well.. shit

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"RUUUUUN!" Naruto was booking it down the street, Sasuke And Hinata right behind him.

"Why the fuck are we running! He's after you!  Sasuke yelled he was stressed the fuck out, Hinata was just shaking she was not prepared for this not in the slightest.

"I DON'T KNOOOW!!!!" Naruto yelled, he was terrified and he didn't even know what he did!!

He was just chilling on the sofa with Sasuke and were watching Sailor Moon, when Gary suddenly booked it into his secret spot.

Then Shiro burst through the door with a dealy look on his face and a seal in his hand, Naruto ran and without hesitation Sasuke ran too.

They found Hinata on the way and just as a precaution took her with them.

They were speeding across the roofs when Naruto went face first into someone, Sasuke went into Naruto and Hinata managed to stop herself in time.

Looking up Naruto saw Itachi.

"BROTHER! Boy am I glad to see you! Now save me!!!" Sasuke shouted diving behined Itachi.

"EHHH!! ME TOO ME TOO!!" Naruto yelled before hiding behind Sasuke.

Hinata was shaking like a leaf, not because she was scared, no, she didn't have her jacket on so she was just cold, she honestly didn't know why they were so afraid of Shiro, when he wasn't training her he was so calm.... well to her anyway.

Itachi was munching on a Dango and barley opened his eyes to acknowledge the two youngers, but not long after Shiro arrived.

He had a seal in his left hand and a tired look on his face.

Itachi only raised an eyebrow choosing to enjoy his snack.

Shiro shrugged.

"Don't let him trick you! He's the devils advocate, believe it!!" Naruto shouted, everyone stopped and looked at the blond boy.

"Hn, when the hell did you learn what that even was?" Shiro asked.

"I'm surprised you can Say advocate, let alone know what it means" Sasuke voiced.

"I-it is quite s-shocking to hear f-from Naruto" Hinata stated.

"Hn" Itachi grunted.

"You guys are all assholes, no faith from ANY of you!!" Naruto yelled.

Naruto then proceeded to pick up Sasuke and throw him at Shiro who only leaned to the side hander Sasuke hit a civilian behind him.

"NO!!! YOU CAN'T MAKE ME!!!" Naruto shouted.

Shiro released a heavy sigh, must he do this everytime, every fucking time!

He's both too old and to young for this shit, he should honestly just let the kid die if he want to do so that bad.... but he won't and can't.

He's an Uzumaki not an asshole, that title goes to the Uchiha, and yes he will admit that, and yes he can see the hypocrisy.

Shiro rolled his eyes, and grabbed Naruto's hand before he could escape, he then slammed the seal onto the boys back which made him freeze straight like a plank of wood and fall to the ground.

"Tch, must we do this everytime I tell you to eat healthy?" Shiro grunted as he shoved a carrot in the boys mouth...

You see, Naruto maaaay, have stretched the truth a little bit.

You see today was Friday, and every monday, Wednesday and Friday, Shiro makes it his personal, (and brotherly) mission to make sure Naruto gets some sort of healthy food in his system.

Naruto however, hates like really, really fucking hates Vegetables, they are absolute, dog shit to him.

So every Monday, Wednesday and Friday Shiro has to chase Naruto around the Village and come up with new ways to keep him still long enough for him to force feed the boy his healthy food of the day.

Sasuke and Hinata somehow Never knew about this, hence why Sasuke's face of complete and utter confusion was probably the most relatable thing he has and ever would do.

"I hate you guys" Sasuke grumbled and Hinata agreed with him.

Itachi just continued to eat his Dango, in his mind nothing ever happened, if he didn't acknowledge it, then it never happened.


Shisui was so pissed, like so pissed.

Fucking Itachi, he finally learnt the truth about that day all his food went missing, just to discover it was all because of Itachi!

He got fooled by an 10 year old and he doesn't know how to feel about that, except complete and utter hatred.

"I'll get him back for this" Shisui silently vowed glaring at the diary he had found in Itachi's room.

What was he doing in there you ask... well??? Uh... Ninja... business... yeah, Ninja stuff that's what.

But seriously he had to leave before Mikoto found him snooping through her sons stuff, god he did not want the wooden spoon to the head, dear Kami does that shit hurt.

Oh yes, the great Shisui of the body flicker.... is afraid of wooden spoons, courtesy of Mikoto.


Neji was still in hospital, it had been a whole freaking week and he was still stuck in hospital.

He was so embarrassed, he didn't think he could ever face his clan again.

It was in their destiny to lose right? So how did he end up in hospital!

Neji looked out of the window and saw a figure that appeared to be floating in the sky, it had what looked like a Halo above its head....




Oh god did he die?

Oh Shit, NO!! Neji did not want to be dead yet, he still had to finish his plan to take over his clan! He was going for the world but after being shoved into the hospital he left that title for Shiro.

Soon the figure for so close that it went straight through the window to reveal a topless Naruto, and his 'Halo' was just his shirt from an angle.

"YOU'LL NEVER TAKE ME ALIVE!!!!" Naruto shouted out the now broken window, he didn't realise it but he was currently standing on Neji's still broken ribs.

"Hn, who the hell said I want you alive, your much more quiet when your dead" Shiro shot back he was now standing on the window ledge.

"Fuck you!!" Naruto shouted.

Shiro hit him and knocked him unconscious before shoving him on his shoulder like a sack of potatoes.

He then looked down at the bed he was standing on.



"Have we met before??" Shiro asked.

Neji blinked, did he not remeber him? Perfect then he could never associate himself with him ev-

"Hnnn.. oh wait you the Hyuga we beat the crap out of, your still in hospital?" Shiro asked.

God dammit, Shiro shrugged and jumped back out of the window.

Sasuke then walked in through the door, saw the broken window and immediately walked back out.



How did his life come to this???



glad you guys are enjoying this book, that you guys for making me hit over 200 followers and I hope my stories stay up to your standard.

Ja ne!!!

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