and I'm not in the mood to fight a feline. The cat and Gary can fight for who stays, I'm not around for it." He replied walking out.

Who knew that being an older brother could be such a pain in the ass, Izuna wasn't this bad but Shiro was not for it...

Naruto was such an idiot.


Itachi was running with Dangos in his hand, he had a box of 12 and was currently eating one with a straight face.

Why was he running you ask? Well....


That's correct everyone, the great Shisui, master of the body flicker and one of the fastest Ninja alive....

Couldn't out run Itachi when it came to Dangos.

Seriously, there wasn't much Itachi wouldn't do for Dangos, it was a really bad habit of his.

Sasuke had learned this and had began bribing Itachi to train him for a box of four Dangos.

Shiro even managed to bribe Itachi to place one of his listener seals in the Hokage's office for 12 Dangos.

Do you see how this is becoming a problem?

Danzo did offer Itachi 12 Dangos to kill his clan at one point, but Itachi denied.

Not because he cares about his clan, no. It's just he knows he gets more Dangos than 12 from his clan if they are alive almost everyday. If they're dead, then Itachi would have to leave Konoha.

Konoha has the best Dangos, so the deal just wasn't worth it.



Yeah, they really need to do something about his Dango addiction.


Hinata walked into Ino's flower shop.

"Hey Hinata! What do you need?" Ino asked, she was sitting on the counter, her mum working in the background.

"Ahhh... ano... um.. w-what flowers... are good.... f-for a f-funeral?" She asked.

Ino blinked once... then again.

"Oh, I thought you wanted some flowers for your crush... um... white lilies are a good one usually.. why??" She asked.

Hinata burned red at the whole crush thing.

"Ummm... S-sasuke annoyed b-both Naruto and S-shiro again and I c-can't save him this time... so I f-figured I'd get h-him some flowers." She explained.

Ino burst out laughing. Everyone knew not to mess with Naruto as he goes on a pranking craze, but if you annoy both Uzumaki's, then you better pack your bags and leave.

Naruto alone his hard to handle, Naruto with Shiro is ruthless, and they were freaking 7 going on 8.

Honestly, it's actually a bit Scary.

With that, Hinata and Ino both headed to the Uchiha compound to hand Mikoto the flowers she would need for her youngest sons funeral.


Kakashi didn't know how to explain what he was seeing... or what to do about it.

Shisui and Sasuke... were tied up and being hung upside down, with Itachi on the ground eating Dangos.

Shiro and Naruto were throwing balloons filled with paint at the two, and Hinata and sino had placed white lilies all around them.

Once the two Uchihas were covered in all colours of the rainbow, Shiri and Naruto were eating Ramen.

Hinata and Ino were eating Cinnamon buns and Itachi was still eating Dangos.

Just... what?

What the hell was going on, he had no idea, what was shocking to him though was Neji... he was tied to the base of a nearby tree and had a blindfold on.

Now that may seem useless as he has the Byakugan right? Wrong.

What these evil geniuses have done is put a picture of a naked woman infront of the blindfold and filled it with Chakra so he can't see through it.

In other words, everytime Neji tries to see through the blindfold, all he gets is a naked woman to the face which flusters him enough to turn the Byakugan off.

And honestly, Kakashi was scared by their creativity.

He's supposed to start being a Jonin Sensei his year, if this is what Genin are like these days, Kakashi might actually start to rethink his choice of being a Sensei.

So Kakashi did the most sin thing any man would do...

He walked away.


Lol the plot is so fucked by this point idk what is going to happen.

None of these chapters are planned, I write what comes to my head at the time, and I honestly can't tell you where this is going.

Hope you enjoy this crazy adventure!

Ja ne!

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