Who The Hell....

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Shiro was pissed, so pissed.

He stormed Into class, and immediately marched to the front like he was the teacher, catching everyones attention.

"Where. Is. Naruto" he growled, his hair alsmosed seemed to be floating, his eyes looked like they glowed, the world felt dark.... ok well maybe not that last one but you get the picture.

Sasuke with Zero hesitation kicked something under the table.

"Ow! That hurt, beleive it!" Naruto yelled.

Sasuke didn't respond but just pointed to Shiro, hey he was scared aswell.

Naruto gave a look of pure betrayal, I think if I had a way to describe his look it would be one of acceptance that his life was going to end...

I'll leave that up to you to wonder how it looked.

Shiro immediately gripped his jacket and pulled him closer so he could see the fury behined the blue eyes.

"Listen closely you single celled, fool, I will ask you once and you will answer, if I hear anything but what I wish to hear, I will personally see to it that you are hung from the Hokage mountain by that pitiful thing you hold so dear between your legs, am. I. Clear" he growled.

Almost immediately the boys of the class chose to cover their sacred spots while all the girls gave a out a hiss of pain at the thought.

Naruto, well he paled completely, the poor guy looked like a ghost.

"H-hai!" Naruto yelled.

"Where. Is. My. Scroll?" He asked.




Naruto was slammed against the desk and Shiro pulled out a Kunai and held it to his area.

"The scroll I keep in my room, the scroll I told you not to touch, the scroll that I made you fully aware, that Konoha would burn if went missing. Where... is... it" anger burned through him.

"Ohh-h-HH-h... ehe, t-that scroll...*gulp* I uh... um... a-gave ittothehokage!" Naruto yelled.

Shiro glared at him.

"I see, so you have chosen death" Shiro stated.

"NOOO!!! Theoldmanheardmerantaboutyourawsomesealsandwantedtoseeonebutnevergaveitbackandimsorrypleasedontkillme!!!" Naruto begged, he was so scared of the harsh eyes of his brother.

(For those who don't read scared:
The old man heard me rant about your awsome seals and wanted to see one, but never gave it back and I'm sorry please don't kill me)

Shiro twitched and headed to the Hokage's office.

Stomping in, Shiro glared at the Hokage and held out his hand.

"My seal" he demanded.

"The seal you managed to make was very dangerous, I won't be handing it back" Hiruzen replied.

"So I can train to kill but making an explosion is a no go?" The male asked.

The Hokage had nothing to say... what could he say, Shiro was training to kill and yet he wasn't allowed a home made bomb....

"Fine.. but you can't use it on your fellow leaf" he said handing back the seal.

"We'll see about that" Shiro muttered stomping back out.

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