Team Devils

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Shisui had clung onto his bed for dear life, as Kakashi was pulling him with a reasonable amount of strength.

The reason behined this? Well they had to go meet their team.

If you couldn't guess by the way Shisui was acting Team 7 had consisted of Naruto, Shiro, Sasuke and shockingly enough, Sakura.

Alas no matter how many times Naruto broke into the Hokage's office to change the teams so that Sasuke could be with his crush, (Naruto was bribed with Ramen everytime) it had seemed that the Hokage was having none of it.

Kakashi wasn't exactly ecstatic to meet the team either but the guy was 27 now, he could officially say that he was to old for this shit.

But hey at least Kakashi had a genuine excuse to be late this time. round.

"Dammit Shisui! Let go!" Kakashi yelled tugging the boy away from his bed.

"I would rather give Itachi may entire Dango stash!!" Shisui yelled back.

Little did he know that Itachi already knew where his Dango stash was and had been eating from it over the years.

Oh well that would be a him problem once he figured it out.


For every second that ticked by Shiro's anger rose ever so slightly.

Sasuke was tapping the table, it was clear he was pissed about being shoved with a banshee and not his Hime.

Like why the hell did the mutt get her! He doesn't mind Shino, the guy knows boundaries, but that stupid mutt better learn his place, as it's nowhere near Hinata.

If he knows what's good for him.

Naruto was sitting up a mass amount of traps by the door and giggling in the process, and it wasn't long before Shiro added some seals to both the door and Windows to assure that if they tried to be smart it would end badly.

"What are you doing? You're gonna get us in trouble!" Sakura shouted.

Naruto looked at her from his spot on the sealing, yes Shiro beat Chakra controll into him.

He blinked before going back to his prank.

Shiro didn't even look up from his seal, and Sasuke was still angrily rambling about what he was going to do if the mutt touched his Hime.

"Sasuke tell them to stop!" Sakura screeched.

Sakura was again ignored by all three boys.

Once the trap was set the Uzumaki's took a step back and admired their handy work.

Oh this was going to be glorious.

About and hour after, Kakashi finally walked through the door, an erasure fell onto his head.

"Cute prank kids" Kakashi muttered, and compared to the rest of the pranks the Uzumaki's did it honestly was cute..... until he set off a trip wire.

A bucket fell onto his head, and thanks to Shiro's seals it was stuck on, another bucket filled with neon pink paint fell ontop of Kakashi, and a stray Kunai sliced a pillow that was held to the roof allowing the fluff to cover Kakashi, before finally setting off the crossbow which had a plunger on it that hit Kakashi right between the legs.

Devils... the Uzumaki's were complete devils.

Shisui, who tried to be smart and had entered through the window was met by an array of colourful explosions before too getting a plunger between the legs.

Both adults were on the ground in tears.

The Uzumaki's gave eachother a high five while both smirked at their Sensei's misery.

"That'll teach you to make me wait Believe it!" Naruto yelled.

Both Sensei's looked up to see Shiro's hair floating and his eyes glowing, the world turned dark.... I'll stop being dramatic now.

Not the point the point is, in that moment Kakashi saw Kushina, which was horrifying in it's own right to be honest.

"Fucking idiots. The next time you're late I can't promise you that the things you hold so dear will be there come morning." Shiro smirked and glared at the two.

"That is hella gay" Sasuke said interrupting the moment.

Naruto was sitting there arms crossed and was nodding his head with Sasuke.

"Mhmm, Super gay" Naruto said.

Shiro gave both boys a deadpan.

"I was talking about those filthy books idiot 1 reads and idiot 2's dango stash, the hell were you two thinking?" Shiro asked.

Naruto and Sasuke made eye contact before coming to the silent agreement that it was on a need to know basis.

Sakura was frozen stiff she had just seen the whole ordeal, how had the Uzumaki's not been booted from the village yet?

Well the answer is simple, The Hokage was afraid of what they would do if they were.

Now they were going to take the bell test however Shiro had called the two Sensei's out on their failure to create a feeling of trust between them as they were u sure whether they would turn up on time or not.

In other words, only one student actually turned up for the bell test, the others came to the smart decision that it wasn't worth checking out.

Sasuke went to big Hinata for the day, who was with her team but that didn't stop him.

Shiro and Naruto were working on a new seal idea that would be great for both combats and pranks and even training.

A gravity seal.

Pranks just got more fun.


Itachi walked inside of the clan compound a box of Dangos in hand, it was only a box of 6 as Mikoto had started beating him with a wooden spoon everytime he came home with a box of 12.

She was trying to help his addiction and in a way it was helping as he would now only buy boxes of 6 out of fear of being hit.... hey hose spoons hurt.

But this only fueled his side job of robbing Shisui blind.

Oh yeah, and Itachi was the official ANBU black ops leader, not that that mattered.

Nope what did matter was that Danzo kept increasing the amount of Dangos offered to kill his clan but there was no number he could give that would make Itachi abandon the best Dangos in the great five nations.




He may have also threatened the guy to leave him alone before he killed him and took the Dangos anyway.


Kakashi stared at his empty shelf as a single tear rolled down his eye.



Serves you right for being late pervy Sensei.

- Uzumaki's

Ah yes his entire collection of Icha Icha.... were now a pile of ashes on his shelf....




Kakashi really hated kids.


Land of Waves is next.

Let's see how Tazuna fares against the Uzumaki twins!

Ja ne!

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